The Enterprise apple tree is a variety of American selection obtained in the 90s. XX century It is not yet listed in the register, but many summer residents have been growing it on their plots for a long time. It is characterized by long fruiting, which lasts for 30 years. The fruits are tasty, the yield is high. Another advantage is good resistance to fungal infections.
History of breeding
Apple tree Enterprise (Enterprise) – a hybrid of American selection, bred by order of American farmers. It has been successfully tested at agricultural stations in three states – Illinois, Indiana and New Jersey.
Obtained in 1994 from a cross between Macintosh and Golden Delicious varieties, as well as the wild variety Malus. The result is a productive hybrid resistant to a number of diseases. Not included in the register of breeding achievements. At the same time, the Enterprise variety is quite well known; it is grown in several regions at once.
Description of the Enterprise apple variety with a photo
The apple tree is a medium-sized tree with a rounded crown. In the description, you can find several characteristics of the Enterprise variety, the main ones are presented below.
The Enterprise apple tree is a tree of medium height, reaches 2,5-3,5 m. The crown is moderately spreading, of a regular round-oval shape. In terms of flowering, the culture is medium-late.
Fruiting goes on spurs, this must be taken into account when pruning. The formation of the crown is any, with the preservation of the shape. The hybrid of the Enterprise apple tree is distinguished by good resistance to diseases and adverse weather factors.
Description of fruits
Fruits of the average sizes, the correct oval form. If grown on clonal rootstocks, apples will be larger and barrel-like in appearance.
The color of the fruits of the Enterprise apple tree is burgundy or red, there is a glossy sheen. The average weight of each apple is 180-200 g. The skin is dense, smooth to the touch. Transportability and lightness, subject to basic storage rules, are good.
Characteristic of the variety
Among the main characteristics of the Enterprise variety, summer residents are interested in taste, yield, ripening time, and others. The main parameters are described below.
The taste of the fruits of the Enterprise apple tree is very good, so the tasting score is high. There is a slight sour note. The pulp is quite dense, white on the cut. The structure is dense, fine-grained. Pretty juicy and pleasant.

Enterprise fruits are quite large, have a pleasant taste.
At the same time, the pulp does not soften, retaining its original structure.
Terms of maturation
In terms of ripening, the Enterprise apple tree belongs to late, winter varieties. The fruits ripen from late September to mid-October. You can store them until April, so the variety is called winter.
The yield of the Enterprise apple tree is estimated to be high, with no specific data given. Based on the averages of other varieties, as well as on the weight of fruits (180-200 g), the yield exceeds 100 kg from an adult tree.
Frost resistance of the apple tree Enterprise
The frost resistance index is quite high, which makes it possible to grow apple trees in different regions, including in the middle lane. However, winter shelter is required in many areas, especially for young seedlings. In terms of drought tolerance, the Enterprise variety is not very resistant to hot weather. Trees need additional watering.
Apple Pollinators Enterprise
In order for the yield to be consistently high, it is recommended to plant late-flowering pollinators on the site. These include several varieties:
- Granny Smith;
- Golden Delicious;
- Fuji;
- Florina.
Where is grown
The Enterprise variety can be grown in different regions:
- middle lane;
- the Volga region;
- Chernozem region;
- southern regions.
The origin of the hybrid does not allow growing it in the Urals in Siberia and in the northern regions. The frost resistance index is not high enough.
Disease resistance
One of the important advantages of the Enterprise variety is its high resistance to fungal diseases:
- scab;
- powdery mildew;
- monilioz;
- rust.
However, the tree may suffer from pests. Therefore, preventive treatment in the spring and during the summer season is required.
Advantages and disadvantages
The Enterprise apple tree is valued for its high yield and tasty fruits. In addition, she has excellent immunity to common diseases. The culture is unpretentious and winter-hardy; it can be grown in different regions of Our Country.

The fruits have an attractive presentation
- good yield;
- excellent taste;
- high immunity;
- frost resistance;
- keeping quality of apples.
- poor drought resistance;
- may be affected by pests;
- self-infertile: the presence of pollinators is mandatory.
Rules of landing
Landing can be scheduled for spring – from late March to mid-April, or for autumn – from late September to mid-October. The soil begins to be prepared in advance. First, a suitable place is chosen – it should be well lit, remote from tall trees, located on a small hill.
It is important to ensure that the site is protected from strong northerly winds. The groundwater level should not approach the surface above 2 m. The Enterprise apple tree grows well on fertile, light loam with a slightly acidic or neutral pH of 6,0 to 7,0.
A few months before planting seedlings, the soil is dug up and fertilized with compost or organic matter in a bucket per square meter. If the soil is too dense, sand or sawdust is embedded in it in an amount of 3-5 kg for the same area.
The day before planting, the seedlings of the Enterprise apple tree in a pot are thoroughly watered to get an earthen clod. Next, they act like this:
- Planting pits are prepared with a depth of 60-80 cm and a diameter of 80-100 cm with an interval of at least 5 m.
- Pebbles and small stones fall asleep at the bottom.
- Next comes rotted manure and the surface layer of soil (1: 2). Add to it 2 tbsp. l. potassium salt and superphosphate.
- Dig in a wooden peg.
- The seedlings are removed from the pot by the transshipment method (if it is plastic, the container can simply be cut with scissors).
- An Enterprise apple tree seedling is planted in the center, the roots are straightened.
- Thoroughly sprinkle with soil and tamp a little so that the root collar goes 5-8 cm deep.
- Tied to a peg.
- Give 1,5-2 buckets of settled water.
- Mulch with straw, wood chips, needles or sawdust.

You can schedule a landing for spring or autumn
Care instructions
The Enterprise apple tree does not need special care, but you need to remember that the variety does not withstand prolonged drought. Agrotechnics of cultivation is as follows:
- Water once every two weeks, and young seedlings – weekly. If a long drought is established, water is also given every seven days. It should be at room temperature (pre-defend in the room).
- The Enterprise apple tree is fed several times a season. In early April, 600 g of urea are added with three buckets of humus and 30 g of ammonium nitrate. During the period of bud formation, 300 g of urea, 5 liters of mullein infusion, 2 liters of bird droppings, 100 superphosphate per 10 liters are given. During fruiting, they are fed with dry potassium humate 3 g and nitrophoska 150 g (per 30 liters of water).
- In the first years of spring, it is necessary to constantly form the crown of the Enterprise apple tree. It should become oval-spherical, so all strongly protruding shoots are removed. To form side branches, the main shoot is cut at a level of 80 cm.
- The soil is regularly loosened, weeding is done in the trunk circle.
- In autumn, all leaves and fallen branches are removed and burned.
- In early spring, preventive treatments are carried out, for example, with Bordeaux mixture, copper sulphate.
- In the summer they treat insects (sawfly, apple beetle, codling moth) with insecticides (Decis, Biotlin, Fufanon and others).
Collection and storage
The Enterprise apple variety is a late variety. Harvesting starts from late September to mid-October. It is desirable that the weather be moderately warm and dry, without rain.
Apples are sorted by size, rotten are rejected. You can store them in a dark room in the temperature range from -5 to +5. Humidity is quite high – up to 90%. Most often, the fruits are placed in wooden boxes and placed in a cellar or other utility room.

Apples are stored in a cool, dark place.
The Enterprise apple tree is not too whimsical, it normally tolerates winters in the middle zone. Differs in high productivity and good immunity. Gives attractive fruits that you can grow for yourself and for sale.