Varieties of self-pollinated honeysuckle: pollinators, at what distance to plant

Relatively recently, honeysuckle began to grow on personal plots. There are many varieties of it. To obtain berries, it is better to choose varieties of self-fertile honeysuckle. They are well pollinated, the harvest ripens rich.

Does Honeysuckle Need a Pollinator?

Honeysuckle inflorescences are bisexual and require cross-pollination. Insects carry pollen. It is important that different varieties of this crop are pollinated with each other. This will increase the yield and taste of the berries.

Varieties of self-pollinated honeysuckle: pollinators, at what distance to plant

For a garden, it is better to purchase not 2, but 4 shrubs with different varietal characteristics

Each of them has its own, the best pollinator. The greater the variety of honeysuckle species in the garden, the higher the yield of blue berries.

How honeysuckle is pollinated

Not all types of fruit crops are self-fertile. To obtain a crop, several pollinating shrubs are planted. During the growing season, bisexual paired flowers ripen in them. Each of them dissolves for 1 day. An insect can pollinate even 1 flower, but the fruits will ripen in pairs.

Honeysuckle is a cross-pollinated crop. Pollen from flowers is carried by insects, wind, birds. For a shrub, 2-3 varietal pollinators are needed. In the garden, they are planted at a short distance from each other.

At what distance does honeysuckle pollinate

This culture is growing slowly. An adult shrub can reach an impressive size. When planting, the distance between seedlings is made at least 2,5 m. This will allow the tree to grow in the future, there will be no problems with pollination of neighboring bushes.

With a closer landing, different types of this crop merge into one bush. In this case, pollination is difficult. Harvest of berries can not wait at all.

How to choose a pollinator for honeysuckle

Before buying seedlings, study the characteristics of each of them. A young tree should have a good yield, bloom at the same time as a partner, and correspond to the climatic conditions of the region. In the description of the seedling, breeders indicate which varieties of self-fertile honeysuckle are best combined.

How many honeysuckle bushes should be planted for pollination

The described culture is an expensive plant that cannot be propagated independently by layering or cuttings. Gardeners have to buy shrubs. In order to save money, a couple of bushes are planted nearby. Ideally, there should be 4 of them. So honeysuckle is pollinated in the best way, gives a high yield.

Self-pollinating varieties of honeysuckle

In order to mix (pollinate) different varieties of honeysuckle, it is important to choose them correctly. They are planted in pairs, close to each other.

Self-fertile variety Nymph

The shrub is valued for its high palatability of fruits. It also has high frost resistance. Shoots can withstand temperatures down to -50 ᵒС. The culture is intended for cultivation in regions with long and cold winters.

The fruits of this honeysuckle are edible, but the shrub requires pollinators to produce ovaries. The variety is classified as a crop with an average fruit ripening period. The height of the shrub does not exceed 2,5 m. The leaves are elongated, oval, dark green.

Varieties of self-pollinated honeysuckle: pollinators, at what distance to plant

Berries oblong, fusiform, uneven, tuberous

The weight of one fruit does not exceed 0,9 g. The berries are sweet and fragrant, the tasting score is 4,7 points out of 5 possible.

Self-fertile variety Amphora

This is a short plant, whose height is approximately 1,5 m. The crown is compact, rounded. The decorative qualities of this shrub make it possible to use it as a hedge or garden decoration.

Varieties of self-pollinated honeysuckle: pollinators, at what distance to plant

The flowering of this ornamental and fruit crop is plentiful, the petals are narrow, at first pale pink, later pure white.

The fruits of the Amphora variety are large, up to 2 cm in length, weight can reach up to 3 g. Their shape is elongated, the surface is smooth, the color is bluish-blue with a slight smoky bloom. The taste is sweet and sour, with a slight bitterness, tasting score – 4,5 points.

Self-fertile variety Blue Bird

It is an early crop that can be cultivated even in areas that are classified as risky farming areas. This is a medium-sized self-fertile variety that was bred in the last century.

The height of the shrub reaches 2 m, the crown is wide, sprawling, thickened, takes the form of a ball or ellipse.

Varieties of self-pollinated honeysuckle: pollinators, at what distance to plant

The length of the berries does not exceed 2 cm, and the weight is 1 g, they are oblong, thickened, shaped like a barrel

The skin of the berries is thin, tender, dark blue, almost black, covered with a bluish bloom, which is easily erased. The taste and aroma of the fruit is sweet and sour, reminiscent of blueberries. Tasting score – 4,5 points.

Best Honeysuckle Pollinators

Every self-fertile varietal plant needs the same pollinator. Some of them are universal, well suited to almost all types of honeysuckle.

Self-fertile cultivar Blue Spindle

This crop is used as a pollinator for all types of honeysuckle. This is a universal unpretentious variety that is planted only in conjunction with others.


A self-fertile shrub does not grow more than 1,5 m, has a rounded and compact crown. Under the influence of the sun, its shoots turn dark red or purple.

Varieties of self-pollinated honeysuckle: pollinators, at what distance to plant

The shape of the berries resembles a spindle: it expands towards the center and narrows at the edges

The surface of the fruit is uneven, tuberculate. The length of the berry can reach up to 2,7 cm, weight – up to 1 g. The color is light blue, there is a bluish bloom. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, but because of the bitter taste, its tasting score is only 3,7 points.

This self-fertile culture is used as a pollinator for other dessert varieties: Blue Bird, Amphora, Nymph. Fruits are practically not consumed fresh, they are processed into compotes and jams.

Self-fertile variety Kamchadalka

This is a low-growing shrub, the height of which does not exceed 1,5 m. The crown is compact, dense, narrowed, obversely conical in shape.

Varieties of self-pollinated honeysuckle: pollinators, at what distance to plant

The leaves of the self-fertile Kamchadalka are oval, oblong, pale green, the shrub is not densely covered with them.

The berries are medium in size, their length does not exceed 2 cm, and their weight is 1 g. The shape is elongated, oval, the tip is pointed.

The pulp of the fruit has a sweet and sour taste, but it is fibrous in texture. Taste qualities are estimated at 3,8 points.

This self-fertile culture is suitable for pollination of such representatives of the species: Berel, Cinderella, Blue spindle.

Self-fertile variety Berel

The height of the shrub exceeds 2 m. The crown is spreading, the shoots are large, strong, straight. The leaves are oblong, oval, their lower part is slightly pubescent. The variety is classified as early ripening.

Varieties of self-pollinated honeysuckle: pollinators, at what distance to plant

Pear-shaped or conical berries, their color is blue-black with a purple tint

The surface is uneven, bumpy. A whitish coating almost never appears. During the season, up to 4 kg of fruits can be collected from one self-fertile shrub. Their taste is sweet and sour, bitterness is also present. Tasting score – 4,1 points.

Self-fertile variety Cinderella

This honeysuckle is not very productive, but its berries are sweet, have a pleasant strawberry flavor.

The self-fertile variety Cinderella is a low-growing shrub, whose height is only 0,8 m, while the crown is sprawling and dense. Shoots thin, curved, slightly pubescent.

Varieties of self-pollinated honeysuckle: pollinators, at what distance to plant

The berries are large, their weight can reach up to 1,5 g, and the length is up to 2 cm, the shape is elongated, spindle-shaped

The skin of the fruit is thin, tender, dark blue or purple. There is a bluish coating on the surface.

The taste of the berries is good: sweet, with a slight bitterness, which is almost not felt. The tasting score depends on the climatic conditions in which the shrub is cultivated, it ranges from 4,8 to 5 points.

Cinderella is suitable for all of the above varieties of honeysuckle, pollinating each other.


Almost all varieties of self-fertile honeysuckle are suitable for pollinating each other. You can choose a couple of fruitful shrubs with high palatability of berries. In addition to them, a compact honeysuckle tree is planted, which is suitable for pollination of each member of the species. The Blue Spindle is considered such a versatile variety.


Vera Ivashchenko, 45 years old, Omsk
Honeysuckle is the first berry to ripen in our garden. We used to collect it in the taiga. We are now growing in our backyard. First, they planted one shrub and were surprised that it did not bear fruit. A neighbor advised me to pick a couple for him. And so they did: the next year they planted another tree. After 2 years, both shrubs began to bear fruit, and about 2 kg of berries were collected from the old one.
Dmitry Kuznetsov, 35 years old, Moscow region
On my site I grow 3 different types of self-fertile honeysuckle at once. I planted them in one alley, knowing that singly self-fertile varieties do not bear fruit. When planting, he kept the distance between the bushes, at least 2 m. After 5 years, he received sprawling, overgrown trees, but with proper placement, they do not interfere with each other. I chose two types of honeysuckle with sweet fruits, my household likes them. For myself, I picked up the Blue Spindle variety. I like the spicy bitterness of honeysuckle.

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