Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

Today, a wide variety of melon varieties have been bred and successfully cultivated all over the world. According to the latest data, the collection of samples of this culture exceeds 3 thousand, and most of them belong to table (edible) varieties. Such diversity contributed to the fact that it began to be classified not by physical parameters, but by geographical principle. About what melons are, how they are special, what species can be grown in our latitudes, will be described in this article.

About melon

Melon is an annual gourd crop of the gourd family. The plant is characterized by long creeping shoots. Depending on the place of cultivation and variety, 2–10 fruits weighing 1,5–10 kg can be formed on one bush. The fruit is a false berry of a spherical or oblong shape of yellow, green, sometimes brown and even white color with sweet fragrant pulp. The average maturation period is 2-4 months, however, some late species can mature up to 6 months.

Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

The homeland of the melon is the territory of Central and Central Asia. It is here that this gourd has been traditionally cultivated for several centuries, and in these countries it is not just a dessert, but a staple food. Some species of this culture come from the tropics of Africa, China and India. It is believed that the sweetest and most fragrant fruits grow in the countries of Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan.

Uzbek melons are considered the largest melons in this area – their weight can reach 25 kg. But this size is not a record. For example, the largest melon was once grown in the USA, and its weight exceeded 100 kg, but after that several more similar records were set in the world.

Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

Melon was brought to Europe in the middle of the last century, and began to be actively cultivated only at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. Now this southern culture is grown all over the world, and, thanks to the intensive work of breeders, new melon varieties are constantly being developed.

In addition to Central Asia, melon is cultivated for industrial purposes in the south of Ukraine. Gradually, its cultivation is also moving to the northern regions of the Urals, Yakutia and even the Far East. In those regions where it is not possible to grow it in open ground conditions, greenhouses and greenhouses are used.

In accordance with geographical origin, cultivated (table) varieties are classified into three main subspecies: Central Asian, Asia Minor, European, as well as exotic varieties.

Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

There are indeed many exotic and unusual varieties in the world. For example, in China and the countries of North Africa, serpentine melons are common, outwardly the same color as cucumbers, but much longer – 40-100 cm. Banana melon, which is simply called “banana”, is no less exotic. There are also fruits with a bizarre shape, for example, a variety that has a very euphonious name “Sybarite’s Dream”, or very tiny melons called “mouse”.

Melon does not contain allergens at all – it can be given to young children. Of course, not newborns, but babies from 8 months old can be given it as complementary foods.

Sweet and juicy pulp is an excellent natural remedy for depression, it improves the functioning of all internal organs. You can use it not only fresh. A variety of desserts, salads, jams, marshmallows are prepared from it, baked and dried in the microwave. In any form, it is extremely useful and tasty.

Video “Useful properties of melon”

This video will tell you about the beneficial properties of everyone’s favorite product.

Fruit marathon. Melon, useful properties

Central Asian varieties

More than 160 types of melons are cultivated on the territory of the countries of Central Asia, which are known all over the world. The best and most delicious fruits are grown here, and the variety of their shapes, colors and tastes is simply amazing. Among them there are both early summer and late-ripening varieties that ripen in autumn – they are called winter, as they remain almost until spring.

Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

The most popular Central Asian representatives of culture are:

  • Kassaba. A winter variety that is harvested in late autumn while still green. Subsequent ripening of the crop occurs under canopies in a suspended form.
  • Walk. This Turkmen variety is well known all over the world. Ripens by the end of summer, well transported and stored all winter. The fruits are ovoid, large (3–6 kg). The pulp is white, quite dense, but juicy and very sweet.
  • Chogars (Bukharka). In Central Asia, this is the most popular variety. Large (up to 6 kg) oval fruits with a pointed shape on one side are distinguished by a dense skin. The flesh is white and very sweet.
  • Ich-Kzyl, known throughout the world as Pineapple. Mid-season variety ripening in Central Asia by the end of August. The fruits are oval, medium in size (2-4 kg), the peel is yellow, covered with a patterned mesh. The pulp is white, very juicy with a characteristic aroma and flavor of pineapple.
  • Ribbed. An early ripe Uzbek hybrid with a characteristic ribbed surface. At home, it ripens in mid-summer, and in the conditions of Central Our Country by the end of August. The fruits look like a pumpkin, the peel is yellow, rough, the flesh is very tender, sweet and fragrant.
  • Torpedo. The most popular in Central Asia and world-famous Uzbek variety. The fruits are large, elongated, slightly pointed at the edges. The peel is light yellow, rough, covered with a grid. The pulp is white, juicy, oily. It is well transported, it is stored for a long time.

Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

European varieties

In Europe, about 80 varieties are grown, specially zoned for temperate and northern climates. They are distinguished by their small size (up to 2–2,5 kg), rounded shape, and rather sweet taste. These are predominantly summer early-ripening or medium-ripening species.

The fruits of European hybrids are poorly transported, quickly deteriorate, so they are immediately eaten. A variety of dishes are prepared from them, baked, sometimes dried. It should be said that it is very convenient to cook such fruits in the microwave, since juice practically does not flow out of them.

Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

In Europe, the following melon varieties are considered the most popular:

  • Melon Gold of the Scythians. Mid-season (70–80 days) hybrid with small (1,5–2 kg) round fruits. The peel is golden yellow, almost orange, slightly rough. The pulp is white, very juicy, slightly oily. The grade possesses high resistance to diseases, frost-resistant.
  • The dream of a sybarite or, in other words, the dream of a lazy person. A very early variety, reaching technical maturity in 50-55 days. The sybarite dream is distinguished by small (300–500 g) fruits of the original elongated shape and green striped peel. The pulp of melon Mechta sybarite is white, very juicy and crispy, with a specific honey aroma and taste. The dream of sybarite is considered a high-yielding variety – 15–20 fruits ripen on a bush per season.
  • Melon Slavia. Hybrid of medium late (90–110 days) ripening period. The fruits are medium in size (1,5–4 kg), spherical, the peel is yellow-green, almost brown, covered with a coarse patterned mesh. The pulp is white, thick and dense, rather juicy, sweet and fragrant. The variety is high-yielding, resistant to drought, cold and disease, well transported.
  • Melon Dune. Relatively new variety of early ripening (55–70 days). Fruits are oval, yellow peel is covered with a continuous grid. Fruit weight 2–3,5 kg. The pulp is creamy, tender, very juicy with a pronounced aroma.
  • Melon Dubovka. Mid-season variety with small (0,8–2 kg) oblong fruits. The peel is thin, golden-greenish in color, partially covered with a mesh. The flesh is creamy, dense, slightly crispy, very sweet and aromatic. The variety is resistant to bacteriosis and drought.
  • Titovka. Early (60–70 days) variety with round, small (1,5–2 kg) fruits. The peel is yellow, smooth, partially covered with a grid. The pulp is white, fibrous, juicy, sweet in taste. Titovka is often grown in the fields on an industrial scale, as it is well adapted to cold and disease.
  • Melon Raymond. Magnificent early ripe hybrid of pineapple type. The fruits are large in size (6–10 kg), outwardly similar to the well-known Torpedo. The peel is thin, yellow, completely covered with a grid. The pulp is creamy, very sweet (13% sugar), incredibly juicy, with a characteristic honey aroma.
  • Melon Roksolana F1. Early ripe (65–70 days) hybrid with round, sometimes elongated fruits weighing up to 2,5 kg. The thin golden peel is covered with a small mesh. The pulp is creamy, very tender, slightly oily, sweet.
  • Melon Sweet miracle. Very high-yielding mid-season (80–95 days) hybrid. The fruits are round, medium-sized (up to 3 kg), the peel is yellow, mesh. Melon Sweet Miracle has an incredible taste – its light cream flesh is very sweet, with a pronounced honey tint. The variety is resistant to cold, fungal diseases, well transported.
  • Delano. Early ripe (53–55 days) pineapple-type hybrid. The weight of fruits of the Delano variety reaches 3-4 kg. The fruits are elongated, with a mesh peel of an intense yellow color. The Delano hybrid has an unsurpassed honey-pineapple aroma. The flesh of the fruit is very sweet, orange in color, almost red.
  • Kalmyk. An early variety often cultivated in the fields. The fruits have a rough, slightly ribbed skin. The flesh is juicy, sweet and very fleshy. The culture is unpretentious, with proper care gives high yields, is well transported
  • Dakar. An early ripe pineapple-type hybrid, bred relatively recently. The fruits are oval, weighing 3-5 kg. The peel is bright yellow, covered with a grid. Dakar pulp is sweet, oily, with a characteristic pineapple flavor and aroma.

Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

Now the best early-ripening varieties intended for the relatively stable European climate have been listed.

exotic melons

There are many exotic and unusual varieties in the world. All of them are predominantly early, as they grow in a southern or tropical climate. We will talk about the most popular of them further.

Variety Banana 

The description of the Banana variety is somewhat similar to the fruit of the same name. Banana melon is the same long, only its peel is light green. The hybrid Banana (banana melon) was bred in the USA and has been cultivated there since 1885. Variety Banana belongs to the late – banana melon ripens after 90 days.

Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

In the West, the banana hybrid is very popular. In good conditions Banana grows to a decent size: 35–80 cm long and 8–15 cm in diameter. Banana melon tastes a bit like a fruit – the pulp of the Banana variety is just as soft, tender and oily. In addition, banana melon has a characteristic aroma reminiscent of a real banana.

However, there is one significant difference – in terms of the color of the pulp, the Banana variety is not at all like a fruit. Inside the banana melon is golden, almost red, with a greenish edge under the peel. Banana melon is considered the most unusual not only in its homeland, but throughout the world.

Varieties of melon from all over the world: reviews and descriptions

Vietnamese striped melon

These are miniature fruits of a yellow-brown color, the creamy flesh of which has a delicious pineapple flavor.

Mexican gherkin (mouse melon)

A miniature hybrid with a green striped skin that looks like a tiny watermelon. The flesh of these fruits is also green and slightly watery with a sour taste.

Of course, these are not all exotic names. Seeds of a wide variety of exotic hybrids are now available in gardening stores. But it must be remembered that they can only be grown in a greenhouse.

Video “Tasting eight melon varieties”

This video is dedicated to the favorite summer treat of children and adults. You will see 8 varieties of melons, learn about their uses and benefits.

Melons. Tasting of 8 sorts of melons.

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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