Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

As with other vegetable crops, all varieties of cabbage are divided into three large groups associated with the timing of the ripening of the crop. In accordance with this, there is early, medium and late-ripening cabbage. A vegetable with medium and late ripening is great for storage and processing (pickling, pickling, canning), but it is customary to use early cabbage in the form of fresh salads, add it to summer stews and other seasonal dishes. Early ripe varieties have their own characteristics, this cabbage has both strengths and weaknesses.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

The best varieties of early cabbage will be listed in this article, gardeners’ reviews of this crop are also given here, and the rules for growing it are described.

Characteristics and types of white vegetables

Early ripe cabbage has a very short ripening time – 90-110 days after planting the seeds, young heads of cabbage can already be cut. Most varieties will sing in the first half of July. A feature of early varieties is a looser head structure: the leaves of such cabbage are tender and juicy, and the core is dense and hard.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Crispy fresh cabbage is good for a summer salad, rich in vitamins and minerals. But fragile watery leaves cannot be salted or pickled, heads of such a vegetable are not stored for long, they quickly lose their attractive appearance.

Important! Reviews of gardeners also testify to the lower resistance of early ripening varieties to various diseases and pests.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

There are not so many varieties of early cabbage as varieties with medium and late ripening (after all, these crops are more popular in the middle lane). The most popular names of early ripe varieties and hybrids in Our Country will be given below.

Rinda F1

An early hybrid intended for growing in the southern regions and in temperate zones. Heads of cabbage grow to medium size. The leaves of Rinda are large, sprawling, painted in a light green hue. The taste of this culture is very good.

Unlike most other early varieties, this cabbage can be stored for up to four months. But for this it is necessary to create suitable conditions: a temperature of +8 degrees and constant moderate humidity.

In regions with a very warm climate, Rindu is grown twice a year, repeating the sowing of seeds immediately after the first harvest. Gardeners love this variety for its unpretentiousness and resistance to cool spring temperatures.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Tobias F1

This early hybrid has a very high yield – for those who grow vegetables for sale, there is simply no better variety! The heads of cabbage are large, approximately the same – the weight of each head is about 3,5 kg.

Tobia is not prone to overripe, its heads do not crack, the leaves do not lose their crunchiness and taste. The taste characteristics of the hybrid are good. Tobia’s heads are smooth, even, shiny.

The structure of the head is dense, inside the cabbage has a yellowish-white hue, outside the head is bright green. Hybrid cabbage can be stored, but not for long – about two months.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Cossack F1

An ultra-early variety that gives the first crops within 40-45 days after planting seedlings in the ground. This cabbage is very tasty, has a creamy white inside and a dense head structure. The heads of the vegetable are painted light green, have an average size of about 1500 grams. The variety is resistant to cracking and overripe.

It is recommended to grow Kazachok in open ground or under temporary film shelters. Cabbage tolerates low temperatures well, practically does not get sick.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Taurus F1

Full maturation of this hybrid occurs on the 95-100th day after sowing seeds for seedlings. Taurus heads can be cut as early as mid-July.

The hybrid early variety is considered one of the most fruitful. It’s all about the size of the heads of cabbage – their weight often reaches five to six kilograms. This cabbage has several more significant advantages: the variety is very resistant to drought and is immune to most “cabbage” diseases.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Attention! White cabbage of early varieties in open ground can be grown only in the southern regions of the country, only some resistant hybrids are zoned for the central regions. In the north of Our Country, an early ripe vegetable is planted only in greenhouses.

The June

In Our Country, it is difficult to find a dacha where June cabbage has not been grown at least once. This early variety is very popular among domestic gardeners, because it is zoned specifically for a temperate climate.

The palatability of the early culture is very good: the structure of the head is dense, the leaves are tender and juicy, the taste is soft and pleasant. June cabbage is good in salads and appetizers, its delicate taste goes well with other vegetables in stews.

The heads of vegetables of this variety are medium – they weigh 2-3 kilograms each, which makes it possible to economically use the vegetable in fresh salads. The ripening of the heads, as you can guess from the name of the variety, occurs in June.

The variety is suitable for cultivation in open ground and under temporary shelters made of film.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Express F1

Superearly cabbage, which appeared recently, but has already won the love of domestic gardeners and summer residents. From the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground and until the vegetable is fully ripe, only 40-45 days pass (the total growing season is about 90 days).

High-yielding variety with excellent taste characteristics. Heads of cabbage are rounded, light green, with a small mass (on average, 1300 grams). Once harvested, cabbage can be stored for up to four months if the conditions are right.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Advice! Experienced gardeners recommend growing early varieties of cabbage in high, warm beds. The structure of the bed, in which the compost serves as the bottom layer, provides heating of the top layer of soil and the root system of seedlings. All this makes it possible to achieve a XNUMX% yield of early-ripening cabbage even in the central regions.

Arctic F1

There are also the best varieties of early cabbage, specially designed for growing in the most difficult climatic conditions. An excellent example of such a cabbage is a hybrid of the Arctic.

The ripening time is very short – you can harvest as early as 45 days after planting the seedlings in the soil. The hybrid tolerates low temperatures well, but loves light and moisture – this must be taken into account.

The leaf rosettes of the culture are compact – only 50 cm in diameter. The heads are also medium-sized – weighing 1-1,6 kg each. Heads are round, beautiful, not prone to cracking (shown in the photo).

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Surprise F1

Dutch hybrid with very early maturation – 95-100 days from the date of sowing the seeds. Heads of cabbage are round, aligned, light green.

The tasting score of the variety is 4,5 points. Cabbage is very tasty fresh. On the section, the head of cabbage is greenish-white in color, dense. The average weight of the heads is 1300 grams. The grade is steady against cracking.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Nozomi “R. O.”

The earliest, or one of the earliest, is the Nozomi cabbage. After planting the seedlings in the ground, only 43-45 days pass until they are fully ripe. The hybrid variety is very productive.

Heads resemble a ball, round and even. The average weight of cabbage is 2 kg. Its structure is dense, the heads do not crack, they tolerate transportation and storage well.

Gardeners love this variety for its amazing durability: seedlings are not afraid of return frosts, tolerate waterlogging of the soil well, do not suffer from fungal and putrefactive infections, and are immune to the “black leg”.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage


Another early variety that allows you to harvest already on the 55th day after transplanting.

Cabbage gives compact rosettes, its heads are elastic, round, weighing about two kilograms. The heads are painted in a pale green color, they have an excellent taste. The grade is steady against cracking and tsvetushnost.

Zolotovorotskaya is used mainly for making summer salads.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Zantorino F1

The fruit of the work of Dutch breeders is the early Zantorino variety. Full maturation occurs 95-100 days after sowing seeds in the soil.

Heads of cabbage are spherical, even and smooth, painted in a light green hue. The structure of the cabbage is medium density, the heads do not crack. Heads grow up to 1,7-2,1 kg, have an excellent taste.

The hybrid is intended for fresh consumption. They start cutting heads from the last days of June.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Parel F1

A high-yielding hybrid with ultra-early ripening dates was created by the Dutch. Only 52 days pass from the moment the seedlings are planted, and the cabbage can be cut for fresh consumption.

Heads of medium size (up to one and a half kilograms), painted in a light green color, on the cut – greenish-white. The structure of the heads is dense, they do not crack, they tolerate transportation well.

The taste qualities of Parel are very good – they are evaluated by tasters at five points. The culture of this variety is recommended for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouses.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Attention! Early varieties of cabbage require closer attention from the gardener. This culture should be watered regularly (1-2 times a week), fertilized several times per season (using liquid solutions), spud stalk and weed the beds, spray the leaves with prophylactic agents.

Golden Hectare

Very productive early cabbage, ripening 110 days after planting. The heads ripen together, weigh about three kilograms. The palatability of the variety is good.

An early ripe culture loves heat, light and moisture, is able to tolerate low temperatures and slight frosts.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage


A variety with early maturation, enters the phase of technical maturity by the 100th day after planting. Heads of cabbage grow on a high leg, have a rounded shape and compact size.

The average weight of Dita’s heads is only one kilogram. Heads are resistant to cracking, well transported, can be stored for a couple of months.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Advice! In the south, the Dita variety can be grown in open ground. In colder regions, it is better to plant this early cabbage in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Dietmar early

Early variety – about 65 days from the moment the seedlings were transferred to the ground. Heads of cabbage are round, even, their average weight is 1,5-2 kg. When overripe, cabbage can crack, so you need to harvest Ditmarskaya in a timely manner. Vegetable culture is intended for the preparation of fresh salads, it is often grown for the purpose of sale in late June – early July.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Write Your Review

Victoria Pavlovna
We live in the North, so we grow little on our plot – mostly fruit trees and shrubs with berries. We also plant cabbage, but only mid-season varieties, and then – in a greenhouse. In the conditions of a short and cool summer in the beds, even early varieties simply do not tie heads of cabbage … So, we always buy fresh early cabbage in the markets and please ourselves with the first vitamins!


Today, there are many varieties of cabbage: Chinese, Beijing, Brussels sprouts or broccoli, but the most popular is still the usual white cabbage.

Varieties of early and ultra-early white cabbage

Early varieties of cabbage ripen in early summer, allowing you to quickly saturate the body with fresh vitamins and useful minerals. It will not work for a long time to store early-ripening heads of cabbage, they are not pickled or fermented, but such cabbage makes very appetizing fresh salads and fragrant stews.

You can learn how to grow early ripe varieties from the video:

Growing early cabbage

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