Varicose veins: why it appears and how to treat

We will tell you how to live with this disease.

March 14 2020

Who is more likely to develop varicose veins?

In women, in whose family this disease is not uncommon. After all, the genetic factor is the main cause of venous disease. Women who have hormonal changes due to pregnancy or taking contraceptives are also under attack. And those who have to stand a lot for work (hairdressers, salespeople) or, conversely, sit (office workers). Sitting cross-legged, socks with tight elastic bands, tight-fitting clothing, constant wearing of shoes with heels above 5 cm, and being overweight can contribute to the development of varicose veins.

How to determine that it’s time to see a phlebologist?

If the legs swell in the evening, ache, the calves seem to be bursting, there is a feeling of heaviness, and cramping at night, these are signs of incipient varicose veins. Moreover, the pain that arises from prolonged sitting or standing disappears when moving. Already with these complaints it is necessary to go to the doctor. And if it came to vascular “asterisks” – meshes made of small dilated vessels, then you can’t hesitate. After all, such seemingly harmless symptoms can lead to trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis.

How does the doctor know if it is really varicose veins?

At the reception, the doctor conducts a visual examination, finds out if relatives – mothers, grandmothers – have encountered similar venous problems. Then research is carried out – ultrasound Doppler, transillumination (transillumination of the veins). If the case is severe, the doctor prescribes phlebography – an X-ray examination of the vessels with the introduction of a contrast agent into the blood. Based on the results of the examination, the phlebologist makes a diagnosis and determines the methods of treatment.

What treatment can a doctor prescribe?

If you applied on time, at the initial stage of the disease, then special ointments, pills and compression therapy (stockings, tights, knee-highs), lymphatic drainage massage, pneumomassage, therapeutic exercises will help to slow down the course of the disease. Those who have started the disease are prescribed sclerotherapy: a special adhesive is injected into the lumen of the vein, which helps to improve blood flow in healthy vessels. If this does not help, an operation is performed – phlebectomy.

How should you eat?

In order for the veins to be in good shape, it is necessary to include in the diet foods containing vitamins A, B, C, PP, as well as copper, iron, zinc, calcium, rutin. It is advisable to eat raw vegetables and fruits every day. But it is better to exclude fatty, spicy and salty dishes from the menu, or at least reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Is it harmful to play sports with varicose veins?

Many people think that varicose veins and sports are incompatible. This is wrong. Outdoor activities (cycling, skiing, swimming, running) are extremely beneficial for the health of the venous system. But tennis is not suitable because it puts a lot of stress on the abs. You should also refuse from exercises that can lead to leg injuries.

Is it possible to visit the bathhouse if you have varicose veins?

If the disease is running, then you should not go to the bathhouse, sauna, and also take hot baths, you should not steam your legs. Exposure to heat overloads the venous system. Limit yourself to a shower. If you have the initial stage of varicose veins and you cannot imagine your life without a bath, enjoy it, but wisely – immediately after the steam bath, rinse your feet with cool water.

Can I sunbathe in the sun or go to the solarium?

In severe forms of varicose veins, it is better to abstain from the sun, since ultraviolet light (it does not matter, natural or artificial) promotes the formation of vascular “stars”. In the initial stages of the disease, sunbathing can be performed until 11 am and after 17 pm.

Can you travel to hot countries?

As with any other disease of the cardiovascular system, visiting hot countries is undesirable. The sun, dehydration, overheating can only worsen venous outflow and provoke inflammation of the veins. If you nevertheless decide to relax in a country with a hot climate, regularly pour cool water on your feet, take blood-thinning and venoactive drugs, and do not forget to wear medical knee-highs.

Is massage not contraindicated?

Before going on a massage course, consult a phlebologist. Anti-cellulite, roller-vacuum and cupping massage can worsen the condition of blood vessels, provoke the progression of varicose veins.

Are spider veins treated with gels?

Alas, the drug (tablets, gels, etc.), the use of which can cure varicose veins or vascular network on the legs, does not exist. Many creams give a tonal effect, hiding stars, but do not heal them. Ointments and gels have only a short-term therapeutic effect. They can only be used in combination with compression therapy and pills.


Varicose veins – a violation of the outflow of blood from the legs, causing varicose veins.

Phlebologist (from the Greek “phlebos” – Vienna) is a specialist in venous diseases.

Useful exercises

* If you have a sedentary job, once every 40 minutes, take a break from it and walk around the office, or at least several times roll your foot from heel to toe, go up and down the stairs. This will improve blood microcirculation.

* Flexion and extension in the ankle joint, twisting the foot, wiggling the fingers, any contractions of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg – all this can be done even while sitting.

* Put your foot on a stool and roll the wax candle from foot to knee with light pressure. Repeat with the other leg.

* In the evening, before going to bed, stand with your toes on a thick book, resting your heels on the floor. 10-15 times, try to slowly rise on your toes, lifting your heels off the floor.

* To keep the veins in good shape, use a contrast shower: pour cold and warm water on your legs alternately.

* At home you can sit “American style” with your feet on the table. It is also useful to lie down with the legs raised 15–20 cm above the level of the heart – this relieves the veins.

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