Variety of watermelon Kholodok: photo and description

Watermelon Kholodok is recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus and Nizhnevolzhsky regions. The variety has a table purpose, suitable for commercial production. The fruits of the Kholodok variety ripen in mid-late periods, are distinguished by a sweet taste and high yield.

Characteristic of the variety

Description of watermelon Chill:

  • mid-late maturation;
  • 85-97 days pass from germination to harvesting;
  • powerful plant;
  • a large number of lashes;
  • the main whip reaches a length of 5 m;
  • large green leaves;
  • the leaf plate is wide, dissected.

Characteristics of the fruits of the Kholodok variety:

  • spherical elongated shape;
  • average weight 6-10 kg;
  • weakly segmented fruits;
  • black-green stripes of medium size;
  • flesh is bright red;
  • thick peel;
  • sweet taste;
  • shelf life – up to 5 months.

Seeds of the watermelon variety Kholodok are large, 15 mm long. The color is light brown, the surface is rough. On sale there is planting material of the companies Aelita, Sedek, Altai Seeds, Garden, Gavrish.

Planting seeds

Watermelon Chill is grown through seedlings or seeds are planted immediately in an open area. Work is carried out in April-May. Landing is carried out in prepared soil. Seedlings provide a certain microclimate.

Order of work

The seedling method is practiced in regions with a short summer. Seeds are planted in an open area only after warming up the soil and air.

At home, watermelon seeds are processed to speed up the appearance of sprouts. A few days before planting, the seeds are kept for an hour in warm water. Then the planting material is placed in moistened sand.

Variety of watermelon Kholodok: photo and description

Seed germination occurs at temperatures above 25 °C. When small sprouts appear, the seeds are planted in separate containers of 2 pcs. Growing watermelon Kholodok requires containers with a volume of 0,3 liters. Their use will avoid picking seedlings.

Advice! Under room conditions, watermelons are grown in a substrate consisting of an equal amount of soddy soil, coarse sand and peat.

For 1 kg of soil mixture add 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium sulfate and urea. Seeds are placed on the surface of the substrate and sprinkled with sand. The containers are covered with plastic wrap and kept in a warm place at 30°C.

After a week, when the sprouts appear on the surface, the film is removed. The temperature in the room is lowered to 18 ° C.

Care of seedlings

The development of seedlings of watermelon Chill requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

  • regular watering;
  • lighting for 12 hours;
  • top dressing.

Seedlings are watered with warm, settled water. When watering, moisture should not come into contact with the leaves and stems of plants. If necessary, lighting devices are mounted above the landings: fluorescent or phytolamps.

When 3 leaves appear, the plants are fed with slurry or a solution of complex fertilizer. Before planting in the garden, the seedlings are hardened in the fresh air. They are left on the balcony, first for 2 hours, then the period of their stay in natural conditions is increased.

Landing in the ground

Watermelons with 5-6 leaves are transferred to an open area. For growing crops, choose a site that is well warmed by the sun. Landings provide protection from the wind. The optimal location is the south or southeast side of the site.

Before planting the Kholodok variety, it is recommended to grow winter wheat, onions, cabbage, and legumes in the garden. Plants are not planted after tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplants, melons, zucchini.

Important! After planting a watermelon, re-cultivation of the crop is allowed after 6 years.

Photo of watermelon Kholodok after landing on an open area:

Variety of watermelon Kholodok: photo and description

Watermelon prefers sandy or sandy soil. The site begins to prepare in the fall, when they dig up the ground. In addition to 1 sq. m of soil contribute 4 kg of compost and 100 g of complex fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

The structure of heavy soil is improved with river sand in the amount of 1 bucket. Fresh manure is not used to fertilize the soil.

The procedure for planting watermelons of the Kholodok variety in the ground:

  1. Holes are made in the garden in increments of 100 cm. 140 cm are left between rows.
  2. Water each planting hole with plenty of water.
  3. The seedlings are taken out of the containers and transferred to the holes.
  4. Plants are deepened into the ground to the cotyledon leaves.
  5. The soil is compacted, a small layer of sand is poured on top.
  6. Seedlings are abundantly watered with warm water.

At first, watermelons are covered from the sun with paper. It is removed after a couple of days, when the plants recover from transplantation.

In regions with a cool climate, the Kholodok variety is grown in greenhouses. Landing is carried out in a similar manner. A gap of 70 cm is made between plants. Plants can be planted under cover earlier if the soil has warmed up sufficiently after winter.

Variety care

Variety Chill needs constant care. Watermelons are watered and fed. To protect against diseases and pests, plants are treated with special preparations.

Eliminating excess shoots allows you to get a high yield of watermelons. Up to 4 fruits are left for each plant.

In the greenhouse, plants are provided with fresh air. The culture does not tolerate high humidity. In closed ground, plants are tied to a trellis, the fruits are placed in nets or on stands.


Watermelon Kholodok is watered every week. The plant requires abundant moisture. For 1 sq. m with landings, you need 3 buckets of warm, settled water.

Important! The intensity of watering is increased in hot weather and when plants are flowering. Moisture is applied 2 times a week. Additionally moisten the soil between rows with plantings.

Photo of watermelon Chill in the greenhouse:

Variety of watermelon Kholodok: photo and description

After watering, the soil is loosened in the beds and weeds are eliminated. When the watermelons grow, it is allowed not to loosen. Garden tools can damage plants.

Additional fertilizing

Watermelons of the Kholodok variety are fed twice per season:

  • 14 days after transplanting into the ground;
  • during bud formation.

For the first feeding of watermelons, a fertilizer containing nitrogen is prepared. From natural remedies, a solution of chicken manure or mullein is used in a ratio of 1:15. The agent is applied under the root of the plants.

Another way to feed plants is a solution of ammonium nitrate. For a large bucket of water, 20 g of this substance is enough. In the future, it is better to abandon nitrogen fertilizers, which help to increase the green mass.

For the second treatment, complex fertilizer is used. Each plant requires 5 g of superphosphate and potassium salt. Substances are applied to the soil or dissolved in water before watering.

Diseases and pests

When using high-quality planting material, plants rarely get sick. According to the description, Kholodok watermelon is characterized by medium resistance to fusarium, anthracnose and powdery mildew. Subject to agricultural technology, the risk of developing diseases is minimized.

Most diseases are caused by a fungus. Its spread leads to the appearance of brown or white spots on the leaves. As a result, the taste of fruits that rot and deform worsens.

Advice! To combat diseases, fungicides Decis, Fundazol, Bordeaux mixture are used. The preparations are diluted in water according to the instructions.

Variety of watermelon Kholodok: photo and description

In greenhouses and greenhouses, watermelons are attacked by spider mites and melon aphids. Insects feed on plant sap, causing the leaves to dry out.

For pest control, infusions based on potato tops, dope, and chamomile are used. To repel aphids, watermelons are dusted with tobacco dust and wood ash. Chemical preparations are used before flowering.

Reviews of gardeners

Inna, 28 years old, Krasnoyarsk
Growing watermelons in Siberia is not an easy task. Therefore, I try to select varieties that are resistant to adverse conditions. Last year, according to the description and photo, I purchased a watermelon Kholodok. I plant seeds for seedlings in May. Plants are transplanted to warm beds fertilized with organic matter. Be sure to cover the landing film. Shelter is temporarily removed only for watering. During the season, 4 watermelons grew, each the size of a soccer ball. The peel is thin, the pulp is juicy and sweetish, the bones are small.
Lyudmila, 52 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
Watermelon Kholodok chose among the varieties that ripen in the middle lane. In early April, I planted seeds for seedlings. The material quickly ascended, no additional processing was even required. After 2 weeks, the first shoots appeared. In June, she planted plants under a film in the garden. As a result, 5 watermelons weighing 6-8 kg ripened. The taste of the Kholodok variety is excellent, the flesh is bright red and juicy. The rest of the fruits were kept.
Igor, 48 years old, Kostroma
Last year, according to the description and photo, I chose the watermelon Kholodok for planting on my site. The variety made an impression on me. There was no special time to take care of the landings. During the season, he fed the plants twice, periodically weeded the beds from weeds. Variety Kholodok formed into 2 stems. Plants developed very quickly. In September, I took 6 fruits. The largest of them had a mass of 5,4 kg. The pulp is sweet, dark red. Next year I will definitely repeat the planting and provide the plants with good care.


Variety of watermelon Kholodok: photo and description

Watermelon is a heat-loving crop that is grown in various regions. In cold climates, watermelons are planted indoors. The most reliable way to grow is through seedlings. At home, they stimulate the germination of seeds that are planted in light soil.

Variety Kholodok is valued for its sweet taste, good transportability and keeping quality. Plants are cared for by watering and fertilizing.

Watermelon Chill 26 08 2016

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