Spike, flower-sword – all these are the names of the same plant, the origin of which is shrouded in legends. Breeders have bred numerous varieties of gladioli. From our article you will find out which of them are the most popular.
Botanical characteristics of a flower
Gladiolus (Gladiolus) belongs to the Iris family. The plant blooms in summer and is highly decorative. The long straight single stems are covered with tough xiphoid leaves that tightly fit the shoots, making them more resistant.

Dense inflorescences are unilateral, bilateral or spiral spicate. On one shoot, from 15 to 26 buds are collected, consisting of 6 lobes of different sizes and having a common base. Color and size depend on the variety.
Video “Cleaning and storage of gladioli”
In this video, an expert will tell you how to properly clean and store gladioli.
Classification of gladioli
To facilitate navigation through the numerous varieties, a special nomenclature has been compiled. The description of the plant is a code consisting of numbers and letters that indicate the characteristic features:
- flower size:
- 1 – up to 6 cm;
- 2 – 6–9 cm;
- 3 – 9–11 cm;
- 4 – 11–14 cm;
- 5 – more than 14 cm;
- 6 – circumferential.
- Tone of petals:
- 0 – white;
- 1 – yellow;
- 2 – orange;
- 3 – salmon;
- 4 – pink;
- 5 – red;
- 6 – raspberry;
- 7 – purple-lilac;
- 8 – lilac-violet;
- 9 – brown-smoky.
Hue intensity is indicated by even or odd numbers.
- Flowering time:
- OR – 70 days;
- P – 72 days;
- SR – 77 days;
- C – 83 days;
- SP – 88 days;
- P – 95 days;
- OP – 110 days.
- Variety introduction. The year when the hybrid was bred is written, and the name of the breeder.
- Degree of corrugation:
- NG – not corrugated;
- UG – moderately corrugated;
- G – corrugated;
- SG – heavily corrugated;
- SSG – super-heavy corrugated.
Also, according to the nomenclature, you can determine the number of buds in the inflorescence and the size of the skewer.
Descriptions of species and varieties of gladioli
Thanks to breeders, there are now more than two thousand plant varieties in the world. Most often they are classified by color.
The category includes not only plain, but also patterned gladioli of various shades.
Moscow Belokamennaya
Large-flowered skewer, strewn with snow-white inflorescences, consisting of 21 buds. The petals are very openwork, cream at the base, decorated with lilac stamens. The height of the plant is one and a half meters. Dissolves on the 77th day after planting.

Dmitry Solunsky
Gladiolus 1,6 m in size with giant white flowers in the amount of 23 pcs. With sufficient light, the core acquires a soft yellow tone. The petals are heavily corrugated. Flowering time is medium.

Medium variety. It dissolves 77 days after landing. One shoot gives 20 openwork white flowers. Size – medium or large. The core is pomegranate with a creamy yellow wide border.

Rowan in the snow
The size of the gladiolus is 1,4 m, the number of buds is 20. The color is snow-white with scarlet stains. Belongs to the category of super-heavy corrugated. The plant blooms 77 days after planting.

White birch
Tall openwork skewer with a diameter of more than 14 cm. Young creamy yellow petals eventually become pure white, without extraneous inclusions. Dissolves 83 days after disembarkation.

Gladioli of this group are rare guests in garden plots. Monochromatic varieties without foreign impurities are most valued.
radiant green
A plant 1,5 m high belongs to large species of medium term. The size of a blossoming bud ranges from 11 to 14 cm. The color is light green with a beautiful golden yellow tint.

Green fairy
A large variety that grows up to 1,4 m. The petals are dark green, the stamens are purple. Belongs to super-strongly corrugated species. It dissolves 77 days after landing. There are 22 buds on one shoot.

Ant grass
Mid-early gladiolus. It grows up to 1,5 m. Dense inflorescences consist of 23 flowers with a diameter of 14–16 cm. The base is green, saturated, the openwork ends are light green.

yellow and cream
The stem, covered with yellow inflorescences, looks like a sunbeam. In addition, these varieties have a high immunity to genetic diseases.
Golden Fantasy
A large variety of gladiolus blooms 77 days after planting. There are 23 buds on one stem. Petals of egg yolk shade have openwork edges. It belongs to tall species and grows up to 1,6 m.
A medium-sized plant with a diameter of more than 14 cm. The color is bright lemon with scarlet shaded edges. Raspberry anthers. Belongs to the middle varieties. The number of buds is 22.

A large hybrid of very early maturity. High shoots are covered with flowers 11–14 cm in size, creamy yellow with scarlet shading along the edges.
In the lower part, the tone is more saturated, there is a raspberry speck.

Low-growing variety up to a meter high. The stem is densely strewn with large openwork flowers 11–14 cm in diameter. The color is rich yellow-orange with a coral border. Gladiolus blooms in July.

Amber gamma
Amber hybrids are very beautiful during the flowering period. Their petals are painted in warm orange and fawn colors of different tones.
Honey saved
Large openwork plant has a warm orange tint. The core is bright scarlet. The height is 1,4 m. There are 23 buds on one shoot. Dissolves 77 days after planting.

Amber Baltic
Tall skewer, very large (more than 14 cm). Blooming 83 days after planting, the buds are corrugated, pale apricot in color with an orange tint. The lower petal is decorated with a bright scarlet spot.

golden symphony
Large-flowered mid-early gladiolus. Refers to super-strongly corrugated types. The flowers are 11–14 cm at the base, creamy yellow, fading to light orange. The edges are decorated with a wide shaded pink border. The number of kidneys is 19.

Marina Tsvetayeva
Medium-early very large variety (16–18 cm) up to 1,6 m high. The petals are very openwork, red-orange, decorated with a raspberry spot and a yellow border below. There are 22-24 buds on one stem.

Nizhny Novgorod
Flowering of skewers begins 83 days after planting. Salmon color, saturated tone, with ruby spots and a bright yellow border around the edge. The flowers are large (over 14 cm), in the amount of 22 pcs. Plant height is 1,5 m.

Wealth of pink colors
Pink gladioli are surprisingly tender. They will be a great addition to a wedding decor or as a gift for a girlfriend.
love potion
Tall plant with giant corrugated inflorescences. It dissolves on the 77th day after landing. The color is light pink, creamy yellow at the base. The number of buds is 22.

Granddaughter’s eyelashes
A novelty among hybrids. It was released only in 2016. Pink large skewer (11–14 cm) of a beautiful smoky shade. The core is pale cream, the lower petal is painted in a light yellow tone.
The highlight of Vnuchkin’s eyelashes is a thick fringe that adorns a blooming gladiolus.

Strong openwork large variety. Salmon color with a ruby base and light green border. Plant height – 1,3 m. Flowering time – 77 days after planting. There are 18 buds on one shoot.

Grand Duchess Elizabeth
The hybrid has very large flowers (more than 14 cm) in the amount of 22 pcs. It grows up to 1,5 m. The petals are strongly corrugated, light salmon. Heartwood pale golden. Belongs to the middle early species.

Neva exotica
Tall skewers of medium flowering time with very large buds (20 pcs.). Gladiolus is bright pink, decorated with snow-white folds and a light green border. Refers to a super-strongly corrugated look. The petals are arranged so that the plant does not see the core.

George Soros
The plant has large flowers (over 14 cm). The height of the shoots is 1,7 m. It blooms 83 days after planting. The shade is purplish pink with raspberry spots. The number of buds on one stem is 22.

Red and crimson
Bright colors of red and raspberry varieties will complement snow-white hybrids well. Such flower arrangements can be given for birthdays and anniversaries to people of business or creative professions.
Gladiolus is very large, corrugated (more than 14 cm), medium height. Dissolves 88 days after planting. The color is monophonic, terry-burgundy with a brown tint. There are 20 buds on one stem.

give me a smile
A tall plant with giant inflorescences of 24 buds. It grows up to 1,8 m. The variety belongs to medium early species. Petals are dark red, monophonic, very openwork.

Soul of Our Country
Large medium-sized hybrid. It dissolves 83 days after landing. The upper petals are painted in light crimson tones, the lower ones are dark pink. The number of kidneys is 23.

Vienna Symphony
Large skewer of medium early variety. It grows up to 1,4 m. The flowers are pink-lilac with a crimson spot at the base. The petals are heavily corrugated. One shoot gives 23 buds.

Victor Borge
The height of the plant is only 0,8–1,0 m, the diameter is 15–18 cm. The color is plain, bright red. There is a small orange speck in the core.
Flowering begins in July and ends by the end of September.

drunken cherry
Gladiolus with large flowers (11–14 cm). It grows up to 1,5 m. It belongs to medium-early varieties. The petals are openwork, at the base of a rich beetroot shade, towards the edges – dark crimson. The number of buds is 22.

black atom
A large plant with a height of 1,6 m and a diameter of 11,5–14 cm. The color is maroon, almost black. Heavily corrugated petals are framed with a silver border. It dissolves on the 77th day after landing.

A lilac-purple palette
Lilac-lilac varieties look best in flower arrangements with pink flowers. Perfect as a bouquet for a girl.
Tall openwork skewer with very large buds in the amount of 24 pcs. Belongs to the middle early species. The color is pale lilac, snow-white at the base.

Divine serenade
The plant is medium-sized, with a diameter of 11–14 cm. 20 buds covering the stem bloom on the 77th day after planting. The petals are light purple in color, covered with a raspberry coating. The underside is cream colored.

Guest from the future
Tall hybrid with giant corrugated flowers in the amount of 24 pcs. The color is monophonic, light lilac. The lower part is darker, purple tone. Medium flowering variety.

Blue, purple and blue
Gladioli of cold tones look very restrained, but they will be equally appropriate at business meetings and celebrations.
Admiral Ushakov
The plant belongs to the medium early species. Its height is 1,4 m, diameter is 11–14 cm. The petals are very delicate, light blue in color with a lilac tint. The core is illuminated. The number of kidneys is 25.

Heaven’s Gate
Tall skewer, characterized by very large buds (20 pcs.). Refers to a super-strongly corrugated look. It blooms on the 83rd day after planting with a monophonic, pale purple hue. The core is painted in a darker tone.

Gladiolus blooms 83 days after planting. The size of openwork flowers is more than 14 cm. The tone is dark purple, without extraneous inclusions.

Burgundy and smoky brown
Smoky brown hybrids were introduced relatively recently. The original coloring will not confuse these specimens with other varieties.
ancient magic
A large plant with large corrugated flowers on the stem in the amount of 20 pcs. A hybrid of a mid-early variety grows up to 1,3 m. The color is brown, casting a smoky tint. The edges of the petals are framed with a yellow border.

Black velvet
Openwork skewer with a diameter of more than 14 cm. Dissolves 83 days after planting. The tone is saturated, cherry, turning into black at the edges. The number of kidneys is 24.

Tall plant with small corrugated flowers 7–10 cm in size. Gladiolus blooms very early. The petals are purple, decorated with a dark purple spot. The core is greenish, the anthers are lilac.

brown chalcedony
Hybrid with a height of 1,4 m and giant inflorescences of 22 buds. Petals openwork, smoky brown color with a purple tint. It dissolves 77 days after landing.

Having decided to grow gladioli, it is very difficult to limit yourself to one variety. Having landed only one copy, you can “get sick” with a flower for life.