Varicose veins – what are they? How to prevent varicose veins and how to treat them?

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Varicose veins are a problem with the veins most often affecting the lower limbs. By definition, varicose veins are dilated, tortuous veins that are visible through the skin and are accompanied by bulges and additional symptoms. What are the causes of varicose veins? Can they be prevented and what are the treatments?

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are an ailment that most often affects the surface veins, and less frequently the deep veins. They may indicate problems with the venous system at various stages of advancement. Mostly varicose veins have the form of visible under the skin, tortuous veins that are dilated, elongated and visibly arched. Most often, varicose veins affect the lower extremities and in this case they can be considered a clinical symptom of chronic venous disease (PF).

When deeper veins are overloaded, blood flows back into surface vessels whose anatomical structure is not conducive to transporting large amounts of blood. For this reason, the superficial veins then stretch and the symptoms typical of varicose veins appear. The formation of varicose veins is influenced by degenerative processes resulting from higher blood pressure and increased blood pressure on the venous wall. As a consequence, inflammation develops, the walls of the veins stretch and the blood stagnates. The ongoing processes weaken the valves and venous walls.

Very often, varicose veins appear in people with family predispositions. Initially, the occurrence of these subcutaneous changes within the veins may be treated as a cosmetic defect, but they should not be underestimated. Over time, in addition to the changes visible on the skin, additional symptoms may develop, including a feeling of heaviness in the limbs, pain and burning. Complications of varicose veins, including bleeding or other diseases of the venous system, are especially dangerous.

The feeling of heaviness in the legs will help to combat regular drinking of ŻILACZKA – a herbal tea that has a positive effect on the veins and capillaries, making them more flexible and supporting their functioning.

What are the different types of varicose veins?

Varicose veins are an ailment of the venous system, visible in the superficial system – the veins in this system become dilated and visible transdermally. The following types of varicose veins are distinguished:

  1. primary varicose veins – the most common form of varicose veins, affects 95% people with this ailment; the formation of primary varicose veins is the result of a congenital lack of valves, abnormal angiogenesis or impaired synthesis of elastin and collagen within the venous walls (probably due to genetic factors, but the etiology is not fully understood);
  2. secondary varicose veins – concern 5 percent people with varicose veins are caused, among others, by deep vein insufficiency, history of deep vein thrombosis or surface veins injuries or inflammation.

Want to relieve leg swelling? There is a CBD gel for tired legs available on Medonet Market to help with varicose veins. Check the offer today! We also recommend hemp milk for varicose veins, which supports the venous circulation.

Symptoms accompanying varicose veins

The problem with varicose veins most often affects the lower limbs. Common symptoms of varicose veins are:

  1. visibly dilated surface veins – they resemble cords or tangles of a dark color with noticeable protrusions;
  2. swelling of the legs and feet;
  3. dull or burning pain, especially after standing for a long time;
  4. a feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  5. itch;
  6. tingle;
  7. muscle cramps.

The initial symptoms of varicose veins are relatively mild, however in some people with advanced disease ulcerations, hyperpigmentation, fatty sclerosis and eczema may occur. For skin problems related to varicose veins, we recommend the monastery mazidło for the skin in the area of ​​Varix Klimuszko varicose veins. The preparation has a soothing and moisturizing effect, and supports the regenerative processes of the skin. We also recommend the butcher’s broom ointment that strengthens blood vessels, seals blood vessels, prevents the appearance of swelling and spider veins.

Varicose veins – causes of formation

The main factor that promotes the formation of varicose veins are genetic predisposition. The probability of varicose veins when one of the parents has them is several dozen percent – about 25 percent. for men and as much as 60 percent. for women. If both parents are diagnosed with varicose veins, the risk is as high as 90%.

For the strengthening of blood vessels, we recommend ON CIRCULATION – a supplement for the heart and blood vessels available on Medonet Market.

They are also conducive to the formation of varicose veins:

  1. age;
  2. prolonged standing or sitting;
  3. undergoing venous thrombosis;
  4. smoking;
  5. insufficient physical activity;
  6. overweight and obesity;
  7. improper diet leading to constipation;
  8. taking oral hormonal contraceptives.

If you belong to a group of people who are at risk of developing varicose veins, prophylactically use Cleavers 400 mg (Przytulia Czepna) Viridian, a dietary supplement available on Medonet Market at a discounted price.

Read also: Who is a Phlebologist?

Varicose veins – possible complications

Although initially varicose veins are mainly an aesthetic problem, they can also lead to complications, which are also serious and life-threatening. Complications of varicose veins include ulcerations that heal hard, bleeding from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of superficial or deep veins, post-thrombotic syndrome or pulmonary embolism.

They can also be dangerous vascular diseases associated with varicose veins:

  1. chronic venous insufficiency;
  2. venous thrombosis;
  3. iatrogenic phlebitis.

In order to prevent varicose veins, it is worth using the OS1st FS4 + n compression band for calf and ankle joint, available in black or blue. The band improves blood flow, reduces swelling and pain.

Varicose veins – diagnosis

The gold standard in the diagnosis of varicose veins is Doppler ultrasound, i.e. a non-invasive ultrasound examination. It allows you to check blood flow, evaluate varicose veins, diagnose venous thrombosis or control post-thrombotic syndrome. Depending on the demand, it is used Doppler ultrasound with the use of continuous wave or Doppler duplex.

Another diagnostic method for varicose veins is phlebography (especially ascending and descending) – invasive examination, which is used in doubtful cases. It allows, among others to determine the patency of the veins, insufficiency of piercing veins, venous reflux or the morphology of venous valves. There is also a special type of examination warikografiawhere a varicose contrast agent is administered.

Treatment of varicose veins – what is it?

Due to the fact that varicose veins are quite a common disease, they have a tendency to recur, and it is difficult to achieve good effectiveness of therapy, their treatment turns out to be problematic. Modern medicine does propose, however several ways to treat varicose veinswhich mainly include compression methods, sclerotherapy, drug administration, as well as surgical methods and endovascular treatment. What are they about?

When it comes to compression therapy, that is treatment of varicose veins with compression products, it is a form of conservative therapy. The compression method is based on the fact that thanks to products such as compression stockings or compression stockings, surface veins are mechanically supported. Kompresjoterapia is effective in the prevention of varicose veins in people who perform professional activity that requires standing or sitting. Products with the appropriate degree of compression (from I to IV) are selected according to the advancement of varicose veins. They can be recommended, among others after operations on varicose veins, after sclerotherapy, with venous insufficiency or lymph edema.

Another method of treating varicose veins is sclerotherapy, or obliteration treatment. It is injection of veins with a special sclerosing agent in the form of liquid or foam. As a result of the therapy, the vessel lumen is closed. Sclerotherapy allows for the treatment of small and medium-sized venous vessels, however, before performing it, contraindications and possible complications of the procedure should be taken into account.

When the need arises, the gold standard of treatment of varicose veins is implemented, which is the invasive surgical method – phlebectomy. It is a traditional method, i.e. removal of the ineffective saphenous vein through an incision in the groin (stripping). An alternative to this treatment is the laser treatment of varicose veins.

Check it out: When to see a vascular surgeon?

It is also possible endovascular treatment with the help of catheters inserted into the lumen of the vein. The catheter radiates heat energy or uses a laser, and the vessel is closed, fibrinolysed and absorbed.

When it comes to pharmacotherapy of varicose veins, it is common to administer bioflavonoids, e.g. diosmin and hesperidin, rutin, oxirutin or troxerutin. Tribenoside and calcium dobesylate are also used.

As an auxiliary in the treatment of varicose veins and prophylactically, it is worth using BIO gel for tired legs with propolis and honey Propolia BeeYes, which reduces the feeling of heaviness in the legs and helps to restore proper circulation in the veins.

Varicose veins prophylaxis – how to prevent their formation?

Especially people with a family history of varicose veins should remember about prophylaxis – avoiding bad habits can reduce the risk of varicose veins or delay their occurrence. Procedures that help to prevent varicose veins that should be kept in mind include:

  1. lower limb elevation – frequent lifting of the legs up, preferably at regular intervals for at least a few minutes; Trendelenburg position is also recommended, especially in the case of various venous complications, e.g. ulcers;
  2. systematic physical activity – has a positive effect on blood flow in the lower limbs, however, it should be adapted to the state of health and age; examples of recommended exercises include walking, rotating foot movements, standing on the toes (pulsating), bending and straightening the toes, cycling, gymnastics or running;
  3. correctly selected preparations in the form of creams, ointments or gels that strengthen blood vessels, reduce swelling and relieve the feeling of heaviness (see the offer of ointments for varicose veins available at Medonet Market; we recommend, for example, Farm-Vix ointment improving the condition of blood vessels or soothing – soothing chestnut gel to strengthen the blood vessels Farm-Vix);
  4. proper diet – proper nutrition helps fight overweight or obesity (and prevents them), prevents constipation and strengthens the venous walls;
  5. properly selected footwear – well-fitted shoes support the correct positioning of the foot and allow the fingers to move freely; you can also use special insoles that improve circulation thanks to a special surface that stimulates the feet.

The above-mentioned procedure may also be recommended for people who already have varicose veins.

Read also:

  1. What are hemorrhoids?
  2. Varicose veins medications – how to get rid of ailments?
  3. Treatment of varicose veins – the latest anti-varicose technologies

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