Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

The most difficult process in the production of tomatoes is the harvest. To harvest the fruits, manual labor is necessary; it is impossible to replace it with mechanics. In order to reduce the costs of large producers, varieties of cluster tomatoes were created. The use of these varieties reduced costs by 5-7 times.

Despite the fact that the carpal varieties of tomatoes were originally created for large agricultural farms, many summer residents also liked them.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 


Carpal tomatoes differ from ordinary ones in that the fruits in the brush ripen at the same time, significantly speeding up the harvest for gardeners. Within the group, tomato varieties are divided into the following subgroups:

  • Large-fruited varieties, brush weight up to 1 kg;
  • Medium, brush weight up to 600 gr;
  • Small, the weight of the brush does not exceed 300 gr.

The best varieties of carpal tomatoes have high resistance to Fusarium damage. The skin of the fruits of carpal tomatoes is very strong, such tomatoes do not crack, have excellent keeping quality and transportability. From 5 to 20 fruits ripen in a tomato brush at the same time.

Bushes of carpal tomato varieties grown in the open field are suitable for decorating the site, the photo shows the beauty of these plants.

Important! When choosing seeds of Dutch or Japanese breeding for planting in open ground, you need to make sure that their characteristics include resistance to adverse weather factors.

Most foreign varieties are designed for growing in protected conditions.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

Сорта кистевых томатов

Cluster tomatoes are very popular, so growers have created many varieties. The fruits can be very small, which is typical for varieties like Cherry, or very large, this is typical for beef tomato varieties. The color of the ripe fruit is also varied, there are red, pink, yellow, black, green tomatoes with a marble pattern.

Some varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground are exceptionally productive. One bush can produce up to 20 kg of selected fruits of high commercial quality. But when planting such varieties, it must be borne in mind that the declared yield was obtained using the highest level of agricultural technology. Any errors in care will reduce the productivity of tomatoes.

Все сорта кистевых томатов выращиваются через рассаду. В открытый грунт высаживают растения, в возрасте 50−60 дней, когда погода будет стабильно теплой.

Cluster tomatoes do not tolerate cold. A short-term decrease in air temperature to 5 degrees can reduce plant productivity by 20%. At sub-zero temperatures, the plant dies. Sometimes after exposure to cold, only the leaves die, the stem remains alive. In this case, the plant will grow further, but it will not give a good harvest.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

Advice! Small varieties of carpal tomatoes have a sweet taste, without sourness. These tomatoes are very fond of children.

To improve children’s immunity and replenish the supply of vitamin C in the body, it is enough to eat about 300 grams of tomatoes daily.

“Ivan Kupala”, Siberian Garden

Carpal variety, intended for open ground. Tomatoes are red-raspberry, pear-shaped, weight up to 140 gr. Suitable for all types of cooking.

  • mid-season;
  • medium height;
  • fruitful;
  • Heat resistant.

The height of the bushes is not more than 150 cm. Demanding on sunlight, it is necessary to remove excess leaves in order to speed up the ripening of tomatoes. The variety is compact, good taste.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Banana red”, Havrysh

Carpal tomato, designed for outdoor cultivation. The fruits of the tomato are red, elongated, up to 12 cm long, the weight of one tomato is up to 100 g.

  • mid-season;
  • The height is average;
  • Resistant to many fungal diseases;
  • Requires a mandatory garter;
  • The fruits are distinguished by good keeping quality;
  • Productivity – up to 2,8 kg per bush.

The height of the stem can reach 1,2 meters, the variety requires pinching and pinching. Handles long haul well.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Banana”, Ural summer resident

Carpal tomato, suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground. Pepper tomato, red, excellent taste, the weight of one tomato is up to 120 gr.

  • mid-early;
  • medium height;
  • Requires shaping and garters;
  • The fruits are resistant to cracking.

In closed ground, the height of the plant can reach up to 1,5 meters; it is imperative to form and pinch a tomato of this variety.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

Grape, ElitSort

The variety of carpal tomatoes is suitable for growing in open ground and film shelters. Tomato small, red.

  • Early;
  • Tall;
  • Requires a garter and the formation of a bush;
  • Differs in high decorative effect;
  • The brush is long, has up to 30 fruits.

A tomato bush of this variety has a height of about 1,5 meters, if not pinched, it can grow up to 2 meters or more. The fruits have an excellent tomato flavor, suitable for all types of cooking.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Fahrenheit Blues”, USA

A variety of carpal tomatoes produced for cultivation in temporary shelters and open ground. Mature fruits of this variety have a marble color, with red and purple hues. Tomatoes of this variety have a good taste, suitable for salads, preservation, decorating ready meals. It is not used for the preparation of tomato paste due to the peculiarity of the color.

  • mid-early;
  • Tall;
  • Resistant to fungal diseases;
  • Does not crack;
  • It has a high decorative effect.

The bush has a height of about 1,7 meters, without pinching it can grow up to 2,5. 3 plants are placed per square meter.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

«Intuition F1», Gavrish

Carpal variety of tomatoes. Grown in open ground, greenhouses, temporary shelters. The fruits are red, round, even. Weight 90-100 gr. Up to 6 tomatoes ripen in one brush. They have excellent taste.

  • Precocious;
  • medium height;
  • high yielding;
  • Resistant to weather factors;
  • Resistant to many tomato diseases.

The height of the bush reaches 1,9 meters, it requires the formation of 2 stems, the removal of stepchildren.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Reflex F1”, Havrysh

Carpal tomato. The fruits are large, collected in a brush, in which there can be up to 8 pieces. Weight of tomato – 110 gr. Tomatoes are red, rounded.

  • mid-early;
  • large-fruited;
  • vigorous;
  • Does not form empty flowers;
  • The fruits are suitable for long-term storage.

The height of the bush can reach 2,5 meters, it is desirable to form 2, maximum 4 branches. Productivity – up to 4 kg per bush.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

«Instinct F1»

The fruits are medium, red, rounded, weight – about 100 gr. Very tasty, the most pleasant taste are tomatoes that have ripened on the bush.

  • mid-early;
  • Tall;
  • Shade resistant;
  • Requires a garter.

The height of the bush without adjustment can reach 2 meters or more, it is necessary to form a bush. Requires a high level of agricultural technology.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“La la fa F1”, Havrysh

The fruits are dark red, flat-round, weighing up to 120 gr. They have a fleshy pulp, dense skin. Can be used to make tomato paste and pickle whole tomatoes.

  • medium height;
  • mid-season;
  • Resistant to tomato diseases;
  • Drought resistant;
  • High-yielding.

Stem height 1,5-1,6 meters, requires support. If stepchildren, extra leaves are removed in time, 4 plants can be placed on one square meter.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Lyana F1”, Havrysh

Carpal variety of tomatoes. Tomatoes of excellent taste, have a slight sourness. Fruits weighing up to 130 gr, red, rounded. They have excellent transportability.

  • mid-season;
  • medium height;
  • Requires support;
  • Resistant to blossom end rot;
  • Doesn’t crack.

Length up to 1,6 meters. It is necessary to regularly apply complex top dressing; in conditions of nutrient deficiency, tomatoes become smaller.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Honey Drop”, Havrysh

Carpal tomato. Dessert taste, very sweet. They have excellent staying power. Tomatoes are small, yellow, weighing up to 15 gr. The shape of the fruit is pear-shaped.

  • indeterminate;
  • Tall;
  • mid-early;
  • small-fruited;
  • Demanding on sunlight;
  • Fusarium resistant.

The bush can reach 2 meters, requires pinching. The variety is demanding on the composition of the soil, it does not bear fruit well on heavy, clay soils. Does not tolerate high acidity of the soil.

It is a variety, not a hybrid, you can collect your own seeds.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Midas F1”, Sedec

Carpal tomato. The fruits are orange, elongated. Weight – up to 100 gr. The taste is sour-sweet. Can be stored for a long time. They have a high content of sugars and carotene.

  • mid-early;
  • Tall;
  • indeterminate;
  • Fusarium resistant;
  • Differs in long fruiting;
  • High-yielding.

Bushes above 2 meters, medium leafy, must be grown on a trellis. No more than 3 plants can be placed per square meter of soil.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

Mikolka, NK Elite

Cluster type tomato. The fruits are red, elongated, weighing up to 90 gr. They have an excellent presentation, thanks to the dense skin, they do not crack when whole-fruited canning.

  • mid-season;
  • undersized;
  • Does not require a garter to the supports;
  • Compact;
  • Resistant to late blight.

Bush up to 60 cm high. Productivity up to 4, 6 kg. It does not require mandatory pinching, but if you remove extra shoots, the yield increases. You can collect seeds for sowing for the next season.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Niagara”, Agros

Carpal tomato. The fruits are elongated, red. Weight – up to 120 gr. Up to 10 brushes. The taste is sweet and sour. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

  • mid-early;
  • Tall;
  • high yielding;
  • Compact;
  • Resistant to blossom end rot.

The bush is tall, it is advisable to pinch the top. It has medium foliage, 5-6 plants can be planted per square meter. Requires regular fertilization. Productivity from 13 to 15 kg per bush.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Pepper F1”, Garden

Carpal variety of tomatoes. Suitable for preserving whole fruits, cooking tomatoes, salads. Tomatoes are red, plum-shaped, weighing up to 100 gr. Contains a small amount of seeds. In the brush from 6 to 10 ovaries. They have good transportability.

  • mid-season;
  • indeterminate;
  • high yielding;

Productivity not less than 10 kg from one bush. The stem is high, not less than 2,2 meters. Requires cultivation on trellises or garters to a support.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Peppercorn”, Siberian Garden

The fruits are elongated, red, weighing up to 100 gr. Differ in high palatability. The harvested crop can be stored for a long time.

  • Medium-early;
  • undersized;
  • Unpretentious;
  • Does not require support;
  • Resistant to most tomato diseases.

The bush is small, compact, up to 60 cm high. Subject to all the rules for growing tomatoes, you can get up to 5 kg from a bush.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Full F1”, Aelita

Carpal tomato. The fruits are round, red, weighing up to 90 grams. The brush is long, contains up to 12 ovaries. Used for all types of conservation.

  • high yielding;
  • Middle late;
  • Requires a garter to the trellis.

Bush height up to 120 cm, preferably grown on trellises. Demanding on lighting. Productivity 13 – 15 kg per bush.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

«Rio-grande F1», Griffaton

Tomatoes are fleshy, red, plum-shaped. The weight of one tomato is up to 115 gr. In the brush up to 10 ovaries. Suitable for preparing fresh and canned salads, whole-fruit canning. Do not deform during transportation.

  • Early;
  • determinant;
  • high yielding;

Plant height up to 60 cm. Demanding on the composition of the soil. Productivity can reach 4,8 kg from one bush. Up to 6 tomatoes can be placed per square meter if excess leaves are removed in a timely manner to increase sunlight access to the fruits.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Roma”, Sedek

The fruits are red, oval, weighing about 80 gr. Ripe tomatoes are stored for a long time both in a brush and separately. Great for long haul.

  • mid-season;
  • determinant;
  • highly productive;
  • Unpretentious.

A bush about 50 cm high. A garter to a support is not required. From one bush you can collect up to 4,3 kg of tomatoes. It tolerates short-term drought well. Does not tolerate prolonged waterlogging of the root system.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 

“Sapporo F1”, Havrysh

The fruits are red, small, weighing up to 20 gr. The brush contains up to 20 tomatoes. Suitable for all types of processing. Perfectly transported.

  • early maturing;
  • Tall;
  • fruitful;
  • Highly decorative.

Productivity – about 3,5 kg. The tomato has long branches, be sure to remove excess shoots. Untied plants are easily affected by fungal diseases.

Varieties of carpal tomatoes for open ground 


Cluster tomatoes are great for experimenting with new varieties. In addition to high productivity, they are distinguished by a decorative appearance that can give real pleasure.

Brush tomato, cucumber, pepper, Nochka, Alenushka, Lilac mist, Lezhkie tomato, protection

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