Varieties of purple ornamental onions
Purple onions can be sweet and dessert or bright and decorative and become a true garden decoration. In the second case, we are talking about the closest relative of the onion – allium.
How to grow purple decorative onions
A flowerbed with alliums in the garden looks like footage from the Martian chronicle. These purple and blue balls on long legs look so unusual. For an ornamental plant, it is not too whimsical, and for an onion, it is too good-looking.
Purple bow is very decorative
Plant sizes vary. They can be tall or short. Depending on this, they can be planted along the curbs or brought to the background of the composition.
You need to choose a sunny place for landing. Allium prefers loose, rich soils. It can be planted in autumn and spring. For a correct fit:
- Dig up the bed and add a mixture of compost and mineral fertilizers.
- Plant the bulb 2 times its size.
- Fill the hole and pour water over it.
For autumn planting, mulch the soil. If you are planting different varieties, stick a plate with the name of allium next to it.
Plant care consists of watering and feeding. The first fertilizing with mineral fertilizer must be done in the spring when shoots appear. When the buds are tied, feed the plant again. You can use top dressing for indoor flowering plants. This will help you get large, lush flowers.
You need to water allium regularly, but do not fill it, otherwise the roots may rot. Once every 4 years, the plant must be transplanted to a new location. This perennial winters well in the middle lane, but some tropical varieties require digging out the bulbs.
Allium comes in different colors, varieties differ in the shape of the inflorescence and shades. From the purple range, several varieties can be considered:
- “Giant” – a tall variety, up to 150 cm, has a bright pink-purple inflorescence cap.
- “Aflatunsky” – in growth and brightness is not inferior to “Giant”, its inflorescence goes into a more pink palette.
- “Christopha” has a large inflorescence of 20 cm. Its color is pale lilac with a silvery shade. And the ball itself consists of scattered star-shaped flowers.
- Schnitt-onion is an edible ornamental variety with small purple flowers.
Different varieties of allium can be grown separately from other flowers, but the leaves of these beauties quickly turn yellow and spoil the appearance. It is worth diluting the planting with ornamental grasses or flowers that will hide the wilted foliage.
Allium looks great on garden plots. It does not compete with other colors and can be used in mixborders. And if you cut it off during flowering, it will decorate the composition of dried flowers.