Varicose veins – where do they come from and how to deal with them?
Varicose veins - where do they come from and how to deal with them?Varicose veins – where do they come from and how to deal with them?

The problem with the widening of the veins of the lower limbs is a phenomenon of great importance – every fifth man and as many as every third middle-aged woman (around 45) has a problem with it and does not know how to deal with it. So let’s take a look at how such diseases occur and how they are treated.

Incredible blood

Sometimes it is worth reflecting on the basic physiological wonders of nature, thanks to which we function every day. We know that the blood carries substances dissolved in the plasma or blood cells, necessary for the proper functioning of every cell of the body: nutrients – glucose, fats, respiratory – oxygen, carbon dioxide or hormones – e.g. insulin, adrenaline or oxytocin. The range of blood vessels is therefore enormous and must work in harmony all the time. We are also aware of the fact that blood is pumped by blood, but let us notice how great resistance must be overcome by the force with which this liquid flows up to supply, for example, a giraffe’s brain with glucose, which is necessary for its functioning. The pressure inside the carotid artery of such a giraffe must be enormous indeed to overcome gravity for a length of 3,5 meters and above. However, we are talking here about the ejection of blood from the heart caused by the contraction of its left ventricle. Of course, blood flows from the head through thin-walled veins on its way back down from the head, but what happens when it’s the artery that flows down to our feet?

Veins don’t have it easy

Then the speed is completely lost so that the exchange of compounds between the blood and the tissues of the target areas in the capillaries can take place, from where deoxygenated and deprived of nutrients must go back up to the heart. So what is pumping this blood now? The hydrostatic pressure acting at the rear is of little importance. There is, however, the so-called the suction action of the thoracic cavity during inspirations and the suction action of the vestibule, both of which act from the front. Side-acting contractions of the surrounding muscles and the pulse wave in the adjacent arteries also have an effect. That doesn’t sound quite as sure as a massive heart contraction though, does it? Impairment of each of the components of the factors or simple damage to the veins therefore have very negative effects.

We recognize varicose veins

Unlike arteries, veins have valves that allow the flow of blood to be temporarily stopped without mixing it with previous sections, which is important for maintaining proper balance in the body. However, let’s imagine a situation in which the flow is difficult – portions of blood stop in the vicinity of the valves and press against their walls. Under normal circumstances, this is not very important because the walls of the veins are thin and stretchy. Over time, however, the elasticity of these structures decreases, as a result of which the valves are deformed, and the abnormal blood flow causes twisting and irreversible stretching of the flaccid vessels, the walls of which thin, and this causes unsightly bulges of the skin, which can of course be painful. This ailment is one of the occupational diseases of, for example, surgeons or hairdressers who spend the lion’s share of the day in a standing position, without proper movement of the leg muscles.

Prevent and treat

It’s always easier to do it first. You should monitor your hormonal balance, try to move a lot, walk, especially during breaks at work predisposing to the disease, avoid high-heeled shoes, lead a healthy lifestyle – fight overweight and obesity, eat food rich in fiber and vitamin C and limit the consumption of alcohol and smoking. However, if there is still a problem, we will find a lot in the pharmacy drugs for varicose veins – however, it is always worth taking a look at their leaflets, which fortunately can now also be read on the Internet, e.g. We can see that the ways of administering the drug for swelling are different – in addition to tablets for varicose veins, we also have a gel that additionally contains heparin, thinning the blood locally, which facilitates its circulation for some time. On this particular page, we have two types of active substances – those contained in Venotrex have a protective effect on lymphatic blood vessels, also helping patients suffering from troublesome haemorrhoids. In turn, Aescin is a general drug for edema, which reduces the tone of blood vessels and is used even post-traumatic and postoperative.

The most important moral of the above information and considerations is, above all, that physical activity should be promoted among people of all ages – whether it is team games, walks or even moving around at home for the elderly. For this and many other reasons, instead of giving tea to elderly people, it is worth bringing it to them themselves – it will be good for their health.


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