Valsartan for hypertension – mechanism of action, indications, side effects of use

Valsartan is an organic chemical compound that is a commonly used drug. It is part of many cardiological drugs for hypertension. Examples of trade names for medicines containing valsartan are Avasart, Valsacor, Vanatex, Apo-Valsart, Tensart, Diovan, Nortivan, Valsartan, and Valzek. In addition, preparations containing valsartan may additionally contain a diuretic component – hydrochlorothiazide, which increases the potency of the preparation.

What is valsartan’s mechanism of action?

The medicinal substance valsartan belongs to the group of medicines called angiotensin II receptor antagonists, i.e. sartans. What does it mean and how does it work? Angiotensin II is a substance released by the endocrine-enzyme system renin-angiotensin-aldosterone – the system that controls blood pressure by regulating blood volume and the concentration of sodium and potassium in body fluids. Angiotensin II is a peptide hormone which, by acting on the AT1 angiotensin receptors, causes severe muscle contraction in the blood vessels and an increase in blood pressure. By acting as an antagonist, valsartan blocks the angiotensin receptor, thereby preventing it from working at high blood pressure.

What are the indications for the use of valsartan?

Medicines containing valsartan are used to treat essential hypertension (caused by a genetic predisposition) in adults and to treat high blood pressure in children from six years of age. In particular, valsartan is used for hypertension that is associated with other conditions such as heart failure, left ventricular hypertrophy, diabetes mellitus, diabetic kidney disease, and urinary excretion of protein (including proteinuria).

Valsartan medications are generally available in doses of 80, 160 and 320 mg.

Contraindications for taking valsartan

The absolute contraindication to use is hypersensitivity to valsartan or any substance in the preparation it is part of. Valsartan is not recommended during pregnancy (especially in the second and third trimesters) and during lactation. In addition, it must not be used in patients with severe liver problems, cirrhosis and cholestasis (i.e. cholestasis).

Side effects and precautions for the use of valsartan

Valsartan, like all medicines, can cause side effects depending on how your body reacts to the substance. The most common side effects of valsartan are headache, dizziness, fatigue, cough, and abdominal pain. Due to the possibility of causing dizziness, it may affect psychomotor performance and driving.

Important information is also the fact that valsartan may interact with other medicinal substances, especially from the group of other drugs for high blood pressure, potassium-sparing diuretics and potassium supplements (this may cause hyperkalemia), with lithium salts (a drug for depression) and non-steroidal drugs. anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, tell your doctor about all medicines and diseases you are taking, and read the package leaflet of the medicine containing valsartan and other medicines you are taking carefully.

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