Vanyusha grapes

From the huge variety of varieties of grapes, every gardener seeks to choose the one that best suits his requirements. Often it turns out to be a variety or hybrid form of amateur selection. These include Vanyusha grapes, a description of the variety and a photo of which are presented below.

Vanyusha grapes


Table grapes with the affectionate name Vanyusha are the creation of the national breeder Krainov V. N. This is a hybrid form with light-colored berries, the result of crossing two time-tested varieties Talisman and Kishmish radiant. The grapes ripen early, in the southern regions of Our Country the first harvest is ready for harvest in the first decade of August, it is possible to harvest grapes en masse in the 2nd-3rd decade of the month. In the Middle lane, its clusters ripen later, so in these regions it is considered medium early or medium.

Description of the Vanyusha grape variety and its photo:

  • the bush stands out with powerful and rapid growth;
  • leaves of large size, carved, intense green color with lighter veins;
  • bisexual flowers, grapes bloom in the 1-2 decade of June;
  • clusters are large, elongated, wide-conical, the weight of each is 0,9-1,5 kg (maximum 2 kg);
  • the brush is medium dense or slightly loose;
  • berries of large size, oval-round, weighing 12-18 g;
  • the skin is medium-dense, its color is delicate yellow-green, when the berries are fully ripe – the same amber-yellow with a pinkish tinge;
  • on the same bunch, berries can vary in size and taste;
  • the pulp is medium-dense, juicy and fleshy, having a pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness;
  • taste and aroma – light nutmeg.

Berries of the Vanyusha grape variety accumulate sugar well, do not rot, do not crack and do not bake under the sun. Clusters can hang on the vine for a long time (up to 1 month) after they are fully ripe. After that, their taste does not change for the worse, but only ennobles, nutmeg notes in it become brighter. Due to the rather dense skin, Vanyusha grapes can be transported over long distances. It can be consumed fresh, as well as to prepare desserts from it.

Vanyusha grapes


With proper agricultural technology and careful care, Vanyusha grapes, according to winegrowers, are able to produce generous harvests every year. The load on the bush should be an average of 30-35 eyes. You need to increase it gradually, starting from 2-3 years, and make sure not to overload the bush. If this is not done, the berries will be smallish, and their taste will decrease. In the first 2 years, only 1-3 brushes are allowed. It is also necessary to thin out the growing shoots in time. Shoots of this variety ripen by the time of autumn pruning by 2/3 of the length.

The hybrid form of Vanyusha grapes is characterized by excellent rooting of cuttings (almost 100%), good ripening and survival in a permanent place. In this regard, it has fewer problems that arise after transplantation and with reproduction than other varieties.

Frost resistance of Vanyusha grapes, according to the description of the variety, is up to -20-23°C. This suggests that in cold regions the bushes will have to be covered for the winter. In the south, you can do without this time-consuming event.

The bush bears fruit steadily, and its yield is considered high – from a young bush you can collect 6 kg of berries, from an adult, subject to the rules of agricultural technology and shaping – up to 14 kg of good presentation and quality of clusters.

Vanyusha grapes


In cold rainy weather, grape flowers are poorly pollinated, so in the future, shedding of the ovary and pea may be observed: defective small seedless berries appear in the brush.

Attention! To avoid this problem and improve the development of the ovary, gardeners are advised to treat the bushes after flowering with Gibberellin. This will increase the chances of successful formation of berries and will make them uniform and large in size.

Another drawback of the variety is that if the grapes are not harvested in time, they overripe and crumble, which affects the amount of the crop.

Diseases and their prevention

The resistance of Vanyusha grapes to the main diseases of the vine – mildew, oidium, gray rot – is average or above average (2.5-3 points). To protect the bushes from them, the following preventive measures are required:

  1. Regular pruning of grapes in autumn or spring. For this variety, pruning for 9-10 eyes is recommended. It is necessary to remove all weak, damaged, dry shoots.
  2. Thinning out excess green shoots for normal airing of the bush.
  3. Timely repeated treatment of the vine from common diseases and pests with fungicides, insecticides and acaricides.
  4. Feeding the bush with mineral or organic fertilizers.
  5. Cleaning and destruction of plant residues – leaves, cut branches and crumbled berries. They can be burned or added to the compost heap.
  6. Digging the soil around the bush, which is carried out so that it freezes well in winter.

The implementation of such agricultural practices must be approached responsibly, because the health of the bush depends on how the gardener treats his duties.

Vanyusha grapes

Planting a seedling and caring for it

The easiest way is Vanyusha grapes propagated by cuttings. Almost all of them take root both during autumn and spring planting. For a seedling, you need to choose a bright, well-lit place, well-ventilated, but without walking winds and drafts. Planting in a shaded area reduces the resistance of the bush to diseases. Low-lying areas with a close location of groundwater are not suitable for grapes. The soil for it should be fertile, light, air and moisture permeable. Cultivated sandy loams and loams are best suited for this.

You can plant a plant both in open areas, having built a classic trellis for it, and near buildings, for example, as in this photo.

Vanyusha grapes

The sequence of planting a seedling of Vanyusha grapes:

  1. Dig a hole 0,7-0,8 m long, wide and deep.
  2. Lay a layer of drainage material at the bottom – broken brick, small pieces of slate, small pebbles.
  3. Top with a mixture of garden soil, compost, sand and ash.
  4. Water the soil and wait for the water to settle.
  5. Plant a seedling in the hole, sprinkle it with earth and compact it well.
  6. Mulch the soil with straw, old hay, not rotted last year’s leaf, sawdust or cover it with a film (agrofiber).
  7. If planting is carried out in the fall, before a cold snap, the seedling should be covered for the winter with dense covering material or sprinkled with earth.

The feeding area per 1 bush should be at least 4-6 square meters. m, so the next seedling must be placed, given this.

It is necessary to water the seedling until it takes root every 2 weeks, pouring 2-3 buckets of water under it. It is not necessary to feed a young bush in the first 1-2 years. In autumn, it must be covered, even if the winter is not cold.

Adult bush care

The formed grape bush of the Vanyusha variety needs to be watered 3-5 times during the growing season:

  1. After a little snowy winter – even before the buds open. If there is enough moisture in the soil, then this watering can be skipped.
  2. A couple of weeks before flowering.
  3. After the formation of ovaries.
  4. 3 weeks before fruit ripening.
  5. In a dry warm autumn – immediately after the leaves fall. In rainy weather, water-charging irrigation can be omitted.

Irrigation rates – at least 50-70 liters per bush. It is desirable to pour water not under the root, but at some distance from it. After the next watering or the passage of rain, the ground under the plant must be loosened.

It is necessary to fertilize Vanyusha grapes 3-4 times per season with mineral fertilizers. Make the first top dressing before flowering, use nitrogen fertilizers, the next top dressing with phosphorus and potassium – after 1 month. Fertilizers of organic origin (compost, ash and humus) should be applied after 2 seasons at a dose of 10-15 kg per bush. Microelements are also useful: magnesium, zinc, boron.

You can form a bush of Vanyusha grapes according to the scheme in the photo.

Vanyusha grapes

Make the main pruning in autumn (on adult bushes) or in spring (on young bushes), in summer – cut out excess green shoots, leaving 22-24 pieces. Fruiting shoots of this vigorous grape are recommended to be cut into 8-10 eyes. In addition to pruning and thinning shoots, Vanyusha grapes require tying fruit-bearing branches, as it has heavy and large brushes.

You can start harvesting when the berries in the bunches have reached technical ripeness. Such grapes are already sweet and juicy, but still dense, do not crumble, they can be transported for sale or stored in a cool dark place. For quick use, you can leave the clusters to ripen on the bush. In biological ripeness, Vanyusha grapes are the most delicious. However, it is better not to delay the harvest, since the berries often fall off when overripe, although the clusters retain their presentation for a long time. You need to cut the clusters with secateurs, putting them in baskets in small batches. Then use as directed.

Attention! In the southern regions of Our Country and Ukraine, adult grape bushes do not need to be covered for the winter; in regions with a colder climate, this procedure is necessary.


Larisa Alexandrovna, 39 years old, Astrakhan region
In my vineyard, among other varieties, there is also a Vanyusha grape bush bred by Krainov V.N., and I consider it my favorite. I can explain my special disposition to it by the fact that it is early ripe, large-fruited, fruitful and amazingly tasty. Everyone I give this grape to taste always speaks positively about it. I advise everyone to plant it.
Bogdan, 23 years old Kupyansk
Vanyusha grapes are grown by my grandfather in the country. He is very pleased with him, says that there is no need to look for the best. The bushes grow powerful, prolific, and the clusters are large and dense. The grapes look very pretty, and their taste is beyond praise.
Grape variety “Vanyusha” – season 2017


The hybrid form of Vanyusha grapes is a successful combination of early ripeness, productivity and excellent commercial and taste qualities. Care for him is standard and simple, and the harvest is guaranteed. Plant it in your plots to always have delicious and beautiful looking white grapes on the table.

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