Variegated derain: planting and care

Derain variegated with its appearance is able to attract at any time of the year. In summer, the bush is covered with a hat of bright leaves; in winter, variegated branches attract the eye. Derain is increasingly used in landscape design: as a living fence, gardens and alleys are decorated. Many tend to assume that such a name was obtained due to the rather hard wood.

Variegated derain: planting and care

Description of variegated deren

Derain grows in Siberian, Far Eastern and Asian forests. This shrub belongs to the dogwood family, the height of Derain variegated can reach up to 3 m.

The bush has a large number of straight branches that form a spreading crown, Derain itself is durable, has a brown-red hue. Since there are a large number of varieties, you can find small shrubs whose height does not exceed 1,5 m.

The leaves are large, green, along the edge there is a border, which comes in 2 colors – white, yellow. The inflorescences are snow-white, in diameter they can reach up to 6 cm. Flowering can be observed twice a year. The fruits that appear in autumn are inedible, have a blue color.

A distinctive feature is resistance to low temperature conditions, unpretentiousness in care, which makes it possible to use Derain even in the Northern regions.

Variegated derain: planting and care

Derain variegated in landscape design

Due to the wide variety of varieties, you can create a wonderful decoration for the estate. As a rule, a shrub is used to create a hedge, giving a variety of shapes. Deren looks great next to juniper and barberry. Looks impressive with small flowering shrubs.

With the help of Deren, zoning of territories is carried out. The shrub can be planted not only in groups, but also singly. For example, if you plant this plant on a lawn, then a tall bush can become a kind of landmark.

Attention! If necessary, you can see a photo of how the Derain variegated shrub fits into the landscape design.

Variegated derain: planting and care

Varieties of variegated derain

Deren includes a wide variety of varieties. It is impossible to say that there are a lot of existing species, but despite this, every gardener, even the most whimsical, will be able to choose for himself exactly what he wants. A distinctive feature of all types is unpretentious care and attractive appearance. Most often, a hedge is made from Derain variegated, giving decorativeness in various forms.

Very elegant

This variety is considered the most common, it can be found more often than others in garden plots. This species is ideal for single plantings. As a rule, the height of the bush reaches 2,5 m. The shoots are straight, coral in color. The leaves have pointed tips, while they are slightly concave along the central vein. Basically there is a green color with a bluish tint. The border on the leaves is small, it is white and light green. During the flowering period, flowers appear in delicate pink tones.

Variegated derain: planting and care

Variegated Sibirica

Shrubs of this variety are medium in size, reach a height of up to 1,5 m, but most often up to 1,2 m. The branches are quite bright, rich scarlet. The leaves are elongated, flat, light green. There is a white border around the edge. In autumn, the colors become more saturated, purple, with a purple tint. The flowers are green, the fruits are blue, while they have a coating of wax.

Variegated derain: planting and care


Gouchaultii is quite massive and at the same time squat. The height of the bush reaches up to 1,5 m. The shoots are very flexible, long, dark scarlet in color. The border on the leaves is wide, while uneven, lemon-colored. If you plant this species in a sunny place, then the foliage will cast in pink. During the flowering period, yellow flowers appear, which are replaced by blue fruits.

Variegated derain: planting and care

Ivory Halo

Ivory Halo is a novelty recently bred by breeders. The bush grows up to 1,5 m in height. If the crown is not cut off, then over time it will become the correct spherical shape. Light green foliage with ivory edging. The young bark is rich red, gradually becoming a brick shade.

Variegated derain: planting and care

Aurea Very elegant

The height of the bush reaches 2 m. Initially, the leaves are brick-colored, with time they become yellow. This variety has the widest, rounded, matte leaves. In autumn, a red tide appears, but the color itself does not change. If you grow a shrub in a sunny place, then a brown border appears on the leaves. The level of frost resistance is much lower than that of other species.

Variegated derain: planting and care

How to plant variegated derain

Planting and caring for Deren is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In order to grow an attractive ornamental shrub that will delight with its appearance for many years, you will need:

  • choose the right place for landing;
  • pre-prepare the soil;
  • choose suitable seedlings for planting.

If you grow a plant in partial shade, with a minimum amount of moisture, then the leaves will lose their brightness. In turn, excess moisture leads to rotting of the root system. If necessary, you can look at the photo of planting, care and pruning Derain variegated.

Variegated derain: planting and care

Soil preparation

Before planting a plant in open ground, it is necessary to prepare a seat in advance. Pre-select a suitable place where the shrub will grow, remove existing weeds, add fertilizer to the soil. If the place is swampy or groundwater lies near the site, then you need to take care of drainage.

Derain grows well in sandy or sandy loamy soil, with good water permeability. It is best to use acidified soil with a small amount of lime. Fertile moist soils are of particular importance.

Variegated derain: planting and care

Preparation of planting material

Experienced gardeners recommend using seedlings that were grown from cuttings as planting material. This is due to the fact that such planting material retains all the properties and characteristics of the mother bush.

It is necessary to choose healthy seedlings that are not damaged, the foliage has a bright saturated color, and Derain’s age is not more than 4 years.

Advice! If the bush has a leeward root system, then it is necessary to place the shoot in a container filled with water and leave it for several hours.

Variegated derain: planting and care

Planting variegated derain

Planting Derain variegated is carried out in the fall. The algorithm of work is as follows:

  1. From the place where the bush will grow in the future, it is necessary to remove the top layer.
  2. The removed soil is mixed in equal proportions with sand and humus.
  3. After that, it is necessary to add fertilizers, which are produced in granules. For 1 sq. m takes 100 g of the drug.
  4. In order for the shrub to have a lot of free space for growth, it is necessary to make large pits. In the event that the soil is marshy, it will be necessary to place broken building bricks or stones of the middle fraction on the bottom.
  5. Prepared soil with sand and humus is poured into the bottom of the pit.
  6. Pour in about 6 liters of water.
  7. The roots are carefully spread along the bottom of the pit.
  8. From above they fall asleep with the remaining earth. The root neck must necessarily be level with the soil surface. If the root neck is too high, then the shrub will give a large number of weak shoots, which will lead to death.

For group planting, the distance between the bushes should be 1,5 m, if the planting is single, then a support will be required.

Attention! Immediately after planting, the soil should be compacted, the surface should be mulched.

Variegated derain: planting and care

How to care for variegated deren

Caring for Derain variegated consists of timely watering, pruning and fertilizing for growth. Top dressing is applied annually, 2 times. In spring, mineral complexes are used as fertilizer, in summer there is enough humus, which allows the near-trunk part not to dry out.

Despite the fact that Derain variegated perfectly tolerates low temperature conditions, young bushes must be covered for the winter, as they may die. The most problematic thing is to cover the green hedge.

Since pests do not prefer these plants, it is extremely rare to see them. As a preventive measure, you can treat with soapy water.

Variegated derain: planting and care

Watering and top dressing

Green-yellow Derain variegated needs proper planting and care. Do not forget about timely watering and fertilizing. Young shrubs need to be watered daily, with a small amount of water. During a drought, adult plants begin to be watered twice a week. As a rule, each bush takes up to 20 liters of water. With wet soil, the amount of watering is reduced.

Adult Deren needs annual fertilization – they do it 2 times. The first top dressing occurs in the spring (April), for this they use mineral fertilizers, about 200 g per bush. In the summer, in August, organic fertilizers are taken, chicken manure or compost is suitable for this purpose in the amount of 5 g per bush.

In order for Deren to grow quickly in the first year, complex fertilizers will need to be applied quite often. Root and foliar dressings alternate at the same time. To give a bright color and achieve abundant flowering, rotted leaves are sprinkled on the roots.

Trimming variegated derain

Derain fell in love with landscape designers, as a result of which it is used in decoration as a central figure. Thanks to its attractive appearance, it can fit into any ensemble.

This shrub can be cut, thereby giving it any shape. Pruning should be done several times throughout the year. First of all, dry and old branches are removed, after which they proceed to cutting off excess growth and stems sticking out in different directions. If necessary, you can completely cut down the bush, after a while the formation of new shoots and processes will begin.

If you use Derain to decorate arches and fences, then they can be shaped into arcs and columns. To prevent the plant from growing, it is necessary to remove unnecessary shoots in a timely manner.

Advice! Pruning Derain variegated should be carried out in spring and summer.
Pruning shrubs Pruning dogwood

Preparation for winter

Derain variegated, growing in the garden, needs special winter preparation. As a rule, young cuttings are left for the winter in a greenhouse, using temporary soil for this. It is not necessary to cover adult plants, they tolerate low temperatures very well.

In autumn, the amount of watering is reduced. Closer to winter, the shrub drops its foliage, which allows it to survive the cold season. If the plant has already been planted in open ground, then it should be covered with dry leaves, sawdust, rags. With the onset of heat, the shelter is removed.

Variegated derain: planting and care

How to form variegated sod

The haircut of Derain variegated is carried out several times during the year – at the beginning and end of summer. If Deren is not cut in a timely manner, then the lower branches begin to gradually become exposed, which only spoils the appearance. It is necessary to constantly monitor the formation of branches on which monochromatic leaves appear. Such branches should be removed immediately.

Formative pruning is used when the plant is used as a hedge. This is necessary in order to preserve the original form. Also, do not forget about sanitary pruning, during which damaged, diseased and old parts are removed.

Important! It is not recommended to engage in the formation of bushes in the winter.

Variegated derain: planting and care

How to propagate variegated derain

Many gardeners prefer vegetative propagation. This choice is due to the preservation of the properties and characteristics of the mother plant, while it is possible to form a bush in a few years.

For propagation by cuttings, planting material is harvested from adult bushes, cutting off the shoots, and then rooting them. Most of the time is spent growing from seeds.

Propagation of variegated derain by cuttings

Propagation of Derain variegated cuttings is done in the fall. For planting, it is worth choosing last year’s branches that bend well and have already matured wood. Green growths are previously removed, leaving only strong shoots.

On a cut handle, there must be 3 pairs of buds. The lower foliage is completely removed. In order for the planting material to take root, it is placed in water, after which Derain can be moved to the greenhouse before the onset of heat, when the shrub is planted in open ground.

Variegated derain: planting and care

By dividing the bush

Derain can also be propagated by dividing an adult bush. For these purposes, choose strong and healthy plants. First you need to dig them out and carefully divide the rhizome into several parts with a shovel.

This procedure looks like this:

  1. Dig up a bush.
  2. Shake off the earth from the roots.
  3. Using a sharp knife or shovel, divide the root part in half.
  4. Bury each part separately.

Before planting Deren, it is necessary to put fertilizer on the bottom of the hole.

Variegated derain: planting and care


Another method of reproduction is rooting by layering. Due to the fact that the branches grow quite quickly and tend to the ground, they can be easily rooted. In spring, the branches closest to the ground are dug into the ground and securely fixed. A year later, such a seedling can be safely dug up and transplanted to another place. After 6 months, Deren will take good roots.

Variegated derain: planting and care


After the flowering period is over, clusters with fruits appear on Deren variegated, inside of which there are seeds. Flowering occurs from May to June. In autumn, the accumulated seeds are carefully collected and sown until the moment when the first frosts come.

If the seed is planted in the spring, then it must be placed in a cool place for 6 months at a temperature not higher than + 5 ° C. Hardened seeds have a much higher germination rate.

Advice! Reproduction by seed is used only by breeders who set themselves the goal of obtaining Derain from natural material.

Variegated derain: planting and care

How to root variegated derain

In the case when cuttings are chosen as propagation, the planting material must be rooted before being planted in open ground. First of all, after the material for planting is cut from the adult Derain bush, it is necessary to place the cuttings in cold water. Thus, the first roots will begin to appear. To speed up the process, many gardeners recommend using special tools – rooters, with their help they process the root system, after which they plant Derain variegated in open ground.

Attention! Pruning Derain variegated should be done in the fall, it is not recommended to form a bush in winter.

Why do variegated derain leaves turn black and dry

Very often, gardeners are faced with a problem when the leaves of Derain variegated begin to dry out and become covered with black dots. These symptoms indicate that the bush has undergone a fungal disease. To combat rot, the following drugs are used:

  • “RAW”;
  • “Vectra”;
  • Topaz.

During processing, the number of waterings is recommended to be reduced. Also, black spots on the leaves appear at the moment when Derain variegated is poured with cold water.

Variegated derain: planting and care

Diseases of the variegated derain

Shrub Deren variegated refers to problem-free plants. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to ruin it. Most often, Deren is attacked by root rot, but it should be borne in mind that the gardener personally allows the appearance of this disease. Root rot appears if you water the shrub often and a lot.

The second common problem is the loss of tone in the leaves. This phenomenon is associated with a lack of moisture, usually during a drought. If you water the plant several times, then everything is normal.

Pests of variegated derain

As practice shows, pests practically do not pay attention to Deren. The only pest you can encounter is aphids. Getting rid of aphids is quite simple:

  1. The shrub is sprayed with soapy water.
  2. Leave in this form for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Then rinse off the solution with water from a hose.

If necessary, this procedure can be repeated after 7 hours. If the invasion of aphids is massive, then it is worth using insecticides.


Variegated derain is an unpretentious type of shrub that perfectly tolerates low temperature conditions, as a result of which it can be planted even in Siberia. Attractive appearance, decorative effect, ease of care – all this contributes to the fact that Derain is used in landscape design. The shrub can grow alone, in composition with other plants, it can be used to create a hedge, giving it any shape.

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