Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

When choosing a variety, gardeners, as a rule, are guided not only by productivity, but also by the commercial and taste qualities of the fruit. Sweet thick-walled pepper is one of the brightest representatives of the most popular among farmers and summer residents, because it is its varieties that are suitable for eating in salads, used for stuffing and frying, canning and freezing for the winter. The mere appearance of a large and beautiful thick-walled pepper grown in a personal plot causes a smile and a sense of pride among summer residents.

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

How to choose the best variety

Sooner or later, every farmer faces the choice of the best variety. Those who have been doing this for more than a year, of course, want to increase their success and try something new. And for beginners, their eyes just run wide when they see an assortment of planting material on the shelves of shops and markets. Every year it becomes more and more, because the selection does not stand still, bringing out new best varieties of culture.

But why doesn’t the beautiful, seemingly thick-walled pepper shown in the picture with seeds grow on your site, and if it does, then in the smallest quantities? How to choose the best variety of thick-walled sweet pepper, and what nuances should be considered when choosing?

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

Pay attention to the fact that the homeland of sweet pepper is the countries of Central America, so the culture is very fond of warm air and warm soil. No matter how the planting material is adapted to the conditions of its cultivation in Our Country, not every variety can produce a good stable crop in central Our Country or Siberia. In these regions, gardeners prefer early-ripening and mid-ripening varieties of sweet pepper, and thick-walled ones are, as a rule, those whose vegetation period is 120 days or more.

Attention! In order for a variety of thick-walled sweet pepper to really give the desired result, do not ignore the features of its cultivation and nutrition.

Novice gardeners ask if it is possible to grow thick-walled peppers in greenhouses and greenhouses. The answer to this question is unequivocal: if you have such an opportunity, then this will be the best solution for obtaining high and high-quality yields. In a greenhouse, you can give seedlings everything they need, from temperature control to minimizing the risk of sudden drops in temperature in the air and on the soil.

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

Pay attention to hybrids of sweet thick-walled pepper. Today, Dutch and Italian breeders are making every effort to supply markets with only high-quality planting material adapted to the local climate. In addition, when breeding hybrids, they receive the best quality characteristics from their “ancestors”, and their fruits are unusually beautiful and tasty.

The best varieties for the temperate climate zone

Today summer residents of the southern regions and central Our Country have the opportunity to get good yields of thick-walled pepper in greenhouses and on open ground. Here are just a few popular varieties for growing in these climates:


Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

This variety gives high quality yields, when grown in open areas and under film shelters. Belongs to the category of mid-season, with a period of full maturation of 120 days. The bush is tall and spreading, therefore it requires additional supports and garters.

Pepper fruits are prism-shaped, the skin in biological maturity is colored red. Wall thickness – from 7 mm and above, with an average fruit weight of 250-300 grams. “Vanguard” is considered one of the most productive thick-walled peppers. From 1m2 harvest up to 10 kg of beautiful and juicy fruits. In addition, it is this variety that is famous for its keeping quality and resistance to long-term transportation, therefore it is popular with farmers who grow pepper for sale.


Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

Sweet pepper “Velmozha” feels good in the open ground of the southern regions and under film shelters in summer cottages in central Our Country. Belongs to the category of mid-season. The period of full maturation does not exceed 120 days, subject to regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. The plant is tall, spreading. When grown in greenhouses and on open land, it needs a garter.

Pepper fruits have a prismatic shape, painted in rich yellow. The average weight is 250-300 gr, and the wall thickness of the fetus is 7-8 mm. “Velmozha” has an unsurpassed juicy taste, and is suitable for universal use. From one bush during the harvest period, 5-6 kg of beautiful fleshy pepper are removed.


Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

Mid-season thick-walled variety with beautiful and large dark red fruits. The bush is medium-sized, semi-spreading. The plant feels great in open ground if the seedlings are transferred to previously prepared and heated soil. The fruit ripening period is 115-120 days.

“Behemoth” refers to those varieties that give “friendly” crops. Despite the fact that the fruit is small in size, and its average weight is 150-170 g, the wall thickness is 7-8 mm. “Behemoth” cannot be attributed to high-yielding varieties, since up to 2 kilograms of fruits are removed from one bush, no more. But if you plant a few seedlings for salads or culinary processing, you will get a tasty, meaty and very aromatic product.

Gold of Siberia

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

This mid-season variety gives high yields both on open ground and under film shelters. It is no coincidence that sweet pepper got this name, because it is quite resistant to cold snaps in the air and on the soil. A bush of medium height, semi-spreading, in greenhouse conditions it can reach a height of 1 meter or more, so when planting it in shelters, do not forget that you may need an additional garter.

Beautiful prism-shaped fruits of universal use, weighing from 230 to 250 grams, with a wall thickness of 8-10 mm. The skin of the fruit is dense, dark yellow in biological maturity, green in technical maturity. Up to 5-6 kg of fruits are harvested from one plant during the period of biological ripeness of the variety.

Erivan F1

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

A mid-season rather productive hybrid with a fruiting period of 115-120 days from the date of pecking of the planting material. The fruits are small, cone-shaped. During the growing season, the pepper skin is colored yellow, in the biological maturity of the fruit it is saturated red. The wall thickness does not exceed 8-9 mm, but this variety belongs to the category of the best in terms of taste. Up to 5-6 kg of fruits are harvested from one bush during the harvest period.

Othello F1

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

The hybrid belongs to the early ripe varieties of thick-walled pepper. Designed for growing in greenhouses and tunnel film greenhouses. If Othello seedlings are planted in open ground in the southern regions of Our Country, at first it is recommended to cover it with a film or make any other protection from winds and low night temperatures.

From the first shoot to the time of the appearance of ripe fruits, a little more than 100 days pass. The Othello pepper bush is undersized, and even in closed ground conditions it rarely exceeds 70 cm. The hybrid got its name due to the colorful color of the fruit. In the process of ripening, the pepper on the bush is colored purple, but as soon as the growing season comes to an end, the fruits turn brown. The wall thickness is 7-8 mm, with an average weight of one pepper – 150-200 gr. The distinctive features of the Othello hybrid include a friendly and high yield. From 1m2 remove up to 8-9 kg of fruit.

Attention! Some varieties and hybrids can be successfully grown in greenhouses in the Urals or Siberia, after providing for the creation of all the necessary conditions for this.

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper for the Moscow region

For residents of the Moscow region and summer residents who leave the city for the summer, the assortment of planting material for sweet pepper is so large that it is quite difficult to figure out which variety to choose. If you decide to grow a variety of thick-walled sweet peppers in your area, pay attention to the following varieties and hybrids:


Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

An early ripe variety of pepper that gives good yields in greenhouses and greenhouses. The growing season is 105-110 days. Despite the fact that the Florida pepper variety does not grow above 60 cm, the bush of the plant is sprawling, and requires additional pinching during the seedling growth period.

The fruits have a semicircular shape, the skin is dense, glossy, during the ripening period it turns into a rich yellow color. By itself, the Florida pepper is small, during the period of biological maturity, its mass barely reaches 120 grams, however, the wall thickness at this moment can be up to 10-12 mm. The variety is distinguished by excellent “friendly” productivity and excellent taste.

Cube F1

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

Hybrid with an average growing season. Bred for planting in the temperate climate zone. The period of biological ripeness falls on the 120th day. The bush reaches a height of 90-100 cm in open areas, and up to 120 cm in greenhouse conditions.

The fruits are fully consistent with the name, have an even cube shape. Small in size – 10-12 cm. The skin is dense, painted red. The average weight of one sweet pepper “Cube” is 180-200 gr, with a wall thickness of 8-9 mm. Distinctive features of the hybrid are high yields with regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Up to 7-8 kg of crop can be harvested from one bush in closed greenhouses and greenhouses.

My General F1

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

A hybrid bred for cultivation in open ground and under film tunnel shelters. The height of the bush is up to 100 cm. The plant is semi-spreading, which does not require additional formation. The vegetation period does not exceed 120 days from the first emergence of seedlings.

The fruits are cube-shaped, in the period of full biological ripening they are painted in dark red color. Pepper “My General” – large and very fleshy. The mass of the fetus can reach up to 300 g, with an average wall thickness of 8-10 mm. Distinctive features of the hybrid are resistance to TMF and temperature extremes in the air and on the soil.

Golden Rain

Varieties of sweet thick-walled pepper

An early ripe variety with beautiful large lemon fruits, growing well in central Our Country and the southern regions. The fruiting period begins on the 110th day from the first shoots of seedlings. Bushes grow no more than 70 cm. Since the plant is compact, the density of planting seedlings in open ground and greenhouses can be slightly increased.

Pepper “Golden Rain” during the ripening period weighs from 100 to 180 grams, with a wall width of up to 8 mm. Distinctive features of the variety are excellent taste, resistance to TMV. In a fruitful year with 1m2 you can remove up to 5-6 kg of crop.


When choosing planting material for thick-walled sweet pepper, be sure to pay attention to the climate zone in which it is grown. Do not forget to consult with experienced gardeners on the regular watering and nutrition of peppers. Remember that this culture is quite thermophilic, and in open ground it is subject to withering during sudden changes in temperature, or, conversely, if the heat lasts too long.

For more information on growing thick-walled peppers, see the video:


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