For more than three thousand years, carrots have been one of the most beloved root crops on all tables of hospitable hosts from all over the world. To please guests with this delicious vegetable even in the winter season, you just need to get supplies from your own cellar, and for this it is best to first plant a suitable variety on your site. Moscow winter carrots, the seeds of which are on the shelves today in a large assortment, are perfect for these purposes.
Storage varieties
In order to always have fresh and tasty vegetables, carrots should be planted in winter. In this article we will talk about early, as well as very sweet and quite large, as well as suitable even for planting in Siberia, varieties for long-term winter storage.
After you can grow such root crops in your garden, all you have to do is, after thoroughly washing and drying them, place them in the cellar. It is customary to wrap clean and dry carrots in plastic bags for better storage and tie them well. Also, vegetables are often placed in boxes with sand, or onion skins, or even moss.
Such varieties provide an excellent opportunity to harvest the first crop of vegetables in one and a half or two months from the moment when the first timid shoots hatch. Therefore, already in the middle of summer you can enjoy fresh vitamin salads, as well as winter storage of root crops of one of these varieties. Lydia, Mother-in-law F1, Artek, Rex, Fun F1, Nantes 4 or 14, Miniko, Touchon are considered good early ripe varieties. Let’s take a closer look at a few of them.
Nantes 4 – a variety whose fruits are able to form after three months of vegetation. From one square meter you can collect up to 6 kg of vegetables. Root crops have a beautiful cylindrical shape, as well as a small tail, have a bright orange tint. They can grow up to 5 centimeters in length, and the weight of each of the representatives of this variety can reach from 16 to 70 grams. Seeds of such a culture are recommended to be planted in light soil.
Tushon is a type of carrot, which is advised to be sown in the second half of June. It has a medium-sized vegetable that has a cylindrical shape with a flat brown tip. The yield is about 40 tons per 1 hectare. Fruits can weigh from 93 to 172 grams, and be stored for 4 to 5 months. This variety shows good resistance to various diseases.
Such varieties of carrots, which are well suited for winter storage, are advised by experts to choose those gardeners whose families grow small sweet teeth. But adults will be happy to crunch such a sweet and juicy carrot. As the experience of many summer residents shows, such types of root crops as Vitamin, Children’s joy, Krasa maiden, Nastena, Beloved, Minicor, Losinoostrovskaya have proven themselves best in this matter.
Favorite – a variety of vegetables, which is distinguished not only by its exquisite taste, but also by its high vitamin composition.
Its roots have a pleasant rich orange color, as well as the correct cylindrical shape. They are able to weigh up to 160 grams and have a length of 14 to 16 centimeters. Podzimny sowing of carrots is also possible, which not only has an increased degree of yield and resistance to possible cracking, but is also intended for long-term storage, subject to some simple rules.
Nastena carrots have medium-sized vegetables, a somewhat cylindrical shape with a blunt base, as well as a pleasant orange color and a great sweet taste. Representatives of this species can have a weight of 105 to 150 grams. The chemical composition of the vegetable is as follows – it contains about 13% of dry matter, 6% of sugar, and up to 9 mg of carotene per 16 grams of dry matter. It is customary to use this wonderful variety not only for fresh consumption, but also for conservation, as well as freezing and winter storage.
Such vegetables can grow in length as much as 20 centimeters, while they can weigh up to 200 grams. They not only delight with their large size, but also have excellent taste and other characteristics, and are well suited for fairly long winter storage, which is very important for all gardeners who strive to have fresh vitamin salads and other delicious dishes on their table all year round. Such varieties of root crops as Nantes 4, Amsterdam, Canada F1, Nandrine F1 have proven themselves well.
Canada F1 is a late maturing variety that can be harvested for the first time in 130 days. Such a root crop can grow up to 23 centimeters in length, and it can be up to 5 in diameter. The mass of this type of carrot can be from 140 to 170 grams, and under favorable conditions, some gardeners manage to grow specimens up to 500 grams. Such carrots have a beautiful bright orange color, and also have very sweet and very juicy flesh. They are distinguished by a good degree of yield and excellent immunity to most diseases that can cause a lot of trouble for summer residents who grow such vegetable crops.
Nandrin F1 is a high yielding early carrot variety that can be tasted after about 105 days. Its representatives have a length of 15 to 20 centimeters and can weigh up to 300 grams. The yield is up to 8 kilograms per square meter. It has an excellent taste, resists cracking well, is rich in carotene and very juicy, can be used in salads and other dishes – both fresh and processed. Good for long term storage.
Video “Winter storage”
For Siberia
The best varieties of carrots for Siberia and the Moscow region are not much different from each other. Such seeds do not require preliminary preparation and allow winter sowing of carrots.
These vegetable crops will not require special growing conditions and care, they can even withstand light frosts with honor. The main thing is not to forget to check the seeds for germination. For planting, it is recommended to choose varieties such as Vitaminnaya, Moscow Winter, Shantane 2461, Rote Rosen, Geranda, Cardinal, Volzhskaya, Losinoostrovskaya, Nantes. The only difference for varieties recommended for cultivation in Siberia is the Altai shortened hybrid, which is advised to be grown there.
Altai shortened will not be able to please its owner with too large root crops, since the weight of each of them is unlikely to be more than 150 grams. But at the same time, it has excellent characteristics – it is ideal for use in any form, it resists many dangerous diseases well, it is also resistant to possible cracking of the peel, and it feels great during long-term storage in the cellar.
Shantane 2461 is also perfect for growing in the harsh climate of Siberia, as well as for the Moscow region and some other regions. The fruits of such a vegetable crop have a rather long ripening period – usually the first harvest can be harvested only after 130 days. But they are able to surprise with their large weight – up to 250 grams, and also grow in length up to 15 centimeters. The variety consistently shows a fairly high degree of yield in the presence of any weather conditions, its vegetables resist cracking well, are resistant to many viruses, and are also able to be stored and still have their original appearance, as well as great taste.
Video “Winter variety of carrots”
From the video you will find out what kind of variety it is, which grows even under a huge snow cover.