Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

Cucumber varieties with bunched ovary appeared on sale recently, but quickly became popular with gardeners seeking to get large seasonal yields. Even 15-20 years ago, early-ripening medium-fruited hybrids were grown in greenhouses, and ordinary varietal cucumbers were grown on open ground.

Beam hybrids were obtained by breeders by crossing several varieties with a female ovary. Thus, these varieties began to produce from 4 to 10 fruits from one ovary node, which significantly increased the yield.

Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

Growing and caring for bunch cucumbers

In order for bunch cucumbers to have a long growing season and produce a significant amount of fruit, they require special care. A large number of ovaries makes the plant weak, so hybrids of this type need regular feeding and certain rules during cultivation:

  • Cucumbers of beam varieties are not planted too close to each other. The maximum density between bushes in greenhouses is 2-3 seedlings per 1 m2, on open ground this figure can reach up to 3-4.
  • By the beginning of the growing season, the plant should have a powerful root and a strong stem in order to “feed” and withstand numerous ovaries.
  • If the grown cucumber seedlings are intended for planting in open ground, then after transplanting it must be covered with a film and stored there until active flowering begins.
  • It is advisable to plant bunch cucumbers in places protected from the wind. The plant is very thermophilic, and in a draft a weakened stem will most likely simply die.
  • Mandatory feeding of the plant with organic mineral fertilizer. The procedure is carried out in doses (no more than 15 grams per m2 once a week).
  • To accelerate the growth of greens, a volumetric container with rotted grass or manure is installed in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Evaporating carbon dioxide activates the growth of plant cells, allowing you to get the desired crop faster.
Advice! Please note that bunch cucumbers should be harvested daily.

Overgrown fruits remaining on the bush interfere with the emergence of new ovaries.

An important factor for growing beam hybrids in open ground are supports. The best fruits and the maximum yield are obtained from bushes tied to a trellis fixed on supports, 2 meters high and above. At the same time, a grid is necessarily attached between the pillars, with a mesh size of at least 15 cm. New cucumber lashes are fixed on it.  

Bunch cucumbers require regular care and feeding. Despite the fact that vegetation in bunches is inherent in the plant at the genetic level, it can change from improper watering or poor lighting.

Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

At the same time, the plant should not be overfed with fertilizers. In the case of abundant or improper feeding, bundles can form only on the lower ovaries of the stem. The optimal conditions for growing cucumbers are maintaining the required temperature (without sharp fluctuations) and relatively high humidity. That is why it is recommended to plant bunch cucumbers in equipped greenhouses or on open ground in the summer, when the air temperature has settled.

How to choose the best variety for planting

 Hybrids of beam cucumbers are divided into several types, the main of which are insect-pollinated or parthenocarpic. The former, as a rule, are grown in open ground or greenhouses, specially equipped with an opening roof. The latter are adapted for film greenhouses and greenhouses.

Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

Both of them may differ in branching. For high greenhouses and open ground with equipped supports, varieties with good and limited branching are suitable, for low greenhouses and hotbeds – with weak branching.

Advantages of varieties with good branching

Plants are characterized by a long growing season and high yields. For central Our Country, varieties such as “Maryina Grove F1”, “Three Tankers”, “Chistye Prudy”, “Boy with a Finger F1″, Junior Lieutenant”.

Features of growing cucumbers with limited branching

These plants do not require regular pinching, are easy to care for and have a fairly long growing season. The best varieties – Cheetah F1, Ant F1, Grasshopper F1, Trump Card.

The best varieties of cucumbers with weak branching

 An excellent option for a large seasonal harvest. The growing season lasts from 1 to 1,5 months. Weak lateral branches are short, do not require pinching. The best varieties – “Balalaika”, “Bouquet F1”, “Alphabet F1”.

Slow growth

It is clear that harvesting bunch cucumbers is a regular and laborious process. But what about those who appear on their personal plots only on weekends? Is it possible to grow a good crop by caring for cucumbers 2-3 days a week?

Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

Especially for summer residents, domestic selection has bred several varieties of bunched cucumbers with deliberately slow fruit growth. Due to this, the cucumbers on the bush practically do not have the opportunity to outgrow, and do not take away the strength of the greens. Harvest can be taken once a week.

The most popular among them are insect-pollinated varieties of cucumbers “Captain F1” (pictured above), “Acorn F1”. Self-pollinating – “Be healthy”, “Balcony F1”, “Pet F1”.

Attention! When planting the Captain and Acorn hybrids, remember that these plants have an exclusively female type of flowering, so any cucumbers from pollinator varieties are planted with them.

Slow-growing bunch cucumbers have another characteristic feature – their miniature and unpollinated fruits are great for canning. And such a hybrid as “Balcony” is unpretentious in care and gives large yields, adapting to any growing conditions.

The most popular varieties of bunch cucumbers

Properly planted and well-grown cucumbers with a bunch ovary, on average, can produce up to 20 kg of yield from one bush. When choosing a variety, be sure to read the instructions and study the basic conditions for care.

The following are popular and in demand today:

Avalanche F1

Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

Refers to early maturing varieties intended for growth in greenhouses, greenhouses and open areas of land. In one bunch, from 4 to 6 cucumbers are formed. The vegetation period is 1,5 months, and the resulting fruits reach 8 to 10 cm in length. The variety is versatile, and the crop can be used both for salads and for canning.

Mother-in-law F1

Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

A self-pollinating early maturing variety of cucumbers that feels great both in greenhouse conditions and in the open field. Up to 4 medium fruits are formed in a bunch, the average weight is 100 g. Distinctive features of this type are increased genetic resistance to fungal diseases and low temperatures.

Heroic Force F1

Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

Cucumber is famous for its long growing season and high yield. It is grown up both in greenhouses, and on an open ground. The average number of ovaries in a bundle is 8 pcs. The length of one cucumber during the ripening period can reach 12-15 cm.

Green Wave F1

Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

This variety is considered the most productive among beam hybrids. The green wave is resistant to temperature extremes and viral infections characteristic of greenhouse varieties. As you can see in the photo, the average number of ovaries in the nodes is 8-10.

Ajax F1

Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

A hybrid whose seeds are imported to us from Holland. Cucumbers in the period of full ripening reach a length of up to 15 cm, and the weight is up to 100 grams. The variety is considered the most delicious among beam hybrids and has an enviable stability in obtaining large yields.

Piccolo F1

Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

Self-pollinating early-ripening hybrid intended for cultivation in greenhouses and open ground. The first fruits ripen already on the 40th day after the transfer of seedlings to the soil. Cucumber does not require regular watering and care, resistant to powdery mildew, fungal diseases, with stable long-term fruiting.


Varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary

Another new variety of bunch cucumbers grown by Dutch breeders. As you can see in the photo, they are extremely beautiful. Up to 8 fruits ripen in one bunch, 10-12 cm in size. The hybrid is universal and ideal for canning and pickling. In addition, this variety does not lose its appearance during long-term transportation.

Cultivation of bunch cucumbers is associated with some difficulties that are not inherent in ordinary varieties of cucumbers. But, despite this, they are becoming increasingly popular with gardeners who want to get stable and rich harvests.

When buying seeds for seedlings, be sure to consult with the seller about the features of growing a certain type and variety, its resistance to changing weather conditions, and susceptibility to diseases. Strictly follow all growing instructions.


Antonina Telegina, Novorossiysk
I have been growing cucumbers for over 15 years. I plant seedlings on the beds, without a greenhouse and a greenhouse. For the second season in a row I use the seeds of the Lavina variety. Cucumbers live up to their name – they have to harvest almost every day, and the smallest cucumbers are surprisingly tasty when pickled.
Nikolay Samoilov, Taganrog city
I have had my greenhouse for a long time. I decided to start growing bunch cucumbers in order to harvest as much as possible during the season. The first experience turned out to be successful – the Bogatyrskaya Strength variety did not disappoint! I highly recommend these pickles to everyone!
A simple and affordable secret to growing a large crop of CUCUMBERS

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