Varieties of red sweet long pepper

The variety type of sweet red pepper is a vegetable pepper, which was bred by Bulgarian breeders in the XNUMXth century. The red bell pepper is a fairly large pod-shaped fruit that changes color depending on maturity, first green, then orange, then bright red, and finally dark red. According to the amount of capsaicin in the composition, bell pepper is divided into sweet pepper and bitter. In America, where vegetable pepper comes from, it still grows in the wild.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper

What is the use?

Sweet red pepper contains fiber, nitrogenous substances, soluble sugars, starch and essential oils, as well as vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, PP and a large number of trace elements. The use of red sweet bell pepper is especially indicated for those who suffer from depression, insomnia, loss of strength, as well as those who have diabetes and memory disorders. According to the content of vitamin C, this pepper is simply a champion!

The daily norm of vitamin C for a person is approximately 100 mg, and in pepper its content is 100 g of vitamin per 150 g of weight. So, by eating just one pepper, you can replenish the body with a daily dose of vitamin C. This vitamin, together with beta-carotene and lycopene contained in sweet peppers, is involved in the fight against oncology, preventing the formation of cancer cells. Red bell pepper also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, frees the body from potential carcinogens and strengthens the cardiovascular system. The use of sweet red pepper in food is useful for diseases such as:

  • blood disease;
  • bleeding gums;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • problems with digestion;
  • slow peristalsis;
  • gastritis;
  • increased sweating, etc.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper

Due to the content of the alkaloid capsaicin, the regular use of red bell pepper in food contributes to the good activity of the pancreas, lowering blood pressure, thinning the blood, which, in turn, reduces the risk of blood clots and prevents the occurrence of thrombophlebitis. Due to the fact that capsaicin is contained in red sweet peppers in a small amount, the use of this pepper will not adversely affect the stomach. And the juice obtained by processing in a juicer is very useful for patients with diabetes (prevents the formation of “bad” cholesterol) and pregnant women, as it strengthens nails and hair.

Red sweet Bulgarian pepper has not only healing, but also rejuvenating properties. Based on it, it is possible to make a pleasant mask for facial skin care.

Anti-aging mask recipe

Put a raw egg, pre-beaten, 1 tsp into the pepper chopped with a blender. sour cream, mix well. This mixture is applied to a cleanly washed face, after a quarter of an hour it is removed from the face with warm water. After 5-7 such procedures, the skin of the face is cleansed and refreshed.

Pepper juice is used as a moisturizing tonic. Due to the vitamins and minerals contained in it, facial skin is rejuvenated. And at least one glass of juice every day will help prevent many diseases, such as colds.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper

The variety of varieties of sweet peppers is amazing and pleasing to the eye. But how to figure out which variety is best to plant in your area? Below are descriptions and photos of some varieties of red sweet pepper.

The best varieties of red sweet pepper

Latino F1

An early hybrid (100-110 days from sowing), when sown in early March for seedlings in mid-June, it is already possible to harvest, and the yield is considerable – 14-16 kg / sq. The height of the bush reaches one meter, so the best way to grow it is in a greenhouse, where it can be tied to a support and create more favorable conditions for ripening. This is especially true for the Siberian region and the northern regions of Our Country. The fruit has the shape of a cube, with thick walls (1 cm), very large, red in color with a wonderful taste. It is resistant to tobacco mosaic and potato virus.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper

Prince Silver

One of the very early varieties (90-110 days), with cone-shaped fruits, the average weight of one pepper reaches 100 grams. The bush is of medium height (40-60 cm), therefore it is also suitable for an open garden. Harvest – about 2,5 kg of beautiful, elastic fruits from the bush. It has resistance to pepper diseases.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper


Mid-season variety (120-135 days) with red cube-shaped fruits, weighing from 150 to 250 grams. The fruits are slightly ribbed, wall thickness is about 8 mm, very juicy, sweet, fragrant. The bush is quite compact, not too high (50-60 cm). The harvest gives a good one – about three kilograms of large, tasty fruits from a bush. Virus resistant. It can be grown not only under the film, but also in open ground.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper

Ox ear

Refers to mid-season varieties (120-130 days from germination) with elongated cone-shaped fruits, weighing from 140 to 220 grams, thick-walled up to 8 mm, with juicy, sweet pulp. A bush up to 75 cm high, up to 3 kg of fruits are obtained from a bush. Virus resistant. The peculiarity of the variety is long storage and good transportability. In growing methods it is universal – both a greenhouse and an open garden.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper

The leader of the Redskins

Early variety (110 days), cube-shaped peppers, very large (from 120 to 750 grams), color changes from green to bright red. The bush is medium high (up to 60 cm), compact, powerful, with fleshy, juicy, sweet fruits.

In addition to the usual pepper of the usual length and shape, there is also a red sweet long pepper with fruits of an unusual shape, which will be discussed below.

Varieties of red long pepper

Red elephant

The variety belongs to the early ones (90-110 days). The bush is quite powerful and tall (up to 90 cm) with long conical fruits, reaching a length of 22 cm with a width of about 6 cm and a weight of about 220 grams. The color changes from green to dark red. The taste is excellent, the juiciness is high, it is very convenient for whole canning. The harvest is good.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper


A variety of early ripening (100-110 days from germination). Recommended for greenhouse maintenance. The bush is very tall, sprawling, about 150 cm high, so a garter on a support will not hurt. The fruits of the original type, resembling a slightly curved cylinder, are bright red in color, the weight of the pepper reaches 0,5 kg, up to 30 cm long. The wall is rather thick – 7-8 mm. The fruit is juicy, sweet, with a peppery aroma.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper


An early maturing variety. It is better to grow in a greenhouse, because due to early ripening it is suitable for selling products in the markets. The bush is high (80-100 cm), a garter to a support is required. Cone-shaped fruits, weighing up to 200 g, with a wall thickness of about 6 mm, color from light green to red. Virus resistant. Very good for conservation.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper


Hybrid with early ripening (95-100 days). The bush is tall, reaches a height of about a meter. The fruits are elongated, beautiful dark red in color, about 20-22 cm long, 12-13 cm wide, thick-walled (1 cm). Virus independent. It grows well not only in the greenhouse, but also in the open garden.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper


Medium-late variety (145-150 days from germination). The bush is low (35-50 cm), compact, pretty. The fruit has a clear pod-like shape, color from green to dark red, the weight of the pepper is 30-40 grams, although not very fleshy, but the walls are rather thick (up to 3,5 cm), the length reaches 13-15 cm. ground. Despite the fact that in appearance it resembles hot peppers, it tastes sweet and juicy. Very good for drying and further grinding, i.e. It makes a great seasoning like paprika.

Varieties of red sweet long pepper

Bell pepper. Overview of varieties and yields at biological maturity. Ch1

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