Vanilla liqueur: 5 recipes at home

vanilla liqueur – This is an original alcoholic drink based on a plant – vanilla. This spice gives the liquor a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of perfume, as well as a delicate taste. The use of vanilla in the alcohol industry at one time was a real breakthrough, although it should be noted that not everyone likes its specific taste.

vanilla syrup recipes

Classic vanilla liqueur recipe


  1. Vanilla – 20 grams (3-4 pods).

  2. Vodka (alcohol 40-45%) – 1 liter.

  3. Sugar (preferably brown) – 300 grams.

  4. Water – 300 ml.

Method of preparation

  1. Cut vanilla into small pieces. Put the pieces in a jar for infusion, pour in vodka, tightly close the lid.

  2. Remove the jar in a dark place at room temperature. Infuse for 2-3 weeks, shake once a day.

  3. Filter the finished vanilla infusion through cheesecloth.

  4. Mix water and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil, boil over low heat for 5-6 minutes, removing white foam. Cool syrup to room temperature.

  5. Pour the infusion into the syrup in a thin stream. Mix.

  6. Before use, keep homemade vanilla liqueur for 2-3 days in a dark place. Away from sunlight, the drink can be stored for up to 5 years.

Galliano liqueur

Vanilla cream liqueur

A milky version with a hint of vanilla. Something reminiscent of the legendary Baileys liqueur.


  1. Vodka – 0,5 liters.

  2. Black bitter chocolate (without additives) – 100 grams.

  3. Cream (20-35% fat) – 200 ml.

  4. Condensed milk – 400 grams (1 can).

  5. Vanilla sugar – 15 grams.

Method of preparation

  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath.

  2. Whip cold cream with vanilla sugar (up to 5 minutes).

  3. Add condensed milk and melted chocolate to cream.

  4. Mix with a mixer or blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

  5. Add vodka in a thin stream, mix.

  6. Pour the liquor into bottles. Close hermetically.

  7. Refrigerate for 60-90 minutes before use. Since it contains dairy products, the liqueur can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 14 days.

Homemade Galliano Recipe #1

This recipe for vanilla liqueur “Gagliano” uses angelica root, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, extracts. The drink is tinted with yellow food coloring – this can be omitted, but then you will not get the bright yellow color of the original liquor.

For a liter jar, we will need:

  1. Dried chopped angelica root – 1 teaspoon.

  2. Cinnamon stick – one, 7-8 centimeters long.

  3. 1 clove.

  4. A pinch of ground nutmeg.

  5. Large vanilla pod.

  6. Sugar – 500 milliliters, 2 cups.

  7. Lemon juice – a tablespoon.

  8. Half a teaspoon of anise extract, pineapple and banana.

  9. Dye yellow – 2-3 drops.

  10. In the original recipe, food glycerin is used to thicken the drink – 1 teaspoon, but it is quite possible to do without it.

  11. Vodka – about 0.5 liters.

  12. Water – half a cup.

Method of preparation

  1. First we need to make extracts or decide what we will replace them with. In principle, nothing bad will happen if you put all the fruits in equal amounts in a jar of vodka and infuse at the same time as indicated above.

  2. Angelica, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and vanilla are placed in a saucepan with a thick bottom, filled with water and brought to a boil. All this is in boiling water for no more than 15 seconds (it is important not to overdo it so that the infusion does not become too spicy), after which it is filtered through a tea strainer or colander, and then, when the liquid has cooled slightly, through a cotton or coffee filter. All spices except vanilla can be thrown away.

  3. The saucepan needs to be washed and pour the flavored liquid into it. Bring to a boil, add sugar and vanilla, boil for one minute, removing the foam. Cool to room temperature.

  4. Lemon juice, extracts and vodka are introduced into the syrup. Everything is thoroughly mixed and poured into a jar under the very lid. The jar should stand for at least a week in a dark place, during which time the vanilla will give up its flavor to the drink.

  5. After infusion, the liquid is filtered through a cotton swab several times until it becomes completely transparent.

  6. Add dye and glycerin (if you use them) to the liquor, bottle and cork. Before use, homemade Galliano should stand for at least 2-3 months.

Recipe Galliano №2

This recipe is not much simpler than the previous one, it also uses fruit extracts, as well as cardamom and hyssop.


  1. Angelica root – 2 teaspoons.

  2. A pinch of musk.

  3. Cardamom seeds – a quarter of a teaspoon. Only seeds are needed, they must be removed from the box.

  4. Dried hyssop – a teaspoon.

  5. Vodka – 400 grams.

  6. Water – ¾ cup.

  7. Sugar – 350 grams.

  8. Banana and pineapple extracts – a teaspoon.

  9. Mandarin extract – 13 drops (can be replaced with orange extract or do without it at all).

  10. Anise extract – a tablespoon.

  11. Vanilla extract – a tablespoon.

  12. Ascorbic acid – 1 tablet + a pinch of citric acid. This ingredient counteracts the oxidation of fruit extracts and preserves the transparent color of the liquor, and also gives the drink a pleasant light sourness. In principle, you can not use it.

Method of preparation

  1. Put all the ingredients, except sugar and water, in a jar, pour vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. Shake periodically. After insisting – carefully filter.

  2. Separately make sugar syrup from all the sugar and water. Cook until the mixture begins to turn yellow, skimming off the foam from time to time. Cool and combine with tincture, after that – let it brew for another month in a dark place.

Easy vanilla liqueur recipe


  1. Vanillin – 2-3 sachets

  2. Sugar – 1 kg

  3. Water – 2 L

  4. Cognac or alcohol – 2 l

Method of preparation

  1. Mix cognac with vanillin, pour into bottles and stand for 15 days.

  2. Boil syrup from water and sugar and mix it with vanilla-cognac essence.

  3. The resulting liqueur is filtered and stored in bottles.

It is also worth noting that the production of vanilla liqueur at home leads to unpredictable results, because a lot depends on you and your experience in creating simpler liqueurs. There is a risk of simply translating the ingredients. Think twice, maybe you should buy a big-name liquor in a store.

Relevance: 23.06.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Recipes of liqueurs

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