Varieties and cultivation of dwarf apple trees –

Dwarf apple trees today have become an excellent alternative to tall trees. This is due to their compactness, which allows you to plant more of these trees in your backyard, while the amount of the crop will not suffer at all. They have their own characteristics, as well as landing requirements. About this, and about which of their varieties are the best for the Moscow region, we will tell you in this article.


Dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees, which have replaced tall fruit trees, have many clear advantages. They are equally popular today not only in Our Country, but also in Ukraine and many other countries. In order to grow normally and fully develop, dwarf apple trees require a distance between trees when planting about one and a half meters.

Varieties and cultivation of dwarf apple trees -

At the same time, the harvest from such a plot of planted dwarf and semi-dwarf apple trees can be collected several times more. Harvesting from such fruit trees is much easier due to the fact that the crop grows at eye level and is easy to reach. Care is also simple, since the modest dimensions of the tree do not require any devices for trimming branches that grow very high.

In addition, dwarf trees are able to bear fruit already in the second or third year after planting. Experts say that a small growth contributes to the good nutrition of trees and the receipt of nutrients in full. This is possible due to the fact that the size of the wood is small, and the roots give the tree a chance to receive the necessary elements. Also, dwarf apple trees do not care how high groundwater flows from the surface of the earth. Since their roots are almost on the surface of the soil. The same feature allows moisture during irrigation and applied fertilizers to better penetrate the soil and promote the growth and development of the tree.

Varieties and cultivation of dwarf apple trees -

Also, such fruit crops require less fertilizer than tall ones. By spraying the crown to kill pests, you can save a certain amount of money. Also, dwarf trees are not afraid of autumn frosts, because they stop intensive growth in summer and have time to fall into a sleepy state before winter. They do not require not only pruning of branches, but also the formation of a crown. What is of key importance for those gardeners who cannot often visit their summer cottage in the Moscow region. The yield directly depends on whether you have taken into account all the nuances of planting a dwarf apple tree. A variety of varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region and other regions of our country will help you choose fruit crops to your liking.

Varieties and cultivation of dwarf apple trees -

Such trees cannot be grown by yourself. They can be obtained by grafting on dwarf trees of ordinary varieties. Specialists and experienced gardeners advise buying young trees in specialized nurseries. It is there that you can count on the purchase of high-quality and viable seedlings. The crown of dwarf and semi-dwarf apple trees does not visually differ much from the usual one. But its growth is being held back. Such crops should be planted in a site that is well lit by the sun, not obscured by tall trees or buildings. The southern and eastern slopes of your site are best suited for the growth of such fruit crops.


Low-growing apple trees can be planted on one hundred square meters of usable area in the amount of about 20 – 30 trees. Whereas on the same site it was previously possible to place no more than 5 – 6 tall trees. Since inexperienced gardeners can often confuse dwarf apple trees with columnar ones, here are some differences between such trees. Columnar apple trees have a crown with one trunk and small side branches. They have a huge plus – with the existing small crown, a large number of fruits ripen on them. At the same time, all useful substances do not enter the root system, but precisely into the fruits. What is the difference between seedlings of dwarf apple trees from columnar ones?

The grafted seedling has a protrusion on the surface of the junction of the trunk and the root collar. This is clearly seen on the old section of the wild, directly under which the scion is placed. On those apple trees that have already reached the age of two years, there are characteristic large buds at the ends of the branches. At the same time, the trunk reaches a height of no more than 50 cm. Also, you will not see too many adult branches on such seedlings. As for the root system, the more fibrous and elastic it is, the more quality and viable the seedling can be considered. Unlike the dwarf, in the columnar you will see one trunk and an almost complete absence of branches.

Video “Summer residents: dwarf apple tree”

Summer residents Dwarf apple trees Issue 18 Tagil TV


It cannot be said that dwarf trees require any particularly difficult care and planting, but generally accepted standards for planting such fruit crops still exist. In order to be able to continue to carry out comprehensive full-fledged care for their trees in the conditions of the Moscow region, gardeners with many years of experience recommend planting several different varieties of apple trees on the site. The disembarkation scheme may be different, you can choose it yourself.

Most often, dwarf apple trees are planted focusing on such a scheme – the distance in a row is about 2 m, and in row spacing up to 5 m, it is recommended to plant trees in a row every 4 cm.

Such trees are advised to be planted on fertile lands, while applying the recommended top dressing. Experts call chernozems the best soil option for them. Clay and sandy soils are also well suited for this type of plant. Immediately before planting in a summer cottage, young trees must be carefully cut in order to help obtain a lower stem of the crown. After that, it will be necessary to trim the growths after a year.

But this is done only when the apple tree normally bears fruit and pleases the owners with a consistently high yield. Proper pruning contributes to obtaining fruits of a normal size, and also prolongs the life of an adult tree and rejuvenates it.

Varieties and cultivation of dwarf apple trees -

Seedlings must be planted in a planting hole, the depth of which is about 50 cm. When preparing it, the top layer of earth should be thrown off the spade bayonet to the right, and the bottom layer in the opposite direction. Before planting each seedling, do not forget to straighten its roots as best as possible. The tree must be lowered into a hole not lower than the place of its inoculation, and a hole should be formed around the trunk, the height of which will be about 15 cm. The planted plant must be watered normally. The norm in this case is about three buckets of water for each hole. Mulching such a hole with the help of humus has also proven itself well. Further care for seedlings in the Moscow region involves watering in the middle of summer, which should then be carried out every couple of weeks.

When the tree is several years old, caring for it should include the application of complex mineral fertilizers. The time-tested potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, which are usually taken at the rate of about 40 grams of each remedy, are best suited. And the earth near the seedling, when caring for it, will need to be loosened and dug up.

As for the terms for planting dwarf apple trees, spring is considered to be the optimal time for planting them. But this must be done after all the snow has melted on the site.

Varieties and cultivation of dwarf apple trees -

If autumn planting of trees is planned, then it should be done in the period from mid-September to mid-October. Pits for planting will be properly prepared in the autumn. Please note that your young trees will need supports to be installed after they are planted on the site. Further care of fruit crops requires pruning of branches and timely watering. Caring for these wonderful trees will be within the power of everyone, even a novice gardener.

Apple varieties

Since 1960, significant warming has been observed in the Moscow region. In the midst of winter, frequent thaws are now not uncommon, and it itself comes much later than it once was. In the summer, we can talk about a large amount of precipitation. Thus, these features of the Moscow region allow today the cultivation of dwarf apple trees of those varieties that are adapted specifically for this region. For the Moscow region, you can now choose the most suitable early-growing, winter-hardy and outwardly presentable varieties of fruit trees. Let’s talk about some of them in more detail.

Grushevka Moscow Region

This variety of apple trees was included in a special catalog of fruit trees in 1797. This species is an old and proven variety over the years, which is loved by summer residents for its excellent degree of frost resistance. Such trees allow you to harvest a rich harvest. They have a characteristic cone shape and begin to bear fruit in the fifth year of life.

Varieties and cultivation of dwarf apple trees -

Apples on their branches can ripen from the beginning to the middle of the last summer month. As for the appearance of the fruits, they are yellow-green fruits. Also, a characteristic blush is clearly visible on the surface. The taste of such apples is sweet and sour, they are distinguished by a very juicy middle, which is characterized by graininess. Not all gardeners of the Moscow region prefer to grow such fruit crops, since they have relatively small fruits.


This variety was released in the Ural region and in Western Siberia. It was the result of free pollination of the Vydubetskaya weeping apple tree. Such a tree can grow up to 2 meters. It has a drooping crown, which should be formed parallel to the ground. It enters the fruiting period after 3-4 years. The yield from each plant can be up to 90 kg. Able to withstand even low temperatures down to -40 degrees. It also tolerates drought easily. Differs in an average degree of immunity to the possible appearance of diseases and pests. It has fruits that reach 170 grams in weight. Apples have a light yellow color, smooth skin with a slight beautiful blush. The pulp of such fruits is dense, fine-grained. The shape of the fruit is round-conical. It has a sweet and sour taste and a rather pleasant aroma. It is recommended to harvest in early September. The shelf life is approximately 120 days.


This variety appeared thanks to the efforts of scientists from the South Ural Research Institute of Horticulture and Potato Growing. It was zoned in 2002 and gained particular popularity in the Ural Horticulture Zone. The tree has a flat-horizontal crown. It is able to grow on different types of rootstocks from 1 to 2 meters. It enters the fruiting period at 3-4 years. The yield from each fruit crop can be up to 65 kg. It is characterized by the presence of rather large fruits. They have a greenish-yellow surface with a dark red blush. As for the pulp of such fruits, it is quite dense in texture, while being quite juicy with fine grain. The taste of such fruits is sweet and sour and quite pleasant. Differs in the increased frost resistance. Fruits after harvesting tend to be stored for up to 110 days.

Varieties and cultivation of dwarf apple trees -

There are other excellent varieties of dwarf apple trees. For example, the Earthly has rather large fruits. The mass of an apple of the Landed variety can be about 150 grams. Such fruits are green in color with a rich red blush. Apple trees of the Landed variety delight with high yields, which can be up to 130 kg from each tree.

Video “Apple Orchard Technology”

How to grow a good garden, how to plant and care for dwarf apple trees – you will learn from the short video clip that we have given below.

Apple orchard in Belarus – Apple orchard management technology

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