Varieties of pepper for stuffing

Sweet pepper is one of the most important sources of vitamins. Vegetable salads are prepared from it, added to juices, soups and main dishes. Unfortunately, the shelf life of this useful miracle vegetable is negligible. Therefore, it is not surprising that many housewives try to preserve its beneficial properties for a long time. The process of stuffing will help to cope with this difficult, at first glance, task.

Pepper surprises with its variety of colors and varieties. In all this abundance, it is very easy to get confused and confused when choosing the right variety of pepper for stuffing. An erroneous choice can spoil not only the aesthetic appearance of the dish, its taste, but also lead to disappointment in one’s culinary abilities.

Varieties of pepper for stuffing

Criteria for choosing peppers for stuffing

The main criteria for choosing a variety of sweet pepper for stuffing are:

  • fetal wall thickness;
  • productivity.

According to the degree of ripening, early and later varieties are divided. Representatives of the first category can be collected already at the end of June, beginning of July, the second – before the first frost.

Varieties of pepper suitable for stuffing

The most popular among housewives, according to reviews, are the following varieties of sweet bell pepper:

  1. Moldovan gift.
  2. Golden miracle.
  3. Golden Rain.
  4. Poplar.
  5. Gypsy F1 (hybrid).
  6. The hero.
  7. Atlant.
  8. Red shovel.
  9. California miracle.
  10. Tusk.

Let’s consider each of them separately.

“Gift of Moldova”

Varieties of pepper for stuffing

The variety belongs to the category of mid-season. Bushes of medium height, do not need a garter, high-yielding. The pepper has an oblong shape, the walls are of medium thickness – up to 7 mm. Due to its shape and excellent taste, the vegetable is perfect for stuffing and canning.

“Golden Miracle”

Varieties of pepper for stuffing

The bushes of this variety are medium in size, but quite voluminous. Such a large space is compensated during the harvest period, when from 10 to 18 peppercorns are harvested from one plant. Vegetables are sweet in taste, juicy, with thick walls (8-10 mm). The plant is suitable for growing both indoors and outdoors.

“Golden Rain”

The variety is early maturing. It will take 115 days for the fruit to fully ripen. Plants can be grown both in the greenhouse and in the open field. The yield is high. Peppercorns are yellow, spherical. The walls reach 8 mm in thickness. The representative of this species tolerates pest attacks well, has excellent disease resistance.

Varieties of pepper for stuffing

Attention! Golden Rain pepper is spherical in shape, so it should only be cooked for serving. As an option for canning, this variety is not the best.


Varieties of pepper for stuffing

The representative of this variety ripens within 120-130 days, has a high yield, is unpretentious. Bell pepper bushes reach a height of 50-60 cm. The wall thickness ranges from 6 to 8 mm.

«Gypsy F1»

hybrid variety. It differs from representatives of non-hybrid varieties in its increased productivity and good resistance to pests and diseases. Vegetables are grown mainly in a greenhouse, but the variety is also suitable for open ground. The fruits are oblong, juicy, with thick walls.

Varieties of pepper for stuffing

Important! Hybrid varieties are no worse than representatives of conventional varieties. In terms of taste, the hybrid is in no way inferior to the original, and in some positions even surpasses it.


Varieties of pepper for stuffing

The fruits of this variety ripen by mid-July, so it is classified as mid-season. Bushes are medium. Slightly elongated peppercorns reach 20 cm, have a thick wall (about 7 mm) and weigh from 140 to 200 grams. The variety has a high yield and is resistant to pests. Seeds are planted in February, and seedlings – with the onset of heat. Depending on the region, the timing of planting seedlings in the ground varies slightly, from the end of April to mid-May. The variety is suitable for planting both in the greenhouse and in the open field.


Varieties of pepper for stuffing

You can harvest this type of pepper two and a half months after planting the plant in the ground. The fruits are quite large, fleshy. The wall thickness reaches 1 cm. The bushes are small in height – about 80 cm. The great advantage of the variety is its versatility – it is suitable for growing both in closed and open ground. Unpretentious. It tolerates small temperature fluctuations well, resistant to pest attack.

“Red Spade”

Varieties of pepper for stuffing

Fruits of saturated bright red color begin to ripen in early July. The bushes are low – up to 70 cm. Up to 15 fruits are formed on one plant, weighing up to 160 g each. The wall thickness of this hero reaches 8 mm. The taste is very sweet, with a slightly pronounced peppery aroma. It tolerates attacks of pests, resistant to diseases.

“California Miracle”

Varieties of pepper for stuffing

Refers to late ripening varieties. Until the fruit is completely reddened, the plant needs 120-130 days after sowing the seeds, so the crop should be planted for seedlings from February. The variety does not require special care and any additional growing conditions. It grows well and ripens both in the greenhouse and in the open field. Bushes of medium height are able to reproduce from 10 to 14 fruits of a pinkish-red color. The wall thickness reaches 8 mm. The variety is very popular due to its taste and high content of vitamin C.


The representative of this variety has a bright red color, sweet taste with a pronounced taste characteristic of pepper. This type of bell pepper can be harvested as early as 100 days after planting. The variety belongs to early ripening, fruitful. On one bush grows up to 15-18 peppercorns. Wall thickness – 8-9 mm.

Varieties of pepper for stuffing

Attention! Bushes of the “Tusk” variety are quite high, up to 170 cm. This fact must be taken into account when choosing the optimal place for planting.

Stuffed bell peppers are a delicious and very healthy delicacy. There are many recipes for this delicacy. Each hostess tries to bring her own zest to the dish, to make it individual and unique. Armed with the knowledge of the best varieties of peppers for stuffing, you can easily start creating your unique culinary masterpiece.


Maria Vladimirovna, 55 years old, Cheboksary
I have been growing bell peppers in my garden for many years. I tried different varieties. Most of all I liked the pepper “California Miracle”. Ripe peppercorns not only look beautiful, but have a delicate sweetish taste. The pulp is juicy, the walls are dense and thick. I use this variety mainly for stuffing. My guests love it. You can also use this pepper for salads.
Elena, 34 years old, Novokuznetsk
I love coockie so much. I buy pepper from trusted gardeners, or as they are also called farmers. Tried to cook some stuffed peppers. The first pancake, as they say, lumpy. The aesthetic appearance of the dish left much to be desired. But I decided not to stop and find out the true reason for my failure. It turned out that the whole problem was in the wrong variety of bell pepper. Now I cook a dish only from proven varieties: Golden Rain, Atlant and Topolin. The result is always excellent!
Eleanor, 31 Moscow
I am a chef by profession. I work in a restaurant. One of our signature dishes is stuffed peppers. I was convinced from my own experience that not all varieties are suitable for making stuffed peppers. It is best to cook from a thick-walled vegetable. If you serve the dish immediately after cooking, then you can use a more rounded pepper, if you need to save it until winter, in a jar, it is better to use varieties that are more oblong in shape. A sweet bell pepper dish is not only tasty, but also very healthy, so I recommend everyone to try it at least once. Our visitors are very satisfied and come again to taste such an appetizing, satisfying and vitamin delicacy.
Tamara Veniaminovna, 60 years old, Tver
I grow pepper in a greenhouse all the time, I make a lot of different dishes from it. I really like to make sunsets for the winter. I started stuffing peppers relatively recently, on the advice of my daughter. One day she came to me with a recipe for canning sweet peppers with minced meat and vegetables. I tried to cook. They decided to open a jar of miracle salting for the New Year. The pepper is very tasty. Now I make it every year. For seaming, it is best to use oblong-shaped vegetables so that they fit better in a jar. I use the variety “Red Spade” and “Bogatyr”. I recommend the dish to everyone.
Olga Fedorovna, 54 years old, Vladimir
I live in a private house. I have been gardening all my life. I grow many different vegetable crops, but the most favorite is Bulgarian pepper. I have been growing it for over 20 years. At first she planted seedlings in a greenhouse, then she began to try to breed varieties for open ground. To my surprise, there were a huge number of them. In open ground, pepper feels great. In addition, you do not need to spend energy on installing a greenhouse, covering with a film, airing almost by the hour. In addition, the yield did not suffer at all, but, on the contrary, increased. Last year I collected a record amount of pepper. The question arose: how to save the grown crop? I decided to stuff some of the peppers according to a neighbor’s proven recipe. The taste of the pickles was simply excellent. I took the recipe for myself. Now every year I roll stuffed peppers according to a proprietary recipe.
Inga Veniaminovna, 58 years old, city ​​of Tomsk
Sweet pepper is a favorite vegetable in our family. I grow it all the time in my garden. I try to plant varieties with different ripening periods in order to have time to process them. It is very convenient when the crop ripens evenly, in several stages. Early varieties tend to be used in vegetable salads and eaten raw. Later – I use for canning and stuffing. For preservation, you can use any variety, but for stuffing it is necessary to select peppercorns with thicker walls. I always try to adhere to this simple condition when choosing peppers. The result is always excellent. The whole family is happy and full. I wish you good luck in your culinary endeavors.
Igor Fedorovich, 64 years old, Abakan
Growing sweet bell peppers on the site is my old passion. We can say that this hobby gradually grew into something more, it became my passion. I really like to experiment, so every year I plant new varieties and hybrids in addition to proven ones. Every year, pepper plantations are growing rapidly, and with them the harvest. My wife found a great way out of this situation – in addition to preparing salads, she began to stuff peppers and pickle them in jars, thereby preserving them almost until spring. Such a tasty and very original solution made my hobby not only pleasant, but also useful for our whole family.

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