
​​​​​​​Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»

In schizoids, they are the most diverse. But they lie primarily in the realm of theory. And what this theory concerns is the second question. Philosophy, mathematics, theoretical ethics, aesthetics (to a greater extent than art history), but more art history than art itself. They are more often musicologists than musicians. They can be musicians, but not pop. Schizoids are interested in complex, serious music — classical or modern, but serious. They are philosophers on the basis of whose work politics is built, but not politics as such.

Lack of goals

The fact that the schizoid does not put things in order, but floats at the behest of the waves of his creative element, is closely related to the fact that he does not set goals for himself and does not achieve them. Something seems interesting to him — he does it. This “something” can turn out to be productive, then he strains and sets a certain task. He still sets some small goals, it’s impossible to do without them, but not big long-term goals. Compared with the paranoid schizoid, the person appears to be completely weak-willed. Even compared to the hysteroid, he seems to be significantly less strong-willed.

Schizoids do not develop a program of action, but create for themselves freely, as God puts on the soul. The schizoid is interested in the process, not the result. He can delve into the topic, in books, in papers, in postings, combining, rearranging, admiring, making notes, losing them, reproducing them again, and forgetting about time in the process.

For a differential diagnosis, let us recall: psychasthenoids suffer and cannot work out a program of action for a long time. Hysteroids and epileptoids adhere to programs developed by other people, and hysteroids rush from program to program, and epileptoids conservatively adhere to a once and for all developed program.

If the schizoid does not set goals for himself, then all the more he does not take on the mission of the messiah, as the paranoid one does. He is so calm, and therefore it is calmer around him.

It can even be said that in a schizoid (as in hyperthymia) behavior is not volitional, but field, his activity depends on what falls into the field of his attention. In a hysteroid, it is still volitional, in an epileptoid it is definitely volitional, and in a paranoid one it is even more so.

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