Varieties of small carrots

When choosing carrot seeds for growing in a personal plot, pay attention to varieties that have small fruits. Small carrots, bred by breeders specifically for canning and freezing, will please with stable, stable yields and excellent taste. In addition, all varieties and hybrids of mini-carrots are famous for their high content of carotene and are widely used in baby and diet food.

Varieties of small carrots

Features of growing small carrots

Mini carrots are grown by gardeners before winter, and therefore require several different planting and care rules than regular ones. If the work on growing the root crop was planned in advance, fertilize the beds for planting seeds in the spring. The soil after winter needs mineral and organic fertilizers. Chalk, lime or dolomite flour must be added to soil with high acidity. Nutrition is introduced at the rate of 1 glass of substance per 1 m2 soil.

Attention! The soil for planting small carrots must contain a large amount of humus and pass moisture well. Soil drainage is a prerequisite for a good harvest.

Varieties of small carrots

Planting material is prepared for sowing in advance. Seeds are aged for several hours in settled water at room temperature, and then for a day – on a damp rag or cotton wool. As soon as the seeds swell, carry out the hardening procedure, determining the planting material for 3-4 days in the refrigerator. This will enable the plant to withstand early frosts in the air and on the soil.

Dwarf carrots are planted according to the following scheme:

  • Longitudinal furrows are made in the garden, 2-2,5 cm deep;
  • The distance between the planting rows is at least 20 cm;
  • From the edge of the bed to the first row, it is necessary to retreat 10-12 cm.

Since mini-carrots have small root crops, for quick germination and good rooting, the bed is covered with a film after sowing. Remove it only after the plant gives 3-4 leaves. Regularly check that the soil under the shelter remains moist.

Varieties of small carrots

The first feeding of dwarf carrots is carried out 10-14 days after mass shoots. Before carrying out work, be sure to thin out the plants, leaving only the largest and most stable seedlings, and loosen the ground. Fertilizers are prepared at the rate of 30-50 grams of potassium magnesia per 10 liters of water.

For further nutrition of a small carrot, use standard fertilizers: for 10 liters of water – 15 grams of urea and superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium nitrate.

The best varieties of mini carrots

To date, varieties of dwarf carrots adapted for planting and growing in central Our Country, the Urals and Western Siberia are very popular with domestic farmers.


Varieties of small carrots

A versatile variety of mini-carrots used for long-term storage, freezing, canning and fresh consumption. The vegetation period is from 100 to 110 days. The variety belongs to high-yielding mid-early, has proven itself well when planting for the winter in central Our Country. A bright, orange root crop during the harvest period reaches a size of 10-12 cm, with an average weight of about 100 grams.

The main features of the Karotel variety are resistance to pests, decay, fruit cracking, and viral diseases. It has good taste characteristics, perfectly tolerates transportation and long-term storage.


Varieties of small carrots

Variety of mini-carrots, variety type Shantane, bred for cultivation in the central and northern regions of Our Country. Domestic planting material has a high reproductive capacity. The fruits are small, regular conical shape. The skin is smooth, with a minimum content of eyes, painted in a rich orange color. During the period of full ripening, the mass of one carrot does not exceed 100-120 g, with a root crop length of up to 10 cm.

Distinctive features of the variety “Marlinka” is a high yield with relatively fast growing season. A little more than 90 days pass from the first shoots to harvest. At the same time, up to 1 tons of tasty and juicy fruits are obtained from 70 hectare.


Varieties of small carrots

This is one of the best varieties of dwarf carrots, designed for growing in open ground in small suburban areas. “Karakas” is adapted for sowing in central Our Country, the Urals and Western Siberia. Even with a very dense planting in a row, Caracas produces even and tasty root crops, up to 10 cm long. The average weight of one carrot does not exceed 100 grams, but if you use a standard root crop sowing pattern, then this figure may well increase to 150.

Features of the variety “Caracas” – a powerful leaf apparatus of the plant. This greatly facilitates the harvesting of root crops on large sown areas with specialized pulling-type equipment.

For more information on growing carrots for the winter, see the video:


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