Valproic acid reduces the accumulation of fat in the liver and lowers blood sugar levels

Valproic acid, used to treat epilepsy, reduces liver fat deposition and also lowers blood glucose levels in obese mice.

Scientists from the Johns Hopkins University (USA) inform about new possibilities of using valproic acid. The scientists’ conclusions appeared in the journal Molecular Pharmacology.

Calcium acid – what is it?

Valproic acid is an organic chemical compound from the group of carboxylic acids. It has anticonvulsant properties, which is why it is used, inter alia, in to treat epilepsy. Due to its antidepressant effect, it is also used in the treatment of bipolar disorder and migraine (abroad). Valproic acid occurs naturally in small amounts in chocolate, berries and tea. Despite its advantages and proven efficacy in the treatment of the aforementioned diseases, this substance may cause side effects.

Valproic acid and the condition of the liver and blood sugar levels in the light of research

Interestingly, valproic acid can also be used for other uses, as demonstrated by the conducted scientific research. It may have a particularly interesting effect on the condition of the liver, especially when it is fatty. Until recently, fatty liver was associated with alcoholism, but even abstainers can. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can lead to liver fibrosis and, in some cases, cirrhosis. In addition to genetic factors, a high-fat and caloric diet and obesity contribute to the development of this disease.

Scientists investigated how the cytochrome P450 family (oxidizing enzymes) influences the metabolism of valproic acid. They noticed then that the AMPK protein, which is the target of drugs used in type 2 diabetes, obesity and other metabolic disorders, is activated.

When researchers added a cytochrome P450 inhibitor to human and mouse liver cells (hematocytes), the AMPK protein was not activated. When obese mice, who were still gaining weight, were given valproic acid (mice with high blood glucose levels and fatty liver), it was found to lower sugar levels, reduce liver fat accumulation, and stabilize weight.

The discovery that valproic acid can activate the AMPK protein is exciting. Even better news is that its derivatives act the same at much lower concentrations that could be used to treat humans in the future, says study author Dr Namandjé N. Bumpus.

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