Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

There are many different varieties of potatoes, differing in the size and shape of the tubers, the color of the skin and pulp. But among them, red or pink types of culture stand out especially. They differ in presentation, evenness of fruits and versatility of use. This explains their high popularity among gardeners and consumers. However, red varieties of potatoes can have a different shade of flesh. Therefore, when choosing, you must take this into account.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

The juice of red and pink potato species is used for medicinal purposes.

General characteristics of red potatoes

Red or pink varieties of potatoes have a delicate taste and retain their shape well during heat treatment. Therefore, they are best suited for frying. In addition, the red hue of the peel is due to the increased content of antioxidants in the fruits, and it is these components that protect the body from the negative effects of free radicals. They also increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, increase the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the condition of the skin, and strengthen the retina.

The starch content in red and pink varieties of potatoes is slightly lower than in yellow and white ones. Therefore, they are less boiled soft during heat treatment. But this does not mean that red species are not suitable for mashing. Based on many of them, this dish is obtained with a delicate, uniform texture. Just when choosing a variety, it is necessary to take into account its main characteristics and belonging to the culinary type.

Red (pink) potato varieties with white flesh

Red or pink varieties with white flesh are distinguished by a high content of the most valuable vegetable protein tuberin and vitamin C. In addition, they contain other beneficial components for human health.

Important! Red potatoes with white flesh are recommended for dietary nutrition, with kidney failure and cardiovascular diseases.

Zhukovsky early

variety, which was included in the State Register in 1993 and is recommended for cultivation in all regions of the country. The plant is semi-spreading, medium height, stem type, 45-50 cm high. It is characterized by an accelerated growth rate and, when planted in early May, the crop ripens by mid-August. The duration of the vegetation of Zhukovsky is 60-65 days.

According to the description, potatoes of the Zhukovsky variety have a pink hue of the peel, as can be seen in the photo. Tubers are round-oval. Under each bush, up to 15 potatoes are formed, mostly large and medium in size. The mass of fruits at Zhukovsky varies between 100-120 g. The marketability is about 90-92%. Productivity 400-450 kg per hundred square meters.

The white flesh of this pink potato is slightly sweet. The starch content in it reaches 10-12%. Zhukovsky is suitable for frying salads. Taste is average.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Zhukovsky’s crop is unsuitable for long-term savings in winter


early ripe variety, which was included in the State Register in 2000. It is highly resistant to temperature extremes, drought, mechanical damage. The duration of its vegetation is 60-70 days. Suitable for early harvest after 45 days.

Plant of medium height, intermediate type, 45-50 cm high. The leaves are large, wide, dark green. The root system is well developed, during the season it forms from six to nine almost identical tubers.

Alena early red potatoes are characterized by a stable yield in the range of 172-292 kg per hundred square meters, even in regions with difficult climatic conditions. Its tubers are oval in shape, slightly depressed at the base, at the top and from the sides. The depth of the eye is small. The surface of the potatoes is red, smooth.

The white flesh is slightly mealy, characterized by a pleasant texture, does not darken during heat treatment. Starch content is within 15-17%. The taste qualities are excellent. This red potato with white flesh is suitable for frying, chips, first courses, salads.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Keeping quality of Alena early harvest at 95%


This is one of the best white-fleshed red potatoes. Maestro (Maestro) obtained through the efforts of French breeders. Suitable for central and southern regions. Vegetation period is 65-80 days. The yield of the variety is 214-3355 kg per 10 square meters. m.

Plant of medium height, intermediate type. Under each bush, 8-14 round-oval tubers are formed, weighing 92-172 g. The keeping quality of the crop is at the level of 92%. The taste is good. Maestro belongs to the culinary type AB. This red potato is suitable for soups, salads, frying.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Maestro may suffer from common scab

Rocco (Rocco)

Austrian potato variety of medium maturity. Entered into the State Register of Our Country in 2002. Recommended for cultivation in the central and northern regions, where it shows maximum performance. The period from germination to harvest for Rocco potatoes is 85-90 days.

Plant of medium height, semi-upright, well leafy. Under the bush, 10-12 fruits are formed. Tubers of medium or large size with small superficial eyes. The peel is thin dense, smooth, red. The white flesh of Rocco potatoes is moderately firm, not watery. The marketability of the variety is at the level of 84-96%, and the keeping quality is about 90%. The yield of this Austrian type of crop is 136-261 kg per hundred square meters.

Taste qualities are good. Rocco potatoes are great for fries, frying, baking, stuffing. The starch content in red fruits reaches 13-14,5%.

Important! The peculiarity of Rocco potatoes is that at the initial stage, the bushes develop slowly and only gain strength over time.
Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Flowering in Rocco is rare or completely absent

Chervona Ruta

Ukrainian variety of potatoes with red skin and white pulp of medium late ripening. The duration of its vegetation is 125-135 days.

The plant is tall, upright, intermediate type, 60-65 cm high. The root system is powerful, 14-16 tubers of medium and large size are formed under the bush during the season. Fruits, aligned oval shape with excellent presentation. The average weight of red tubers in the Chervona Ruta variety is 100-150 g. White pulp inside, slightly mealy, not watery.

The taste qualities are excellent. It can be used for first courses, salads, frying, baking, stuffing. The keeping quality of the crop is at the level of 96%.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Potato Chervona Ruta is not susceptible to mechanical damage

Red (pink) potato varieties with yellow flesh

Red varieties of potatoes with yellow flesh inside are characterized by a high content of carotene. In addition, they also contain a complex of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, in terms of value, they are in no way inferior to species with white pulp, and in terms of the concentration of carotonoids per 100 g of the product, they even exceed them by 8-10 times. Therefore, you need to study the names and descriptions of common varieties of pink and red potatoes that are yellow inside.

red scarlet

Dutch early variety, which is characterized by an accelerated growth rate. Harvest it can be harvested after 75 days from the moment of germination. This species is characterized by increased drought tolerance without loss of productivity. Recommended for cultivation in the southern and central regions. The keeping quality of Red Scarlet is 98%, which means that the variety is ideal for long-term storage.

The plant is low, quickly builds up thick tops. Stems of medium thickness. The root system is powerful, it forms up to 15 tubers per season. The yield of the species reaches 600 kg per hundred square meters.

The photo of this red-skinned potato variety shows that its tubers have an oblong-oval shape. Moreover, red potatoes under a bush grow almost the same size, weighing 80-130 g. Their surface is slightly rough, and the flesh is a rich yellow hue. The depth of the peephole is insignificant, within 1-1,3 mm. The content of starch in fruits is 11-15%. This potato is suitable for frying, french fries, chips, baking, boiling in general.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Red Scarlet has a slight digestibility of fruits


German early ripe variety, which was included in the State Register of Our Country in 2006. Recommended for cultivation in the central and northern regions. The tests carried out showed that the duration of the vegetation of the species is 55-70 days, but early potatoes can be harvested after 45 days. Therefore, in the central regions, two crops of Bellarosa (Bellarosa) can be obtained per season.

The plant is upright, tall, intermediate type. The height of the shoots of Bellarossa reaches 70-75 cm. Under each bush, 8-10 red potatoes are formed per season, mostly medium and large. The average mass of marketable fruits is 200-210 g, and individual specimens can weigh 800-1000 g. The yield can reach 385 kg per 10 square meters. m. This potato is great for long-term storage, its tubers retain consumer properties until May.

Important! Bellarosa in prolonged rainy weather is affected by late blight.

The starch content in potatoes reaches 12-16%. The variety is great for mashed potatoes, frying, chips, fries.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

The popular name of Bellarosa “Cherry” because of the red color of the fruit

Svitanok Kiev

A Ukrainian potato variety with pink skin and yellow flesh, which was included in the State Register of Our Country in 1987. Recommended for cultivation on personal plots in the central and northern regions. The vegetation period of Svitanka Kievsky is 85-100 days, the potato belongs to the category of early ones.

The plant is low, upright, compact. The stems are clustered together, so dense planting is acceptable when growing this species. Under each bush, 8-12 red tubers are formed, weighing 90-120 g. The yield reaches 460 kg per 10 square meters. m. Keeping quality at the level of 95%.

Important! Kyiv Svitanok is similar in appearance to Zhukovsky early and Bullfinch, so this must be taken into account when buying seed material.

The taste of this red variety is high. The pulp is well boiled soft, so the variety is great for mashed potatoes and fillings. The starch content in it reaches 18%.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Svitanok Kyiv easily adapts to any climate

Rodrigo (Rodrigo)

German mid-early variety, which was included in the State Register of Our Country in 2008. Shows high productivity in moderate climatic conditions. The duration of its vegetation is 70-85 days. The yield of the variety is 218-380 kg per hundred square meters. At the same time, the yield of marketable fruits is 85-96%.

The plant is medium or tall, with spreading tops. When the tubers ripen, the stems lean completely to the ground. Under each bush, 7-9 potatoes grow during the season, with an average weight of 200 g. The Rodrigo potato variety has tubers of intense pink color, aligned, oblong in shape. The eyes are superficial, inconspicuous.

The taste is excellent, the variety belongs to the culinary type B. Suitable for salads, soups, baking purees. The starch content in this potato is 12,5-15,4%.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Rodrigo needs sprouting before planting

Peter’s riddle

Mid-early variety, which was obtained thanks to the efforts of breeders. It shows high productivity in the northern regions of the country, as it is not very susceptible to temperature changes. The crop ripens 80-95 days after germination. The yield is 192-336 kg per 10 square meters. m.

The plant is short, intermediate type with upright shoots. Each bush during the season forms 5-11 fruits with an average weight of 150 g. The tubers of the Piter’s Riddle variety are elongated-oval. The peel is thin, smooth, strong, red. Eyes small, superficial.

The palatability of the variety is assessed by experts as good. It belongs to the culinary type AB. Ideal for salads and frying.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Peter’s riddle is resistant to cancer and late blight


This is a Dutch table potato variety, which was entered into the State Register in 1995 and recommended for cultivation in the central regions. Condor is a mid-season species with a growing season of 75-85 days. The yield of the variety reaches 180-360 kg per 10 square meters. m. The variety is well preserved until spring, the level of waste does not exceed 6%.

The plant is medium-sized, intermediate type, 60-65 cm high. Berry formation is rare. 6-11 tubers are formed in the nest, weighing 90-180 g. Condor’s potatoes are elongated-oval, red in color. The pulp is intensely yellow in color, contains 9-14% starch.

The taste qualities of Condor are rated as good. The variety is considered universal, refers to the culinary type of the sun.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Condor is attacked by a nematode


A new promising crop variety, which was obtained thanks to the efforts of breeders. Characterized by a high level of marketability. This red-skinned variety is resistant to phytophthora, which makes it much easier to care for. The duration of the vegetation of the Vector is 80-100 days.

The variety is distinguished by low bushes, with semi-erect shoots. In one nest at the Vector, 6-13 potatoes are formed per season, with an average weight of 92-143 g. The fruits are oval-round with a dense red peel, so they easily tolerate transportation and long-term storage. The eyes are small, their depth is insignificant. The yellow flesh has a dense texture.

Important! The yield of the Vector is at the level of the Kolobok and Bonnie varieties, it is 180-263 kg per hundred square meters.

This variety has an excellent taste, has an average digestibility, belongs to the culinary type B. During cooking, the flesh does not darken. The vector is suitable for cooking different dishes. The starch content in its red fruits reaches 16,7-17,5%.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Vector suitable for industrial and private cultivation


Belarusian variety of late ripening. It is zoned in the Volga-Vyatka, Central and North-Western regions. Included in the State Register of Our Country in 2004. The vegetation period at Zhuravinka takes 90-100 days. The yield of the species is at the level of 177-242 kg per hundred square meters.

Important! Zhuravinka is a multi-tuber variety and requires a discharged planting.

Bushes of medium height, grow 5-6 thickened stems. The growth of the tops of this variety is intense. Potatoes are round-oval, medium, red. Up to 25 of them are formed in the nest. The average weight of fruits in Zhuravinka is 90-140 g. Their taste qualities are excellent. The variety is suitable for the production of starch, making chips, crisps, mashed potatoes.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Zhuravinka responds well to mineral and organic fertilizers


This is the name of a mid-late potato variety with oval tubers of intense pink color. It was obtained by Dutch breeders and entered into the State Register of Our Country in 1996. The duration of the growing season Symphony (Symphony) is 100-120 days. The variety is characterized by undemanding climate and soil composition.

Bushes are tall, upright. Under each of them, 8-11 oval aligned red tubers are formed. The output of marketable fruits from the Symphony is at the level of 81-92%, and the keeping quality is 95%.

The taste of potatoes is excellent. The pulp is soft, so the Symphony is ideal for mashed potatoes. The starch content in this red potato reaches 13-19%.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Symphony is suitable for mechanical harvesting


A late-ripening Dutch variety that is drought-resistant and shows high performance in the southern regions. The duration of vegetation of this potato is 110-120 days. Productivity at the level of 190-315 kg per hundred square meters. The yield of marketable tubers is 80-95%.

Bushes at Picasso (Picasso) high, densely leafy. With proper care, the plant forms 17-18 tubers per season. The average fruit weight is 100-120 g. Starch content is at the level of 10-12%, so the potatoes do not boil soft. Picasso can be used for salads, soups, frying, baking. The variety is well stored until spring, does not germinate.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Picasso is resistant to degeneration

Red potato with pink flesh

The most useful varieties of red potatoes are red inside. After all, such a shade of pulp indicates an increased content of antioxidants in fruits, so their regular use in moderation is an excellent prevention of many diseases. However, there are still few such varieties.


Belarusian variety, which was included in the State Register of Our Country in 2014. Belongs to the category of medium-early with a growing season of 90-110 days. It shows high performance on loose loams and sandy loams. Requires planting in well-drained soil. The yield reaches 165-408 kg per hundred square meters.

The manifesto is characterized by tall bushes of an intermediate type. The root system is powerful, forming up to 11-15 tubers, weighing 90-150 g. Potatoes are elongated-oval, with a smooth surface, red. Eyes small, superficial.

The variety is considered universal with good taste. The starch content in the pulp reaches 13-15,4%.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

The yield of the Manifesto directly depends on compliance with the rules of agricultural technology


A time-tested Dutch cultivar that received official registration in 1978. Differs in sprawling bushes, about 65 cm high. The duration of the growing season of the Desiree variety (Desiree) is 80-100 days. In the nest, 18-20 tubers are formed with an average weight of 52-104 g. Berry formation in the variety is practically not observed.

Desiree potatoes are oval in shape. Their skin is red with numerous superficial eyes. The yield of marketable tubers is 94%. Starch content at the level of 13,5-21%.

Important! Desiree needs preventive treatments for diseases

The taste of the variety is rated as good. Potatoes are suitable for mashed potatoes, as well as other dishes.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Desire is resistant to temperature extremes

Black grouse

Ukrainian late variety that tolerates high humidity well. The duration of its vegetation is 120 days. Productivity at the level of 210-350 kg per hundred square meters. The variety is characterized by an intensive growth rate, quickly increasing tops.

Grouse tubers are round-oval, red. Their average weight varies within 70-130 g. 6-11 potatoes are formed in the nest. The keeping quality of the variety is 97%. Culinary type of CD variety, so it is suitable for puree, baking, stuffing.

Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

Grouse can be grown in any region

Varieties of potatoes with red or pink eyes

There are also types of culture in which only the eyes are red or pink, and the tubers are light in color. Such varieties stand out from the rest and are highly popular.

Among them:

  • Aurora;
    Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

    Aurora is characterized by high yield

  • Nevsky;
    Varieties of red (or pink) potatoes with photos and descriptions

    The pulp of Nevsky during the cooking process retains its shade


Having studied the red varieties of potatoes, their features and characteristics, you can select the types based on the expected growing conditions. This will allow you to get a good harvest with minimal care. However, from time to time, varieties need to be updated, as they gradually lose their specific qualities.

What is the difference between pink and white potatoes, which potatoes are good for frying and which are good for boiling

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