Varieties of carrots for the Urals

Certain climatic conditions prevail in each region, and in order to get a good harvest of any vegetables, it is necessary to choose the right seed material. The weather can be so different that one variety of crop cannot be grown even in neighboring areas. This problem also applies to carrots. Breeders are constantly developing new varieties and hybrids acclimatized to certain areas. Today we will talk about the best varieties of carrots for the Urals, and learn a few secrets about the correct preservation of the harvested crop.

Zoning of varieties and features of growing carrots in the Urals

In the Urals, carrots are sown, as in any other regions, in spring or towards the end of autumn before winter. The composition of the soil may be different, but always loose. It is advisable to fertilize the soil with manure before planting. During the first 45 days of spring planting, carrots develop poorly, the tops grow very tender. In order not to destroy the culture and enhance its growth, it is necessary to keep the bed clean from weeds, and also to fight pests. Carrots love moisture, but within reasonable limits, so the frequency of watering must be observed.

Advice! When choosing a plot for a bed with carrots in the garden, preference should be given to the place where tomatoes, cabbage or cucumbers grew last year. Nearby it is desirable to plant at least a little onion. Its green feathers serve to protect the tops of the root crop from the carrot fly.

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

As for the zoning of carrots, almost all Siberian varieties and hybrids grow well in the Urals. If we approach the issue more precisely, then the climate of the southern part of the Urals is much more favorable. Here, varieties intended for the middle lane will take root perfectly. In the northern and central parts of the Urals, climatic conditions are difficult. Here it is better to give preference to cold-resistant varieties adapted to bad weather.

Agricultural technology of culture consists of several stages:

  • The area allotted for the garden bed is dug up in the fall. Be sure to fertilize with manure.
  • If sowing is carried out in autumn before winter, the seed material is not soaked, but sown dry. During spring sowing, it is better to soak the grains.
  • When shoots appear in the spring, the extra plants are removed, that is, thinning is done. Carrot loves loose soil and is afraid of the formation of a crust on it, so the earth must be constantly pushed. It is important not to forget about regular watering.
Advice! In cities, you can still find vegetable growing stations specializing in growing garden crops. By contacting them, you can get important advice on choosing the right varieties for a particular area.

Carrot is considered an unpretentious crop, and many of its varieties are suitable for growing in the Urals. The grains begin to hatch when the soil temperature reaches +5оC. In many northern regions, this occurs around the beginning of June.

A short, often cool summer does not allow late varieties to ripen outdoors, yielding a crop in about 140 days. It is better to give preference to early carrots, suitable for consumption after 70-100 days.

It is important to consider here that all early varieties of carrots are not suitable for storage, and it will not work to stock up on root crops for the winter. Therefore, it is impossible to do without sowing mid-season and late-ripening varieties. Such carrots can be stored until a new harvest, they are excellent for processing and conservation.

Important! Growing carrots, like other crops, is carried out on open and closed ground. It is in greenhouse conditions that medium and late varieties will have time to ripen.

Early varieties for the Urals

So, we will start our review with early varieties of carrots suitable for fresh consumption.


Varieties of carrots for the Urals

Harvest ripening occurs after about 90 days. Carrots grow medium in size with a rounded end, a maximum length of 17 cm. The mass of a ripe fruit is about 150 g. The pulp with a very thin core is crispy and tender. The root crop is completely immersed in the ground, which saves its upper part near the tops from landscaping. This variety loves good care, for which he will thank with a generous harvest of about 6 kg / m2. Carrots are not afraid of rainy summers and do not crack with excess moisture.

Victoria F1

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

Fully mature carrots are considered after 80 days. If you need beam root crops, then they can be obtained after 70 days. The grade differs in powerful growth of a tops. Carrots grow short, all the same size with a rounded end. The maximum length of the root crop is 20 cm, but the thicker the crop, the smaller the fruit. Pulp with a thin core has a reddish tint. The vegetable rarely throws arrows, it takes root perfectly on heavy soil. According to their intended use, the fruits go well for processing and fresh consumption.


Varieties of carrots for the Urals

Ripening occurs after 80 days, but can take up to 3,5 months. Carrots grow even with a smooth skin, the end is rounded. With a maximum length, the vegetable weighs about 150 g. Seeds of this variety are suitable for spring and autumn planting in the ground. Harvest can be stored for a short time. From 1 m2 beds collect about 6,5 kg of carrots. Spring sowing in the Urals begins no earlier than May, when night frosts stop. Before sowing, it is desirable to treat the grain with a growth stimulator.


Varieties of carrots for the Urals

A fully mature crop is considered in 70–80 days, and the root crop goes to beam production at fifty days of age. Carrots grow medium in size, even, with a maximum length of 12 cm. The flesh is crispy, sweet.

Belgian White

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

The variety is an amateur, as it brings white carrots. The root crop is more often used as a seasoning for hot dishes. Raw pulp has almost no smell. A special aroma appears after heat treatment.

Bangor F1

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

This hybrid produces tasty carrots, and although they are early, the crop can be stored in the basement for a long time. The root crop grows long and thin, however, it has an impressive weight of up to 200 g.


Varieties of carrots for the Urals

A specific variety of carrots with purple fruits. However, only the skin has this color, and the pulp itself and the core are traditionally orange. The vegetable is more suitable for cooking hot dishes, as the unusual smell of raw root crops disappears during heat treatment.

Coloring F1

The fruits of this hybrid are very popular with children and are only suitable for fresh consumption. Carrots grow medium large, weighing about 200 g, the skin is smooth. The root crop is completely immersed in the ground, which saves it from landscaping.


Varieties of carrots for the Urals

Mature carrots are considered after 80 days. The variety is very high-yielding, the fruits are rather large, weighing about 150 g. Root crops grow even with a smooth skin, the end is rounded. Crispy flesh is very sweet, the core is thin. Carrots grow completely buried in the ground, so the top near the tops does not turn green. The harvested crop is not stored for a long time.

Medium varieties for the Urals

The ripening period of medium varieties is 3–3,5 months. Carrots are used not only for fresh consumption, but also for storage, conservation, processing.

Vitamin 6

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

Carrots can be harvested after about 100 days. The vegetable grows no more than 15 cm long, the rounded end is slightly thickened. The skin is smooth, eyes are slightly visible on the surface. The core is very thin, occupies about 20% of the thickness of the pulp. A mature vegetable weighs about 165 g. Yield under different growing conditions ranges from 3 to 7 kg / m2. The variety takes root well on drained peat bogs, does not throw arrows, but the root crop itself can crack.

Altai shortened

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

A very high-yielding variety produces short thick fruits weighing approximately 150 g. The flesh is juicy sweet, covered with a smooth skin. Root crops can be harvested manually or mechanically. Carrots keep well for a long time. The vegetable goes for all types of processing and fresh consumption.

Callisto F1

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

The hybrid is intended for cultivation on open beds. Carrots are considered ripe after 3–3,5 months. The tops of saturated green color, powerful. Red flesh with a thin core covered with a smooth skin. The carrot grows up to 22 cm long, while it is completely buried in the ground. A mature vegetable weighs about 135 g. The crop can be stored until spring, and is not afraid of long-term transportation.

The Red Giant

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

Ripening of root crops comes approximately in 100 days. Carrots grow long, maximum 25 cm, weighing 150 g. The sweet flesh is covered with a smooth skin. The root crop does not like dense planting, so be sure to thin it out. Regular watering is very important.


Harvesting of this carrot variety begins after 110 days. The fruits grow up to a maximum of 20 cm in length, flat with a rounded end. The pulp has a reddish hue, saturation with sugar and juice. The variety does not lose its high yield even on heavy soil. Carrots are grown for storage, various processing and just eating.

Nantes 4

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

Carrots ripen after 3–3,5 months. The shape of the vegetable is even, slightly tapering to a rounded end. With a maximum length of 18 cm, the root crop weighs up to 170 g. The sweet pulp is covered with a smooth skin with slightly visible eyes. Harvest is used for winter storage and processing. Very tasty fresh vegetable.

Late varieties for the Urals

The cultivation of late varieties is justified for long-term storage. Carrots of some varieties can be stored until the harvest of a new crop of spring sowing.

Totem F1

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

Cone-shaped carrots grow quite long with a sharp end. The hybrid is considered high-yielding. A mature vegetable weighs no more than 150 g. The pulp is juicy red and has the same core. The vegetable is intended for winter harvesting, processing, and is perfectly preserved until spring.

Shantane 2461

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

The finished harvest can be expected not earlier than in 130 days. Carrots grow up to a maximum of 15 cm in length, weighing up to 250 g. The fruits taper slightly towards the rounded end. The root crop is completely buried in the ground, so the skin at the base does not turn green. In appearance, the flesh seems reddish, and the core is more prone to yellowness. Small eyes appear slightly on the smooth skin. The disadvantage of the variety is a thick and rough core. Yield varies between 3–8 kg/m2. The fruits do not crack and are stored for a long time in the basement.

Tinga F1

The hybrid produces long cone-shaped roots with a sharp end. A mature vegetable weighs about 120 g. The juicy pulp is covered with a smooth skin, the color is red, and orange color dominates in the very core. The hybrid is considered high-yielding, the harvested root crops are able to survive all winter.


Varieties of carrots for the Urals

The shape of these carrots is a bit like a spindle. The fruits are even, smooth with a sharp end. A mature vegetable weighs a maximum of 200 g. The yield of the variety is very high. Carrots are tasty, but the yellow color of the flesh and core is more defining this vegetable to the culinary direction.

The Queen of Autumn

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

Harvesting begins after 130 days. Carrots grow large and long, a maximum of 22 cm. The mass of a mature root crop reaches 160 g. Inside the crispy pulp is a deep red core. Carrots are even and smooth, which indicates their good presentation. The harvest is perfectly preserved all winter, goes for processing and preservation. Sowing seeds of this variety can be done in spring or late autumn before winter.

The Emperor

Varieties of carrots for the Urals

Culture with very powerful tops and large dark green leaves. Carrots are long with a rounded base completely immersed in the ground. A mature vegetable weighs about 160 g, but can grow even more. A thin core is hidden inside the crispy sweet pulp. The variety has a good harvest in any region and does not crack the fruit. Carrots are used for storage, processing and just eating.

Advice! When choosing varieties, you must first determine the purpose of the future crop.

If the grown carrots go on sale, preference should be given to imported hybrids. For home use, in particular, winter preparations, varieties of domestic selection are more suitable. These crops are better adapted to the local climate, and the resulting crop has the longest shelf life.

Harvest Preservation Secrets

Few people think about the fact that the ripening period of carrots affects the duration of its storage. These two indicators are directly related to each other. The vegetative period of early varieties is very short and such a vegetable will not be stored for long. For the winter, you need to stock up on mid-ripening, and preferably late, carrots. However, if stored improperly, even such root crops can become moldy and begin to rot. Here are a few tips to help you avoid crop failure:

  • From the very beginning it is necessary to choose the right seed material. The main characteristics are written on the packaging. It is necessary to buy varieties that are acclimatized to the climate of a certain area, and also so that the resulting crop can be stored.
  • After harvesting, the root crops must be carefully sorted out. For storage, even whole fruits are left. All carrots with mechanical damage and the presence of any stains are sent for processing.
  • Root crops must be well dried before laying in the basement. By the way, all unripe carrots must be discarded, as they will not be stored.
  • Each package usually indicates the allowable storage time of the vegetable. It is unlikely that this time will be overcome.
  •  Carrots can be stored in sand or PET bags. In the first case, dry sand is poured into any container with ventilation holes. These can be cardboard boxes, wallets, etc. When storing fruits in bags, it is necessary to provide air access.
  • It is important to keep the same humidity and temperature in the basement throughout the entire storage period.

If possible, stored root crops should be periodically reviewed. Packages make this easier. Fruits with signs of rot or mold should be removed immediately, otherwise healthy carrots will disappear from them.

The video tells about the rules for storing carrots:

Carrot storage.

Each vegetable grower chooses suitable varieties of carrots for himself, but it is better to stick to some variety. It is good if carrots of different ripening times grow in the garden. This will allow rational use of the crop.

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