Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

Many vegetable growers, growing tomatoes on their plot, are not even aware of the existence of such a name as determinate varieties. But this is the same variety of tomatoes with tall bushes, which is loved by many housewives. Indeterminate tomatoes grow over 2 m in height.

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

Caring for such a crop consists of removing stepchildren to form a plant with one or two stems. Moreover, during pinching, a small stump is left so that a new branch does not start growing from this place. A flower cluster appears above the 9th leaf, which indicates a later ripening of the crop, however, indeterminate varieties of tomatoes for open ground have gained their recognition due to the long fruiting period and the ability to get large yields.

What are the pros and cons of growing indeterminate tomatoes

Like any other vegetable, growing indeterminate tomatoes has its pros and cons. Let’s take a quick look at the advantages of tall varieties:

  • The growing season of an indeterminate tomato is much longer than a stunted variety. The determinant bush quickly and amicably gives the entire crop, after which it no longer bears fruit. Indeterminate plants constantly set new fruits before the onset of frost.
  • The stems tied to the trellis have free access to fresh air and sunlight. This saves the plant from phytophthora and the formation of rot, which is often found in rainy summers when grown in open beds.
  • The very high yield due to the use of a limited planting area makes it possible to grow tomatoes commercially. The fruits of indeterminate varieties are excellent for storage, transportation and are considered the most delicious.

Of the shortcomings, one can only name extra labor costs. To tie the stems, you will have to build trellises. Bushes tend to grow indefinitely in length and width. The plant will constantly have to be shaped by removing stepchildren.

The video talks about pinching tomatoes:

Tall tomatoes / Indeterminate tomatoes / Pasynkovaniya / Bush formation

Overview of indeterminate tomato varieties

In our review, we will try to highlight which of the tomatoes are the most delicious, sweet, large, etc. To make it easier for housewives to navigate the choice of varieties for open ground, we divided them into different subgroups.

Varieties bearing pink and red fruits

It is this traditional color that all tomato lovers like more, so we will start the review with these varieties.

Miracle of the earth

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

This variety produces early pink tomatoes. Fruits from the first ovary grow weighing about 0,5 kg. The following tomatoes ripen slightly smaller, weighing approximately 300 g. The shape of the vegetable resembles a heart. The plant tolerates heat drought, adapts to temperature changes. During storage and transportation, the skin of tomatoes does not crack. In good growing conditions, one plant will bring 15 kg of yield.

wild Rose

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

An indeterminate early plant can bring up to 7 kg of pink tomatoes. The variety quickly adapts to hot weather conditions, is not afraid of phytophthora. Large tomatoes weigh from 0,3 to 0,5 kg. Fleshy fruits with a sweet and sour taste are eaten fresh; tomatoes are not suitable for winter harvesting.

Tarasenko 2

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

This tomato represents the best domestic hybrids. A very high-yielding bush forms brushes weighing up to 3 kg each. The plant has good resistance to late blight and rot. Tomatoes grow medium-sized, weighing about 90 g. The shape of the fruit is spherical with a small spout protruding at the top. The color of the pulp is rich red. Tomato is great for canning.

Tarasenko pink

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

Another domestic hybrid, from the name of which it is clear that it bears pink fruits. The plant forms brushes weighing up to 2 kg each. When grown outdoors per season, the bush forms up to 10 brushes. Elongated tomatoes weigh a maximum of 200 g. The plant is resistant to late blight, adapts well to shady areas.


Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

The variety adapts well to aggressive weather conditions, takes root on almost all types of soils. One bush brings about 3 kg of tomatoes. The red color dominates in the pulp, but a pronounced brown tint is inherent. The fruit is very juicy, weighs about 150 g. In the seed chambers, dark seeds are clearly visible on the break of the pulp.

Scarlet Mustang

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

The plant ties brushes with very long fruits. Individual specimens of tomatoes grow up to 18 cm in length. The color of the pulp is scarlet, more even prone to red. The mass of a mature vegetable is about 200 g. The culture is characterized by stable fruiting, and under any weather conditions it can bring at least 3,5 kg of crop. The vegetable is used for fresh salads and processed.


Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

This tomato is a large-fruited mid-early variety. The mass of a mature vegetable reaches 0,4 kg. Raspberry-colored pulp has a high sugar content. The variety is considered high-yielding, but takes root on fertile soil. But the temperature drops and lack of moisture are unimportant to the plant.

Varieties bearing orange and yellow fruits

Unusual color fruits are most often used for salads and pickles. Such tomatoes do not go to fruit drinks.

giant lemon

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

This culture also represents large-fruited tomato varieties, only yellow. The first ovary bears large fruits weighing 0,7 kg, further brushes grow with tomatoes weighing 0,5 kg. The variety is considered mid-season, able to bear fruit before the onset of frost. The plant has an average immunity to phytophthora damage.

Honey saved

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

Another large-fruited variety that produces yellow tomatoes weighing about 0,6 kg. Very fleshy fruits have sugary pulp and small seed chambers. The yield is average, about 1 kg of tomatoes are usually removed from 5 bush. The vegetable is characterized by excellent aroma and is considered a dietary direction. The strong skin does not tend to crack when the tomato is still growing and during storage in the basement.

Honey drop

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

Yellow tomatoes grow very small. The mass of one tomato is only 20 g. The fruits hang in clusters of a maximum of 15 pieces, very similar in shape to pears. The plant is undemanding, takes root in poor climatic conditions, withstands a short-term drop in temperature. Sweet-tasting tomatoes are used for canning or fresh consumption.

Amber goblet

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

A rich orange color, the tomato is powered by the energy of the sun. The plant does not care about heat, drought, all the same, the fruits will be juicy with a lot of sugar. An egg-shaped oblong vegetable weighs approximately 120 g. The culture is endowed with good immunity to common diseases. Tomatoes are most often used for winter preparations and fresh salads.

Varieties bearing fruits of other colors

Oddly enough, there are white or green tomatoes that are considered ripe in this color. Some indeterminate varieties even produce dark brown fruits. Such tomatoes are not very popular with housewives due to their specific color, but they are also tasty and worth considering.

Brown sugar

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

This variety belongs to the late ripening period, and it is better to grow it outdoors in warm regions. Fruiting is long until the first frost. One plant can bring up to 3,5 kg of crop. Sugar tomatoes with brown fragrant pulp weigh about 140 g. Smooth skin takes on a shade of dark chocolate.

pear black

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

The culture of the middle period of ripening brings good yields up to 5 kg / m2. The shape of the tomatoes resembles a rounded pear. The plant forms brushes, in each of which up to 8 tomatoes are tied. The mass of a mature vegetable is 70 g. Brown tomatoes are used for preservation and pickles.

white heart

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

An unusual white color of tomatoes brings a variety of medium ripening. The skin has a slightly yellowish tint. Heart-shaped tomatoes grow large. The average weight of one vegetable is 400 g, but there are instances up to 800 g. 5 brushes are formed on the stem, each of which is tied with a maximum of 5 tomatoes. Despite the unusual color, the vegetable is very sweet, fragrant.

The Emerald Apple

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

Very high-yielding variety, bringing up to 10 kg of tomatoes from 1 plant. The color of the vegetable is completely green, when fully ripe, an orange tint is slightly visible on the skin. Spherical, slightly flattened fruits weigh about 200 g. The culture adapts to aggressive weather conditions, is practically not affected by late blight. The vegetable goes more to salads, pickles or the preparation of a specific juice that resembles the taste of kiwi.

Gold Cherokee Green

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

The variety is poorly distributed among domestic gardeners. The tomato has a completely green flesh, and an orange tint is slightly visible on the skin. Seed chambers contain a small amount of grains. The vegetable is so sweet that it is more like a fruit. The plant loves light fertile soil. The mass of a ripe tomato is about 400 g.

Large-fruited indeterminate varieties

When growing indeterminate varieties, many vegetable growers most often rely on getting large tomatoes throughout the summer and until late autumn. We will now try to consider the best varieties.

Bull’s Heart

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

This popular variety is probably known to all domestic summer residents. The bush on the lower ovaries bears large fruits weighing up to 0,7 kg. Smaller tomatoes are tied higher, weighing about 150 g, but all tomatoes are sweet sugary with a small number of grains in the seed chambers. It is necessary to form a bush with two stems. In open beds, up to 5 kg of crop can be removed from a plant. This variety has several subspecies, each of which bears fruits in pink, yellow, black and traditionally red.

Cow’s heart

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

The variety belongs to the middle period of maturation. The plant can be formed as desired in 1 or 2 stems. Round-shaped tomatoes with an elongated nose weigh about 400 g. The pulp is sugary with a small amount of seeds. The harvested crop is not stored for a long time. It should be used for processing or just eat fresh tomatoes.

Abakansky pink

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

The culture of the middle period of ripening can bear fruit in open and closed beds. Bushes stepson until one or two stems are obtained. The characteristic of the fruit is similar to the “Bull’s Heart” variety. Red-colored sugary tomatoes weigh about 300 g and are considered a salad direction.

king of orange

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

The culture of the middle period of ripening is intended for open and closed ground. The formation of the bush is carried out with one or two stems. Tomatoes grow weighing up to 0,8 kg. Orange-colored sugary flesh is slightly friable. The plant can bring up to 6 kg of yield.

King of Siberia

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

Among orange-colored tomatoes, this variety is considered one of the best. Tomatoes grow huge, some specimens weigh more than 1 kg. The bush is formed with one or two stems. The purpose of the vegetable is salad.

Northern Crown

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

This variety produces very beautiful even-shaped tomatoes. The culture is intended for open ground, it requires the formation of a bush with one or two stems. Red-colored tomatoes weigh about 0,6 kg. The vegetable is intended for fresh consumption.

Heavyweight Siberia

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

The variety is intended for outdoor cultivation. The plant is unpretentious, resistant to many diseases, does not even require mandatory pinching, but in this case, the size of the fruit will be smaller. Ripe tomatoes weigh about 0,5 kg. The pulp is juicy, sugary, with a low content of seeds. Used vegetable for salads.


Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

The plant produces very attractive dark red tomatoes with black coloration near the stalk. Bushes grow very long when formed with one or two stems. The mass of a mature tomato is about 300 g. The yield is stable even under bad weather conditions. Up to 4 kg of fruits can be removed from the plant.

Japanese crab

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

This variety of tomato has recently appeared. Fruits of a rounded flattened shape have a distinctly prominent ribbing. The first crop is harvested 120 days after seedling germination. The average weight of a tomato is 350 g, sometimes giants weighing 0,8 kg grow. The bush is formed by two or one stem.

The most popular indeterminate varieties, according to summer residents

There are a lot of tall tomatoes, but somehow it is always customary to give preference to a limited number of varieties. So, many gardeners most often prefer “Wonder of the World” and “Tarasenko2” from indeterminate varieties. We have already considered their characteristics. Now I would like to draw attention to two more popular varieties.

De Barao Yellow

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

Hybrid of the late period of maturing. The first harvest ripens after 120 days. Tomatoes are characterized by dense pulp covered with strong skin. The vegetable is shaped like an oval. The weight of a mature fruit is about 60 g. Tomatoes can be stored for a long time, they can withstand transportation, go for conservation and pickling.

De Barao Royal Pink

Varieties of indeterminate tomatoes for open ground

A related variety of tomato that bears pink fruits. The shape of the vegetable resembles large sweet peppers. The approximate mass of a tomato is about 300 g. Up to 5 kg of crop is harvested from one plant.

This video talks about the best indeterminate varieties for open ground:

Tomato varieties for open ground

Growing indeterminate varieties is a little more difficult than ordinary undersized ones, but among such a wide variety of varieties, there are sure to be crops that will become the vegetable grower’s favorites in the future.


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