Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Probably, there is no such grower who would not grow phloxes. These flowers grow everywhere, they decorate not only flower beds and borders, phloxes can often be found in parks and gardens, and their true connoisseurs create whole floxaria. Almost all varieties of this plant are perennials, only Drummond’s phlox blooms for only one year. The beauty of phlox lies in its most delicate form, it is impossible not to note the unpretentiousness of this flower, its long flowering. There are many varieties of phlox: from ground cover and forest to very refined and tall. Each grower will be able to choose his own variety of this flower if he knows about its features.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Varieties of perennial phloxes with names and photos will be discussed in this article. Here you can find information on each type of plant, learn how to grow them and what care to provide.

Interesting features

Phlox translates as “flame”, which is why phloxes are often called fiery flowers. The homeland of these plants is North America, but they have taken root in Europe for a long time – since the seventeenth century. To date, more than seventy species and about one and a half thousand varieties of perennial phlox are known – the flower grower, indeed, has plenty to choose from.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

The fiery flower is actively used by landscape designers, as it is suitable for decorating a garden and adjacent territory in any style. True connoisseurs of ornamental plants love phloxes for their diversity: there are inflorescences of absolutely any shades, varieties with different flowering periods and different bush heights.

Attention! There are so many varieties of phlox that it is quite possible to create a flower garden from these plants alone: ​​a well-designed flower bed will bloom from early summer until late autumn. Such flower beds are called phloxaria.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Perennial phloxes have taken root in Our Country due to their unique winter hardiness – these are one of the few flowers that can withstand severe frosts without shelter.

Varieties of fire flowers

Below are the most popular varieties of perennial phlox – in fact, there are tens and hundreds of them. All types of these plants share common features:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • winter hardiness;
  • ease of reproduction;
  • lush inflorescences;
  • gentle shades;
  • light pleasant aroma.
Important! The appearance of inflorescences of different varieties can vary greatly.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Taking into account the timing of flowering, the appearance of inflorescences and bushes, the height of plants, phlox varieties can be classified.

There are four main types of fiery flowers:

  1. Awl-shaped phlox.
  2. splayed.
  3. Panicled phlox.
  4. One year old Drummond.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

The given photos of plants will help you navigate the choice of variety and correctly compose the composition. A brief description and characteristics of each species will be useful to inexperienced gardeners and those who have never grown perennial phlox in their garden.

Awl-shaped group of perennials

This group includes the most undersized varieties, which are often called ground cover. It is with these flowers that alpine slides are decorated, they are used in rockeries and other landscape compositions.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Characteristic features of a perennial awl-shaped plant:

  • shoot height up to 20 cm;
  • narrow needle-shaped leaves;
  • the length of the leaves reaches a maximum of two centimeters;
  • the bushes are green until the first frost;
  • on meek stems, from one to three inflorescences are formed;
  • flowering twice per season (from May to early July and from mid-August until the first cold weather).

A rug of subulate phloxes can be painted in absolutely any shade, but inflorescences of white, blue, purple and violet tones predominate.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Attention! An interesting fact is that, despite the variety of species and varieties, there are no phloxes with yellow inflorescences.

Anyone who grows styloid varieties in his home must take into account their features:

  1. Choose well-drained soil, ideally sandy.
  2. Plant plants in well-lit areas.
  3. Trim the tops of the bushes after the first wave of flowering.
  4. Rejuvenate bushes every five years by separating them.
  5. Feed the plants twice a year: in spring and in mid-summer.
  6. Propagate phloxes by lateral processes and dividing the bush.

But all varieties of awl-shaped phloxes perfectly tolerate heat and frost, so they do not cause unnecessary trouble to the grower.

Purple Beauty

This perennial phlox is very fond of sunlight – this must be taken into account when choosing a place for flowers. The inflorescences of the ground cover plant are painted in a lilac-violet range. The flowering of the Violet Queen variety occurs at the end of May, June. The bushes are compact, only up to 17 cm high.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Advice! If, after withering, perennial awl-shaped phloxes are cut to a third of their height, you can wait for the second wave of flowering – closer to autumn.


The flowers of this variety are forked, snow-white, so they are often compared with moths. Perennial phlox should be planted in a soil with good drainage, which contains sand or small pebbles. Petticoat grows up to twenty centimeters. The inflorescences of this variety exude a very delicate sweet aroma. The palette has not only white flowers, there are also blue, purple and deep pink plants of the Petticoat variety.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Important! Regardless of the color of the inflorescences, the middle of the flower in this variety always has blotches of a different shade.

Red Wings

It is easy to recognize this variety – its buds are painted in a very rich crimson color and simply glow in the flower bed. The fire flower tolerates heat and cold very well, therefore it can be grown in regions with a difficult climate. Loves drained soils, has an unpretentious character, blooms twice a season.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

splayed views

Perennial phloxes from the splayed group have the most unpretentious disposition – they require almost no care and feel great in any conditions. These plants also have a stronger smell, are able to grow not only in the sun, but also in partial shade.

The appearance of splayed phloxes is characterized by such features:

  • the stem is extended by 20-40 cm (depending on the landing site: sun or partial shade);
  • inflorescences loose;
  • the shape of the flowers is characteristic – the petals are wide at the edges, but taper closer to the center;
  • the shape of the leaves is elongated, the surface is hard, they reach five centimeters in length;
  • flowering occurs at the end of May – beginning of June;
  • flowers are painted in white and blue shades.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

In this group, unlike the previous one, there are many domestic varieties – they are easy to recognize by the name on the package. This explains the unpretentiousness of spread varieties – they are better adapted to the local climate.

A florist who has bought splayed phloxes for his site should know that:

  1. Flowers smell quite strongly, so you need to choose the right place for planting them.
  2. A dense shade is not suitable for planting perennial phlox, they need at least diffused sun.
  3. The soil composition can be mixed, but must have good drainage.
  4. Frosts for splayed varieties are not terrible.
  5. Flowers reproduce only by lateral shoots.
  6. Every 5-6 years, the bushes need to be rejuvenated or seated.

blue dreams

The beauty of this variety of perennial phlox lies in the possibility of growing flowers under trees and shrubs. A thick carpet of flowers exuding a marvelous aroma can decorate any gardens and parks, looks great in flower beds. Inflorescences are painted in lilac-blue shades. The variety is very winter hardy. It is necessary to propagate phloxes with the help of lateral processes.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

White Perfume

Perennial phloxes of snow-white color exude a very strong spicy aroma that will fill the entire garden. The height of the bushes can reach thirty centimeters. These flowers can also be grown in partial shade of trees and shrubs.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

panicled fire flowers

This group is the most numerous – in almost any domestic garden there are panicled phloxes. There are hundreds of varieties and types of such flowers.

The main distinguishing features of paniculate perennial forms:

  • separation of varieties according to the height of the bush (low – up to 60 cm, medium – up to 100 cm, high – up to 120 cm);
  • leaves lanceolate, elongated, about 8-14 cm long;
  • stems are smooth, even, woody by winter;
  • inflorescences can have any shape and size (spherical inflorescences predominate);
  • by fullness, the flowers are compact, but loose;
  • according to the timing of flowering, varieties are also divided into three groups;
  • the color palette is very wide.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Attention! Due to the huge number of varieties of panicled phloxes, it is more convenient to consider this group by the shades of inflorescences – it is for this indicator that flower growers choose plants for their flower beds.

White flowers

Snow-white flowers look great against the background of spring greenery, so these phloxes are quite common. There are many varieties of white perennial phlox, the most popular of them have the following names:

  • late Foerster;
  • blooming 50 days grade Heaven;
  • Sea Foam, blooming in mid-summer;
  • domestic variety with an average flowering time Lebedushka.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

colorful flowers

From July to September, multi-colored varieties of perennial phloxes bloom. The shades of these colors are so diverse that it is very difficult to choose one.

Popular varieties:

  • bright pink phlox perennial Larisa;
  • sky blue Blue Paradise;
  • Margarita with crimson inflorescences;
  • pale lilac variety Lavender.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Spotted panicled flower

Breeders place special emphasis on breeding these multi-colored phloxes. After all, colorful plants with the most intricate combinations of patterns and shades are in the greatest demand.

Today the following varieties are known:

  • Ivan, blooming in the middle of summer;
  • Europe, blooming from July to September;
  • very gentle Miss Pepper;
  • Bright Eyes with adorable salmon flower balls.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description


Dutch and English varieties of perennial phloxes are distinguished into a separate group called fillings. A characteristic feature of such species is non-blooming flowers that look like buds.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Important! The most famous and popular variety of fillings is Red Fillins, shown in the photo below.

How to care for fire flowers

Phlox perennials, photos and names of which are presented above, are not difficult to grow. Despite the stunning beauty, these flowers are absolutely unpretentious and need the simplest, but competent, care:

  1. The soil under the bushes should be regularly loosened or organic mulch should be used.
  2. Perennial phloxes should be watered exclusively around the bush – water should not flow either under the root or on the leaf.
  3. It is recommended to feed perennial phloxes with organic matter (autumn) and potassium-phosphorus complexes (spring, summer).
  4. It is better to propagate and plant new plants in the fall.
  5. After flowering, the tops of the bushes must be pruned so that the young inflorescences are large and plentiful.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

Advice! Although most varieties tolerate the winter perfectly, it is better to mulch the plant roots with sawdust, humus or straw in November.


Perennial phloxes are a great option for decorating a garden or yard. These flowers need to be planted only once every five to six years, they do not need complex care and the constant attention of the grower.

Varieties of perennial phlox: photo + description

In gratitude for the nutritious loose soil and the sun’s rays, phlox will delight the owner with lush and very long flowering. There are a lot of names and varieties of a fiery flower, even the most fastidious flower grower will be able to choose a perennial phlox to your liking.

Phloxes. Perennial flowers.

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