Varieties of ficuses, photos, names, types
Almost 850 species of ficuses are found in wildlife, but not all of them are easy to grow at home, while the plants differ greatly in their appearance. In this article, we will look at the most popular varieties of ficuses that feel comfortable next to a person.
Varieties of ficus: ficus link
Looking at photos with numerous types of ficuses, it is difficult to immediately understand that these plants belong to the same species. This allows you to choose an option that fits perfectly into the design of your room or office.
Rubber ficus (elastica) is a large-leaved plant with an actively growing crown, which in favorable conditions can reach 2 meters in height.
These ficuses are completely unpretentious, look great in any interior, but varieties with bright leaves are more demanding on lighting (in darkened rooms, the color may fade).
Watering the ficuses is carried out in the pallet; it is impossible to direct the stream from above.
The water should be warm or at room temperature. The fleshy leaves of the flower need regular cleaning and spraying, especially during periods of low humidity (winter and summer).
Benjamin ficuses – varieties of varieties
Ficus Benjamin includes a large number of plant varieties with leaves of different shapes, sizes and colors. Among the most popular varieties of ficuses, the names are known:
Reginald and many others.
Young plants have a thin flexible stem, numerous shoots and a rapidly developing root system. This allows you to form “living” statues, bonsai and other elements for interior decoration from them.
Ficus Benjamin is a deciduous plant that sheds foliage in adverse conditions. The most common causes may be:
drafts or sudden temperature changes in the room;
insufficient or, conversely, excessive watering;
lack of sunlight;
uncontrolled use of fertilizers.
After the elimination of unfavorable factors, the flower quickly recovers and begins to actively increase the green mass.
Ficus species: Benjamin’s ficus
Ampel varieties of ficuses
Dwarf ficus is very different from its counterparts: it lacks a tree-like trunk, and thin shoots spread along the ground and specially placed frames (in nature, dwarf ficus lives on other plants). The leaves of ampelous ficus are small (from 7 mm to 3 cm) and an unusual shape in the form of voluminous hearts.
Such a plant is used both independently and in flower arrangements.
Dwarf ficus gets along well with large tree varieties such as Benjamin’s ficus or “elastica”.
Dwarf ficus tolerates the lack of sunlight, but with its constant deficiency, the plant can release bare shoots without leaves.
If you mention the Carian ficus in a conversation, not everyone will understand what is at stake. But this plant has other, more common names:
fig tree;
wine berry.
In nature, Carian ficus grows to enormous sizes, and in indoor conditions usually miniature trees are grown, which in special cases can even bear fruit. The fruits of the fig tree are distinguished by a pronounced sweet taste, very nutritious and healthy.
The leaves of the Karyan ficus are curly, large, dark green in color. During the dormant period, the plant sheds its leaves.
In addition to those listed, there are other, less popular, varieties. Despite the wide variety of external forms, almost all types of ficuses are unpretentious and like conditions close to their natural habitat – warm humid tropics with minimal temperature fluctuations and diffused sunlight.