Large-leaved hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) is a species of the Hydrangea genus. It is a deciduous shrub with a rounded crown, in favorable conditions capable of reaching a height of 4 m. The decoration is not only flowers collected in corymbs, similar to lace caps, but also large dark green elliptical leaves with a serrated edge. Varieties of large-leaved hydrangeas with names, descriptions and photos will help you get to know the culture better, and, possibly, choose a new plant for a garden or greenhouse.

Varieties of large-leaved hydrangea amaze with variety
A variety of varieties of large-leaved hydrangea
Large-leaved hydrangea is very decorative. The inflorescences of a species plant reach a diameter of 10-15 cm and are painted pink. Large barren buds are located along the edge of the shield, inside they are small, but capable of setting seeds.
Through the efforts of breeders, many varieties have been created that differ markedly from each other in the shape and size of the inflorescence, color, and height of the bush. But in all cultivars, you can easily recognize large-leaved hydrangea.
The form of the inflorescence is:
- flattened, as in a species plant;
- hemispherical;
- spherical.
The “native” color of the large-leaved hydrangea is pink. Varieties have been created in which the shields are painted in the following colors:
- white;
- red;
- from blue to purple;
- all shades of pink.
There are varieties of bicolor with variegated flowers. Often during the budding period, the salad shield. Green shades may also be present in the color of a fully opened inflorescence.
The breeders did not disregard the size of the bushes. A plant several meters high is not suitable for every garden, and it is difficult to cover such a hydrangea for the winter. There are miniature varieties that can be grown in containers and regular flower beds.

In cool climates, large-leaved hydrangea can be grown in containers.
The culture is able to bloom profusely, sometimes the bush is completely covered with flowers. Buds often appear on unrooted cuttings during propagation. But the species hydrangea is large-leaved capricious, it imposes too many requirements on growing conditions and care to be widely used:
- prefers partial shade;
- grows only on acidic soils;
- requires frequent watering, and with cold water;
- for abundant flowering and the formation of large buds, chemical treatments may be required in a certain phase of development;
- winters without protection in climate zone 6.
It is the last point that allows you to grow a crop in the open field only in a limited territory of Our Country. For zone 5, well-thought-out protection of hydrangeas from the cold is already needed. Since the bush is rather big, the shelter can disfigure the winter landscape.
The best varieties of large-leaved hydrangea
Choosing the best from the many varieties of hydrangeas is a thankless task. The tastes of flower growers are different, and the culture lends itself well to selection and is very beautiful. But she has a capricious character, strict requirements for the place of planting and care, otherwise the large-leaved hydrangea would grow in every garden. It would even squeeze out roses, especially since remontant varieties appeared.
Hydrangea color can be changed. Pink will turn blue or blue with regular fertilizing with alum, aluminum sulfate, or iron sulfate. White will turn red if the bush is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. When feeding with color-changing preparations is stopped, the color returns to the original.
pink miracle
A classic variety with large spherical corymbs of rich pink color. Large sterile flowers are clearly visible on them. The bush is large, beautiful, looks like a hemisphere, in favorable conditions it can grow up to 2 m. The leaves are oval, with a sharp tip and a serrated edge, large. In summer, their color is bright green, in autumn – crimson.

Hydrangea variety large-leaved Pink miracle can be considered a classic
Endless summer
Endless Summer is a famous American variety, the result of a natural mutation. Shields are spherical, 10-15 cm in diameter, without color-changing preparations – pink. This is the first variety that can bloom well on the growth of the current year. Remontant, thanks to which it got its name, relatively winter-hardy. Flowering is from June to October.

Hydrangea large-leaved Endless Summer – the first remontant variety
The macula
Maculata, or Mariesi Variegata, is valued mostly for its large green leaves adorned with white strokes. It forms a sprawling bush 80-120 cm high, 1,8-2 m in diameter. It grows without problems in zone 8. In 7, you need to carefully choose a landing site, in a cooler climate it requires capital shelter for the winter.
Hydrangea Maculata’s scutes are small but cute. Small central lavender flowers are surrounded by large, almost white, sterile petals.

The large-leaved hydrangea Maculata has pretty flowers, but the variegated leaves are especially decorative.
Flowering varieties of large-leaved hydrangeas
In large-leaved hydrangeas, flowers do not have to be pink. And this applies not only to fertilizing with special preparations that change color. The forms of the shield are varied, and the color can be delicate or saturated. Variegated varieties look especially interesting or change color depending on the phase of bud opening.
Foreva & Eva Peppermint
Forever & Ever Peppermint is striking in the color of the flowers. Without acidifiers, the petals are pink, with a white border. A shield of sterile large flowers forms a ball, reaching 25 cm in cross section. The bush is neat, with dark green shiny leaves, about 90 cm high and wide. Suitable for growing in containers.

A variety of large-leaved hydrangea Foreva and Eva Peppermint, when sheltered for the winter, can be grown even in the Moscow region
Snowball, or Snowball, forms large round snow-white inflorescences, turning pink by autumn. The edges of the petals are decorated with characteristic teeth, because of which it is difficult to confuse the variety with another. Moreover, the white color of large-leaved hydrangea is rare. The plant forms into a strongly branched neat shrub up to 1,2 m in diameter. It winters well in zone 5 under cover. Flowering – on the growth of last year.

Hydrangea large-leaved Snowball cannot be confused with another variety due to the petals with a jagged edge
Together is the original French chameleon variety from the You & me series. The flowers are terry, until the opening of the buds – lettuce, then they become pink. Gradually, the color changes to more and more saturated and at the time of withering acquires a pronounced red tint. With regular use of acidifiers, the color of the buds goes from blue to blue.
A young bush with a dozen inflorescences looks impressive. An adult will not leave indifferent even people who are not fans of culture.
Bush 80-100 cm high, with strong thick shoots. Flowering – on the growth of the current year from the end of June, the diameter of the shields is about 20 cm. Frost resistance up to -25 ° C under cover.

The color of the double flowers of the large-leaved hydrangea of the Tugese variety depends on the acidity of the soil
New varieties of large-leaved hydrangea
Large-leaved hydrangea selection is carried out in several directions. Particular attention is paid to increasing winter hardiness and reducing the size of the bush. But the beauty of flowers is also improved.
Hopcorn is a new variety that got its name because of the similarity of flowers with bursting popcorn grains. Their petals have a pronounced concave inward shape. Without top dressing with special color-changing preparations, the flowers are first salad, then pink, after treatments – violet. A neat bush is formed as it grows, up to 1 m high, with a diameter of 70-100 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases, but makes high demands on soil fertility.

The large-leaved hydrangea variety Hopcorn has concave petals
Miss Saori
Miss Saori is the newest variety created by Japanese breeders in 2013. In 2014, he won the Chelsea Show and was named the flower of the year. One of the most cold-resistant varieties that can withstand -26 ° C.
Forms a neat bush with vertically growing shoots up to 1 m high. It is distinguished by large, green with a purple tint, leaves. The corymbs are spherical, the flowers are double, white, with a pink border spreading towards the center. The petals are pointed at the ends.

The new variety Miss Saori has unusual flowers, but in the plant you can easily recognize large-leaved hydrangea
Selma, unlike other varieties of large-leaved hydrangea, grows slowly, the bush is round, reaches 1 m without pruning. A distinctive feature is the bronze tint of young leaves. When the buds open, the shield acquires a hemispherical shape. The flowers are white in the center, red-pink on the periphery, with noticeable light veins. The tips of the petals are sharp. In buds that have just begun to bloom, white color predominates, as it opens and ages, it becomes more pink.

Hydrangea large-leaved Selma is unusually beautiful, grows slowly
Frost-resistant varieties of large-leaved hydrangea
Unfortunately, varieties of large-leaved hydrangeas can only be called relatively frost-resistant. In Our Country, without shelter, they can grow only in the southernmost regions. Even those varieties that can tolerate fairly low temperatures can hardly tolerate periodic frosts and thaws. Hydrangeas also react poorly to cold winds. This means that even frost-resistant varieties are characterized by low winter hardiness.
This must be taken into account when selecting varieties for cultivation in open ground for residents of the Middle Strip.
Hydrangea Mars forms a small bush about 1 m high. The scutes are a hemisphere with curved down edges, up to 30 cm in diameter. The flowers are barren, with rounded, overlapping pink petals. Along the edge they are trimmed with a clear white stripe. The minimum temperature that the variety is able to withstand is -28 ° C.

Large-leaved hydrangea of the Mars variety is distinguished by especially large inflorescences – up to 30 cm in diameter
The new variety Bavaria can endure frosts of -23°C. A bush is formed 1,5 m high with erect shoots. The shields are hemispherical, up to 20 cm in diameter. The buds are not salad, but lime-colored, retain their color after opening. True, it is much less pronounced, and by the time the flower ages, it disappears. Petals, rounded at the ends, deep violet inside, with clear white veins and the same color border around the edge. Flowering – on the shoots of the current and last year.

Hydrangea large-leaved Bavaria – a real chameleon with flowers that constantly change color
Twist and Shout
Twist and Shout – a very beautiful variety, the shape of the corymb is close to natural. It is flat, 10-16 cm in diameter, and consists mainly of small, mauve flowers capable of setting seeds. Large, sterile, they are rarely located, along the edge of the shield.
Hydrangea bush Twist and Shout reaches a height and diameter of 90-120 cm. The variety is able to endure temperatures of -29 ° C for a short time.

The shape of the shield of the Twist and Shout variety is similar to the inflorescence of the species large-leaved hydrangea
Miniature varieties of large-leaved hydrangea
Varieties of large-leaved hydrangea are considered undersized, the height of which does not exceed 1 m. In order to actually get a miniature bush, it is restrained by pruning. Just be careful not to overdo the shortening of the stems, so as not to damage the flowering, giving the hydrangea an attractive growth for a small area.
Mini Penny
Mini Penny is formed into a bush with a height of 60 to 90 cm with leaves relatively small for hydrangea – 7-15 cm. Shields are hemispherical, 15-20 cm in diameter. On alkaline soils, the color of the flowers is pink, when planted in acidic soil it changes to blue. Buds bloom from late July to September. It overwinters well in zone 5 under cover.

Mini Penny forms into low bushes
Mirei – a variety 60-90 cm high, round bush. Dark red spots are clearly visible on the leaves in spring and autumn. The shape of the shields is a clear hemisphere. The flowers of the original color are white inside, with a crimson edging and the same dot in the middle of the corolla. Petals are rhombic. Overwinters in zones 5 and 6. Can be grown in pots.

Variety Mireille – one of the most beautiful bicolor hydrangeas
Tovelit grows up to 50-80 cm, sometimes, in especially favorable conditions, the height of an adult bush can reach 1 m. Flowering – on last year’s shoots. On alkaline soils, the color of the buds is a classic pink. When treated with appropriate preparations and on acidic soils – blue or blue. Scutellum flat-round, up to 12 cm in diameter. Petals ovate to rhombic, with a blunt elongated tip. The minimum temperature is 23 °C.

The Tovelit variety has relatively small flowers, only 10-12 cm in diameter.
Varieties of large-leaved hydrangeas with names can only give a general idea of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe plant. The culture is very beautiful, prefers partial shade, blooms profusely, each shield does not lose its decorative effect for a long time, which makes the bush seem to be covered with openwork balls. It is a pity that the hydrangea is too thermophilic and capricious.