Varieties of asters (spherical, steppe, terry, American, large-flowered, royal) + description and photos of the best species

Astra can be found in almost every garden. The plant is unpretentious and retains beautiful flowering until the first frost. To date, there are various varieties of asters on the market. Thus, you can grow flowers that will not look like any other.

Description of the plant

Flowers are available to absolutely everyone. They attract the attention of gardeners with their unpretentiousness and beauty. Asters are often planted using seedlings. As a rule, the height of the plant ranges from 10 to 150 cm. Outwardly, the flowers resemble small stars, while each flower has its own unique characteristics depending on the variety.

Varieties of asters (spherical, steppe, terry, American, large-flowered, royal) + description and photos of the best species

At the moment, more than 200 types of asters have been bred, among which the following can be distinguished: Frikarta Monk, Rosa Turm, Delightful mixture, Classic, Royal Ruby, Montpensier, Pink, Gray Lady, Princess, Dragon.

Video “How to sow asters before winter”

In this video, the expert will tell you how to sow asters before winter.

How to sow asters before winter. . Site “Garden World”


In order to choose the right variety for a flower garden or summer cottage, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the classification of asters according to various criteria:

  1. Height. Before sowing seeds or planting seedlings, you need to determine the landing site, taking into account the height: high – up to 80 cm; giant – above 80 cm; dwarf – a maximum of 25 cm; undersized – 35-40 cm; medium height – 60–65 cm.
  2. Bush structure. This parameter should also be taken into account, otherwise the flower beds will not look as neat as we would like. Given the structure, the bushes are sprawling, strongly and slightly branched, as well as compact.
  3. The size of the inflorescences: giant – the size of the basket in diameter exceeds 12 cm; large – diameter from 9 to 11 cm; medium – up to 8 cm; small – no more than 4 cm.
  4. Form of inflorescences: reed; transitional – with tongues and tubes; tubular. According to their general shape, they are terry, spherical, flat, densely double, etc.
  5. To choose the right variety, it is important to understand the purpose for which the flowers will be grown. By purpose, they are divided as follows: universal varieties with longish peduncles – due to the average size, flowers are grown for cutting; undersized and dwarf – used as decoration due to the fact that small inflorescences form a ball; tall plants – have large flowers, are used for flower bouquets.

Popular annual species

Listed below are popular varieties of annual asters with a brief description.


Varieties of asters (spherical, steppe, terry, American, large-flowered, royal) + description and photos of the best species

The plant reaches a height of 70 cm. It is often used for bouquets. On one plant there are up to 24 branches with needle-like double flowers, their diameter is 10 cm. They bloom from July to August. The colors are different. Often they are planted singly or planted in flower beds. Ideal for cutting.

Snow White

Varieties of asters (spherical, steppe, terry, American, large-flowered, royal) + description and photos of the best species

The average height of the plant is 70 cm, the inflorescences are densely double and double. The flowers are no more than 12 cm in diameter, but outwardly they are quite large and snow-white. Bloom profusely for at least two months. Flowers will keep their freshness and beauty in bouquets for a long time. They are often planted in flower beds or grown for cutting.

Lady Coral

Large-flowered variety shows excellent resistance to Fusarium. On long stems are large and beautiful inflorescences. Each branch has a lot of blooming flowers, so even a single branch replaces the whole bouquet. Bud diameter – 16-17 cm. Asters Lady Coral can be of several colors: cream, red, yellow, white, black or pink. The preservation of freshness, aroma and beauty in the bouquet is excellent, so flowers are most often grown for cutting.


Varieties of asters (spherical, steppe, terry, American, large-flowered, royal) + description and photos of the best species

Asters of this variety are universal, they are grown both for flower arrangements and for garden decoration. Shrubs grow up to 75 cm, acquiring a semi-spreading shape. Resistant to fusarium, as well as to sudden changes in temperature.

The diameter of semi-double inflorescences does not exceed 11 cm. The name was given to the variety for a reason. Outwardly, the flowers resemble a bride’s veil or a light cloud that will please the eye of even the most demanding and sophisticated lovers of beauty.


Varieties of asters (spherical, steppe, terry, American, large-flowered, royal) + description and photos of the best species

The pyramid is exactly the form that the flowers of this variety have. The plant grows up to 80 cm in length, has large dense inflorescences. As a rule, the diameter of the flowers is 12 cm. The variety begins to give color from August to September. The buds are pink, purple, beige, red and multi-colored.


Varieties of asters (spherical, steppe, terry, American, large-flowered, royal) + description and photos of the best species

Bush asters bloom in summer, the plant grows up to 45 cm. 10–11 flowers appear on each branch with a pronounced shade. The inner row consists of tubular petals, the outer row consists of reed petals. The size of the inflorescences does not exceed 8 cm.


Height and shades are parameters that are strikingly different for perennial asters. Tall plants most often grow in hotel flower beds and flower beds, and dwarf ones – on alpine hills. Judging by the reviews, gardeners prefer perennial varieties, especially since their choice is rich and varied.


Varieties of asters (spherical, steppe, terry, American, large-flowered, royal) + description and photos of the best species

As for the characteristics, the sizes of plants range from 30 cm to 0,5 m. They are used to decorate the autumn garden. As a rule, inflorescences of such varieties are not more than 3 cm in diameter. Strong, but thin stems branch well, creating a dense and beautiful bush. Flowering begins in the first days of September.

Popular varieties:

  1. Marie Ballard. Vigorous garden bushes with blue inflorescences, plant height – up to 95 cm. They bloom for about two months, suitable for bouquets.
  2. Violet. Compact shrub with purple-blue flowers. It is recommended to plant at the beginning of the flower garden so that it is not overshadowed by other plants.
  3. White Lady. White or light purple petals, small flowers, ideal for group plantings.


Look like daisies. These are low bushes – up to 70 cm. In July, the first flowers already appear. Petals come in the following shades: lilac, blue, purple, blue or lavender.

The following Italian varieties are considered the best:

  1. Dwarf – multi-colored chamomile asters. Numerous densely double flowers bloom on a spherical bush. The first petals are already visible in July and last until frost. It is best to plant seeds not in a shady area. Wind and rain do not affect decorativeness and beauty. Often plants are grown on balconies.
  2. Thomson – undersized plants, reaching 45 cm in height. Flowering begins in July and continues until frost.
  3. Herman Lehne is a variety that guarantees abundant flowering. Often grow petals of a light purple hue.
  4. Rose – tubular petals are light brown, and reed petals are pink. The diameter of the basket is not more than 4 cm. Ideal for arrangements and bouquets.

New England

Varieties of asters (spherical, steppe, terry, American, large-flowered, royal) + description and photos of the best species

New England varieties have a lush flowering that starts in September and lasts until the first frost. There are two popular varieties:

  1. Bars Pink – refers to tall, reaching one and a half meters in height. The diameter of the racemes does not exceed 4 cm. The petals are yellow or carmine. They are combined with other plants, including steppe ones. Suitable for cutting.
  2. Constgans – inflorescences of a tall bush are collected in a brush. Thanks to the petals and leaves, a green-purple carpet is obtained.

dwarf alpine

Varieties of asters (spherical, steppe, terry, American, large-flowered, royal) + description and photos of the best species

They open in small or large buds. Varieties recommended by experienced flower growers:

  1. Dunkle Schone is a bush aster, visually reminiscent of a chamomile: with a yellow “inside” and purple reed petals. The variety is resistant to frost, looks beautiful in flower beds.
  2. Rosea is a long flowering variety. Pleasing to the eye from June until the first frost. Outwardly, the buds resemble a wild rose.
  3. Goliath – elongated green leaves, tightly seated on the stem. Delicate purple flowers bloom for only a month.


Varieties of asters (spherical, steppe, terry, American, large-flowered, royal) + description and photos of the best species

Differ in abundant flowering. Baskets are usually blue. Anderson’s flowers are the smallest representatives, because the height of the plant is up to 8 cm. The varieties are little known on the market.

Peculiarities of growing

It is worth remembering that seedlings are planted at the end of May. Almost all varieties, including the King size, are able to withstand frosts down to -4 ° C. Before planting, you need to dig up the beds and make small holes, keeping a distance of 20 cm. After planting, the plant is watered.

The plants themselves are not whimsical. They like both the light of the sun and a slight shadow. If the leaves begin to wither, this indicates a drought. Asters do not need to be flooded, but still they like regular watering. It is recommended to loosen the soil every time it has rained or watering has ended.

As for care, annual varieties need to be fed 14 days after planting, perennial varieties – after 2 years. Potassium sulfate and superphosphate are often used, from which the mixture is made.


Elena, 45 years old (Elektrostal): “That year I planted the American Beauty variety, I am satisfied with the flowers. Easy to care for, fertilized only once. I use it for beauty.

Olga, 38 years old (Tula): “I prefer perennial varieties. Once planted, and bloom for several years. I don’t do bouquets, but for myself in the country – what you need. Hue does not matter, so I plant different varieties.

Everyone loves asters. For the first of September, they are simply irreplaceable. They will make the flower bed in the garden unusual and sophisticated. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for growing.

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