Varicose veins – prevention is better than cure! How to effectively defend against them?
Varicose veins - prevention is better than cure! How to effectively defend against them?Varicose veins – prevention is better than cure! How to effectively defend against them?

Varicose veins, spider veins, small red veins visible on the legs are not only an aesthetic defect but also a harbinger of bigger problems. Although varicose veins in most cases are a problem resulting from our genetics – it is an unwanted heritage passed on to us from parents or grandparents, we can prevent and effectively get rid of them. Each of the women would like to have beautiful legs for as long as possible, allowing them to wear skirts or dresses. In the past, the problem of varicose veins affected older people more often, today even teenagers are struggling with it. How to effectively defend against them and what to do when this problem affects us?

Varicose veins are dilated vascular veins with a bluish color found primarily on the legs. They should be a source of concern not only because of the spoiling appearance of the legs, but also as a symptom of some diseases – hypertension, overweight – and unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, lack of exercise. The problem of varicose veins affects every 5th woman and every 6th man, but women are more often affected. The cause of varicose veins is venous reflux, i.e. backflow of blood. In an adult human, the heart is more than a meter above the ground, so the blood has a long journey against gravity. The backflow of blood is prevented by valves, which are folds of the inner membrane of blood vessels. When they are damaged, they don’t close properly and blood has trouble draining. This is the fastest way to the appearance of the first changes on the legs, then varicose veins and even ulcerating and oozing wounds.

In most cases, varicose veins are genetically determined, but they can also appear after pregnancy, in the elderly they result from the decreasing level of collagen that makes the veins more flexible. They are more common in people who lift weights or suffer from constipation. Long-term walking in high heels is also not conducive to the legs. Lifestyle is also of great importance. Long hours spent sitting with one leg on one leg or standing up increase the pressure in the veins and lead to their dilation. If dilatation occurs at the valve site, it leads to damage to the valve and blood cannot flow freely.

For the health of our legs, but also the whole body, our activity leading to regular pressure reduction is needed. If you stand or sit all day because your job requires it, try to take some time to exercise. While standing, you can stand on your tiptoes and drop to your heels. This exercise will stimulate the calf muscles and improve circulation. To avoid varicose veins, you must give up hot baths or saunas in excess. High temperature causes blood vessels to dilate. Cooling is helpful. If you are lying down, always place your legs above the heart line, this will allow the blood to drain more easily from the legs. It is also important not only what lifestyle you lead, but how you dress. Avoid tight-fitting clothes, tight-fitting socks, high heels, or tight-fitting high tops.

What if you already have varicose veins?

There are many ways to treat them. Only on the level of advancement of your condition depends what type of them you can use. Diagnosis is by physical examination or ultrasound. After that, your doctor can suggest your path to healthy legs. You can use compression tights, anti-varicose knee socks, it is also possible to use radio wave therapy or sclerotherapy – injecting the affected vein to close the lumen of the vessel. If these treatments do not bring the expected results, traditional varicose vein surgery remains.

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