Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

Many gardeners and gardeners believe that pinching is a mandatory procedure when growing a tomato crop. It is difficult to disagree with this opinion, because extra shoots take a lot of nutrients from the plant, thereby reducing its yield. But there are also varieties of tomatoes without pinching. These are mainly undersized and hybrid varieties. In our article, we will consider the most popular varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching.

Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

Varieties for unprotected ground

In outdoor conditions, these top varieties will show excellent yield and disease resistance. Their plants do not stepchild and do not require special care.


Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

Being the brainchild of Siberian breeders, the Fighter variety shows excellent resistance to low temperatures. This allows it to be successfully grown in open ground conditions of the northernmost regions. And due to its drought resistance, it will not require frequent watering.

Tomatoes on its low bushes will begin to ripen on the 95th day from the moment the seeds germinate. The dark spot at the base of the stalk of these cylindrical tomatoes disappears when ripe. Ripe tomatoes are painted in rich red color. Their average weight will be between 60 and 88 grams.

The fighter is resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus and tolerates transportation well.

Advice! This variety of tomato has an average resistance to bacterial diseases.

Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, its plants must be treated with drugs with fungicidal or bactericidal action.

The total yield of the Fighter will be about 3 kg.


Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

Due to their compact size, plants of this tomato variety do not require pinching and garters. Their determinant shrubs with a small amount of foliage in open ground grow no higher than 60 cm. The formation of the first Gnome fruit cluster occurs above the 6th leaf.

Gnome tomatoes begin to ripen from 87 to 110 days from the appearance of the first shoots. They are round and small in size. The average weight of these tomatoes will not exceed 65 grams. On the red surface of mature fruits, there is no spot in the stalk area. The gnome has excellent taste characteristics, and the small size of its fruits allows them to be used for whole-fruit canning.

Gnome is one of the most productive varieties with small fruits. In open ground conditions, each of its plants will be able to bring to the gardener at least 3 kg of tomatoes, which have a long shelf life and excellent transportability. In addition, Gnome tomato plants have good resistance to the most basic diseases.


Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

Moskvich is one of the best cold-resistant varieties, the stepchildren of which do not need to be removed. Each brush of its compact bushes can withstand 5 to 7 small tomatoes.

Tomatoes of this variety can be either round or flat-round. They are small in size and weigh about 80 grams. The surface of these tomatoes ripens and turns red at 90 – 105 days from the first shoots. Their dense pulp is equally good both fresh and canned.

Plants of the Moskvich variety have excellent resistance to sudden changes in temperature. And under light shelter they can even endure frost. But the most important is the resistance of this variety to annoying phytophthora. In open ground conditions, the yield of one square meter will be no more than 4 kg.


Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

In open ground conditions, its semi-standard and compact plants are recommended to be grown in 3 stems. At the same time, 3 fruit brushes are formed on one stem. Each of the brushes can hold up to 5 tomatoes.

Important! Snowdrop fruits have different sizes. The largest tomatoes will be on the bottom brush, and the smallest on the top brush.

Smooth tomatoes of the Snowdrop variety have a flat-round shape. At maturity, they acquire a beautiful rich red color. The maximum weight of tomatoes will be 150 grams, and the minimum – only 90 grams. Their dense tasty pulp is perfect for salting and making salads.

Snowdrop got its name for its excellent cold resistance. It is perfect for growing in open ground conditions of the North-Western regions and Karelia. In addition, the Snowdrop tomato variety is distinguished by very friendly flowering and fruit set. It will be possible to collect up to 1,6 kg of tomatoes from each bush.

Varieties for protected ground

These varieties that do not require pinching are recommended to be grown only in greenhouses, greenhouses or film shelters.

Important! It is worth remembering that tomato plants love warmth, not heat. Therefore, a greenhouse or hotbed must be ventilated at least once a week.


Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

Undersized watercolor plants will fit perfectly into low greenhouses and hotbeds. They do without tying and absolutely do not need to remove stepchildren. The average ripening period in the greenhouse will be about 115 days.

In their shape, the Aquarelle tomatoes resemble an elongated ellipse. Ripe tomatoes are painted red without a dark spot at the base of the stem. Watercolor is not large. The average fruit weight is 60 grams. But they are not subject to cracking, have good transportability and long shelf life. These tomatoes have a fairly dense pulp, so they can be used for whole-fruit canning. They are also great for salads.

These plants have good resistance to blossom end rot. But their productivity is not so high – only 2 kg per square meter.


Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

An excellent variety for small greenhouses. On each brush of its compact bushes, it can tie from 5 to 6 tomatoes.

Important! Despite the height of 60 cm, its bushes require a mandatory garter.

Tomatoes of the Vityaz variety have an average ripening period. The gardener will be able to collect the first red tomatoes in 130 – 170 days. Its large, leveled fruits are oval in shape and weigh from 200 to 250 grams. Due to the rather dense skin, they perfectly tolerate transportation and are suitable for any type of canning.

Vityaz will not be affected by the tobacco mosaic virus, Alternaria and Septoria, but it may well overcome late blight. Therefore, plants after the start of fruit formation are recommended to be treated prophylactically and watered less. One square meter will give the gardener at least 6 kg of tomatoes. And with proper care, the yield will increase to 10 kg.


Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

This variety of Soviet selection can be grown not only in a greenhouse, but also on a balcony. The ripening of its fruits begins quite early – on the 90th day from seed germination, and each fruit brush will hold from 4 to 6 tomatoes.

Nevsky tomatoes are round in shape. Ripe fruits are painted in a rich pink-red color. They are quite small in size with an average weight of 60 grams. Their tasty pulp has versatile uses. Due to the low content of dry matter and the good ratio of sugar and acid, excellent juices and purees are obtained from tomatoes of this variety.

Nevsky plants have a fairly good resistance to major diseases. But most often they are affected by black bacterial spot and vertex rot.

Advice! Nevsky is in great need of mineral fertilizers during the period of active growth of its bushes.

You can learn about how to fertilize tomatoes in a greenhouse from the video:

top dressing and processing of tomatoes in the greenhouse

With good watering and regular fertilizing, the yield of one bush can be at least 1,5 kg, and the total yield will not exceed 7,5 kg.


Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

One of the earliest and most compact varieties. From its bushes no more than 35 cm high, the first crop can be harvested in just 80 days from the first shoots.

These tomatoes got their name because of the very beautiful rich yellow or golden color. The dark green spot at the base of the stalk of tomatoes disappears when ripe. The average weight of the spherical fruits of Amber will be between 45 and 56 grams. They have a fairly universal application and excellent commercial qualities.

Due to the early ripening period, the Yantarny variety will not catch late blight. In addition, it has resistance to macrosporiosis. The yield per square meter may vary depending on the conditions of care, but it will not exceed 7 kg.

The video will tell you how to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse:

Tomato seedlings: planting in a greenhouse


Olga, 35 years old, Inza
In my open beds I plant tomatoes of the Fighter variety. I liked them not so much for their taste and productivity, but for their good immunity and resistance to temperature changes. For all the time of cultivation, I only covered them with a film once: then I planted seedlings a little ahead of schedule, and a cold snap came. These tomatoes taste good. But when growing tomatoes on the street, it is worth remembering that it will be very difficult to achieve the taste of greenhouse tomatoes. Vityaz is suitable primarily for those who do not want to shake over tomatoes and do not expect exorbitant yields.
Tamara, 57 years old, Kalyazin
I have been growing stepchildren tomatoes for a long time. This time I tried the watercolor variety. In their taste and shape, these tomatoes reminded me of the Bull’s Heart variety. It differs from it only in color, and in that it does not require pinching. In general, I liked the watercolor tomatoes, I will plant more.
Lyudmila, 29 years old, Kamyzyak
This year, tomatoes of the Nevsky and Yantarny varieties were planted. In general, they are for greenhouses, but we have the south, so they landed on ordinary beds. In appearance, we liked the Amber tomatoes more. They have a very unusual yellow color. The Neva tomatoes turned out to be tastier. They had a slight sourness to them. The yield of these two varieties was good, but I wanted a little more.

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