The best varieties of remontant raspberries for the Urals are represented by early and mid-ripening varieties. Before buying a plant for your site, you need to study the existing selection and characteristics of shrubs.

Climate features in the Urals

When choosing raspberries for the Urals, it is necessary to focus on the climatic features of the region. Characteristic for him are:

  • long and cold winters with temperatures dropping to -45 °C;
  • late spring, coming no earlier than April, with return frosts until mid-June;
  • hot and often dry summers;
  • early autumn with a decrease in night temperature to negative values ​​already in October.

Frost-resistant, hardy varieties with good immunity to diseases and pests are best suited for growing in the Urals. It is desirable that raspberries have strong shoots and powerful roots that penetrate deep enough into the soil. In terms of ripening, it is worth giving preference to early and mid-season varieties.

Attention! Late raspberries in the Urals barely finish fruiting by the first frost and do not always have time to prepare for wintering.

The best varieties of remontant raspberries for the Urals

Remontant varieties are optimal for growing in the Urals. Such raspberries begin to ripen in mid-summer and bear fruit in waves until autumn. In one season, a good harvest can be harvested from several bushes.

A shelf

Raspberries with medium early ripening bear fruit from late July to early September. Gives large pink-red berries up to 5 g each. The fruits are collected in small brushes, characterized by a pleasant sweet aroma, juiciness and bright taste. The variety is suitable for fresh consumption and for making jam.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

From one raspberry bush Polk in the Urals, you can harvest up to 7 kg of crop


Remontant raspberries bring large juicy berries up to 6 g with a sweet taste. It gives up to 5 kg of fruits from one plant, you can start harvesting in the Urals in early August. The shape of the berries are wide-conical, red and shiny. After ripening, they are easily separated from the shoots, but do not crumble to the ground.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry Caramel tastes like forest

The Orange Miracle

Yellow-orange remontant raspberry brings medium-sized berries up to 6 g. It is distinguished by compact size and friendly ripening, the fruits are elongated, with a rounded tip, with good density. The taste of raspberries is sweet and sour, sugar content increases in proportion to the number of sunny days.

Attention! Variety Orange miracle in the Urals bears fruit from the end of July until the first frost. But the latest berries rarely taste good and are usually of no value.
Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry Orange miracle tolerates transportation well and does not wrinkle

Varieties of large-fruited raspberries for the Urals

Large-fruited raspberries are distinguished by their special juiciness, softness and richness of taste. Several varieties are well suited for the Urals, as they are characterized not only by productivity, but also by increased frost resistance.


Variety Penguin produces large round-conical berries with red-pink bright skin and pulp. On average, the fruits weigh 5-6 g, but can reach a larger mass. The taste of raspberries is sour-sweet, there are small bones in the pulp, but they usually do not interfere with consumption. The variety has a long shelf life both fresh and frozen.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry Penguin in the Urals gives up to 6 kg of yield per bush


A hardy and frost-resistant variety is especially recommended for the Urals. It has a small size, stretches up to a maximum of 1,5 m, so the shrub is easy to cover for the winter. Fruiting of raspberries begins in August, conical berries reach a weight of about 5 g. The color of the drupe is dark red, with a matte skin, sour-sweet in taste with a moderate aroma. The yield of raspberry Eurasia is average – an adult bush brings about 3 kg of fruit.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry Eurasia has thorns, but they are concentrated at the base of the shoots

Golden autumn

Golden-orange large-fruited raspberries with berries up to 7 g bring about 3 kg of drupes from one bush. It has a good sweet taste with a slight sourness; it is possible to grow a variety in the Urals not only for personal use, but also for sale. The shape of the berries is conical, slightly elongated, with slight pubescence. They stay on the branches for a long time after ripening and do not crumble, they retain their density when harvested.

The fruiting of the Golden Autumn variety in the Urals begins at the end of June and lasts until late autumn. Raspberries tolerate cold snaps well, but at temperatures below -30 ° C, they require high-quality shelter.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry Golden Autumn grows on average up to 1,6 m

Sweet raspberry varieties for the Urals

Raspberries with sour notes have refreshing qualities, but sweet varieties are most popular. They are especially good for fresh consumption.

Early sweet

Frost-resistant raspberries for the Urals bring dense berries of about 2 g by weight with a pronounced honey taste and rich aroma. The yield is quite good, up to 4 kg of fruit can be obtained from a bush.

Raspberries grow up to 2,5 m, so certain difficulties may arise with its shelter for the winter. The advantage of the variety is a small number of offspring. There are thorns on the shoots of the shrub, but they are few and thin enough.

Attention! The disadvantages of early sweet raspberries include vulnerability to viral infections and unsuitability for transportation.
Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry Early sweet ripens in the middle of summer


Frost-resistant raspberries begin fruiting from mid-July and produce berries until early October. The average yield is about 5 kg per bush. The taste of drupes is pronounced sweet, the aroma is rich and floral. You can grow a variety in the shade – unlike many other varieties, Polan’s raspberry does not require a lot of sunlight.

The shrub grows up to 2 m, actively forms shoots and is spreading. Thorns on the branches are present, but in small numbers.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry Polana develops best on slightly loamy soils.


Drought-resistant and hardy raspberries produce small, sweet berries without bitter or sour notes. The fruits are conical in shape, with sparse pubescence, of a standard red color. The yield indicator is 3-6 kg per bush with good care.

In height, raspberry Bellflower reaches 2,5 m, the shoots of the plant are dense. It is distinguished by a developed root system that goes up to 40 cm underground, calmly tolerates severe frosts and a short-term moisture deficit.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberries bellflower reach 5 g by weight

Early raspberry varieties for the Urals

Early varieties are considered the best for growing in the Urals, since raspberries in this case are guaranteed to ripen before the onset of cold weather. Several varieties are in particular demand among gardeners.


Low raspberries bring up to 4 kg of fruit per bush, the berries are distinguished by good density and pleasant taste. You can harvest several times per season. For the first time, the fruits ripen in early July, the shape of the berries is round-conical, purple, the average weight is 2,7 g.

The disadvantages include the unsatisfactory density of drupes, due to which raspberries are poorly suited for transportation and long-term storage. At the same time, the variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, it tolerates frosts down to -25 ° C without shelter.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry Vera reaches 1,8 m above ground level


Winter-hardy raspberries can withstand temperatures down to -45 ° C. It grows on average up to 1,5 m, has flexible shoots with thorns at the bottom. Brings berries of 2,5-5 g of dark ruby ​​​​color with dense pulp. Excellent for the Urals and Siberia, does not crumble from the bush for a long time, suitable for transportation. Harvest can be harvested in August, raspberries are sweet and sour, with a delicate aroma.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry Brilliant rarely suffers from fungi and pests


High-yielding raspberry grows up to 1,9 m and has straight, slightly spreading shoots. There are practically no thorns on the branches. The berries are rich red, cone-shaped, up to 13 g by weight, with a velvety matte skin. The taste of raspberries is sweet, with a pleasant aroma, the seeds in the pulp are small.

The variety has good frost resistance and does not freeze out in the Urals in winter with minimal shelter. Rarely suffers from fungi, does not require complex care.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

From one bush of raspberry Patricia you can get up to 8 kg of crop

Medium-ripening varieties

For cultivation in the Urals, varieties that ripen in the middle are suitable. Raspberries have time to get enough sunlight and acquire a good sugar content. At the same time, by the onset of autumn, the shrub naturally goes into a state of rest and does not suffer from cold weather.


Raspberries have good keeping quality and are suitable for transportation. The bushes are medium in size, semi-spreading, with soft spikes on flexible shoots. Raspberries are officially recommended for cultivation in the Urals and Western Siberia, they calmly tolerate a drop in temperature to -35 ° C.

The berries of the variety are conical, red, with a sweet taste, up to 3 g by weight. The fruits are dense, do not crumble and do not rot after ripening.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry Velvet is especially resistant to gray rot


Large-fruited variety Tourmaline produces large pink-red berries with good density. It has a sweet and sour taste, usually ripens by the end of July or the beginning of August. The mass of individual berries is about 5 g, and up to 3 kg of juicy drupes can be collected from a bush.

Attention! In cold winters in the Urals, the tops of the Tourmaline raspberry shoots can freeze, but this is compensated by the appearance of fruit twigs at the base of the stems.
Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry Tourmaline is resistant to pests but can suffer from purple spotting.

Gift of Siberia

Raspberry Gift of Siberia brings soft cream-colored sweet fruits with a pleasant aroma. Recommended for the Urals and the Far East, grows up to 2,8 m, practically does not form root shoots. The berries of the variety are small, up to 2 g by weight. Do not crumble after ripening, the purpose of the fruit is dessert.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

You can harvest raspberries Dar Sibiri at 4,5 kg per bush from the beginning of August

Late varieties

For the Urals, late raspberry varieties are worse than early and middle ones. However, some varieties can still be grown in harsh climates, although yields can then be unstable.

August miracle

The remontant raspberry variety brings large berries up to 8 g from mid-August until the first frost. The fruits are sweet, juicy, universal, suitable for subsequent sale. Under favorable conditions in the Urals, one raspberry bush can bring up to 5 kg of berries.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

Raspberry August miracle requires a garter to the trellis


The raspberry variety brings a crop from the end of summer until the first frosts, gives red berries slightly pointed at the bottom, about 7 g by weight. It has a good sweet taste and high pulp density. It is recommended to plant the plant in the sun, because in the shade the berries remain small and do not acquire dessert qualities.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

The yield of raspberries of the Brilliant variety is high – about 5 kg per bush

Bryansk wonders

A tall remontant variety up to 2 m above the ground forms up to nine fruit-bearing shoots. Brings elongated bright red berries up to 11 g by weight with a sour-sweet taste. Well suited for the Urals, not afraid of severe winter frosts. It starts fruiting from mid-August and continues until the first snow.

Varieties of large raspberries for the Urals

For raspberry Bryansk Divo, the formation of berries along the entire length of the shoots from the base to the top is characteristic.


The best varieties of remontant raspberries for the Urals are characterized by increased cold resistance. It is recommended to choose varieties with early fruiting, which completely stops until mid-autumn.

Reviews about raspberry varieties for the Urals

Evstigneev Igor Vladimirovich, Orenburg
I grow Eurasian raspberries in the country, every year I collect not very large, but juicy crops. The berries have a good taste with a refreshing sourness, most often I use them fresh, sometimes I cook compote. For the winter, bushes require shelter, but given the small growth of raspberries, it is not difficult to organize it.
Sivakova Natalya Dmitrievna, Perm
There are several raspberry bushes growing on my site. I like the variety very much for its sweetness and juiciness, there is no sour taste, the bones in the pulp are almost not felt. In winter, raspberries require some care – they need to be bent to the ground and carefully covered. But this does not require much effort, the bushes are medium-sized, with elastic shoots.
Features of growing remontant raspberries in the Urals

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