Varieties of Asian lilies: planting and care
Varieties of Asian lilies began to conquer the world from the middle of the last century. Elegant, exotic colors and shapes, they are the best fit for central Russia. Their unpretentiousness to soils and adaptability to climatic conditions makes them a desirable acquisition for flower growers.
Asian lily and its features
Long-term work of breeders has brought new hybrid varieties. They are called Asian. Asians are exquisite in color, combining the best qualities and beauty of their parents. One-two-tricolor beauties-hybrids with large and small flowers are the most unpretentious among lilies.
From pastels to fiery bright colors, with a simple cup or double flower shape, this is the range of almost 5000 varieties of Asian beauties today. In addition, hybrids do not have the strong odor of common species and do not cause allergies.
Some of the popular varieties include:
- “Golden Stone” – star-shaped lemon-yellow flowers, densely covered with cherry dots. Height up to 120 cm, blooms in July.
- “Detroit” – bright scarlet flowers with curved, even or jagged petals. Height 80-120 cm, blooms in June-July.
- “Mapira” – luxurious maroon, almost black flowers. On a stem 80-120 cm high, there are up to 15 buds, which bloom gradually. Blooms in July.
- “Marlene” is unique for its huge number of flowers, the plant looks like a bouquet. Delicate pink flowers emerge from light yellow buds. Height up to 110 cm, blooms in June-July.
- Fata Morgana is a yellow lily with double flowers. Height up to 95 cm, blooms in July-August.
Despite the unpretentiousness, each variety has its own characteristics that must be considered in order to enjoy these adorable flowers.
Hybrids are planted in spring and autumn, sheltered for the winter only in the first year. All varieties are frost-resistant and able to withstand temperatures down to -30 ° C. They love sunny places, but they will take root in slightly shaded areas with neutral or slightly acidic soil.
Healthy, strong bulbs are treated with karbofos before planting to protect the plant from pests. The bulbs are planted in shallow, 30-40 cm, trenches. First, sand is poured, onions are placed sideways on it, and again covered with sand. Cover the top with earth with humus. The planted material is watered, mulched with organic matter.
Lilies can grow in one place for up to 4 years. After this period, they are dug up and transplanted, otherwise the flowering will decrease. The bulbs will lose strength and the plants may die. You can plant lilies in this place again after 2 years.
Caring for hybrids is impossible without feeding, because the beauty of flowering needs support. When the plant reaches 12-15 cm, they begin to feed it with a solution of potassium nitrate every 15 days.
During flowering, the plant is not fed, so as not to shorten this period.
After flowering, wilted flowers are removed, preventing the formation of seeds. Now the lily needs to be fed again in order to restore the bulb, to prepare it for rest. This must be done before August 15-17.
When the leaves are dry, the stems are cut to ground level. The plant is now ready for the winter rest period.
Asian women are so different that it is easy to choose among them hybrids that will successfully fit into the flower garden of your garden and will become a reminder of sultry Asia.