Varieties and descriptions of felt cherries
Felt cherry tolerates frost, drought well and bears fruit abundantly. These characteristics make it possible to grow shrubs almost everywhere. A suitable variety is selected for each region, so always read the description of the felt cherry before purchasing a seedling.
A brief description of the varieties of felt cherries for the middle lane
Felt cherry, judging by the photo, reviews and description, is a hardy shrub that reaches a height of 1,5-2 meters. With good care, up to 15 kg of the crop is harvested from the bush. In addition, felted cherries are resistant to diseases that stone fruit crops are susceptible to.
A description of the varieties of felt cherries will help you choose the right seedling for your garden.
The yield and harvest time depend on the selected variety. For the Moscow region and central Russia, there are about 17 varieties of felt cherry. Here are some of them:
- “Altana” is a medium-sized shrub of late fruiting. The berries are small, up to 2,5 g, have a sweet and sour taste and tender pulp. The yield is average, from 3,5 to 5 kg per bush. The disadvantages of this variety are poor keeping quality of fruits and low transportability. Grown in places where there is no strong temperature difference;
- “Far Eastern Beauty” – a late variety of large-fruited cherry, berry weight – up to 3,5 g. Productivity is high, up to 10 kg per bush;
- “Fairy Tale” is an early variety of large-fruited cherries. It begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year of cultivation. Differs in good winter hardiness and high productivity.
Despite all the advantages of the listed varieties, they have a common disadvantage – a short lifespan. After 8-10 years, the planting needs to be renewed.
Description of varieties of felt cherry for Siberia
Among the variety of varieties in Siberia, frost-resistant, especially hardy varieties are grown.
- “Eastern Darkie” is an early-ripening variety with a good yield. Up to 7 kg are harvested from one bush. Suitable for harsh growing conditions. Fruits of a rich dark red hue, taste with sourness;
- “Delight” is a mid-season variety, the berries are sweet and large. Harvesting is carried out in mid-July;
- “Amurka” – cherry tolerates frost well, but does not tolerate excess moisture. With good care, the yield reaches 15 kg per bush. The berry is large with sourness.
Felt cherry varieties are self-fertile for Siberia. For good yields, they need cross-pollination. Several varieties of felt cherries are planted in the garden. Also, the shrub is well pollinated if plums, apricots or cherry plums grow nearby.
Choose the right cherry varieties for your garden, follow the cultivation technology. Watch the video about growing felt cherries, which will answer all your questions.