Valgus deformity of the knee joints

Dangerous valgus deformity of the knee joint is a dangerous disease, which is characterized by a strong lateral curvature. This forms an outwardly open angle between the lower leg and thigh. Such a serious curvature can be either simple unilateral or more serious – bilateral. Such a unique pathology of the bilateral type often provokes the X-shaped shape of the legs in humans.

It should be noted that in many newborn children, a slight valgus position is typical for the knee joints. Such a non-dangerous physiological condition is due to a special lateroposition of the important quadriceps muscle and is absolutely not pathological if it does not go beyond certain limits of medical indicators.

Some babies have a certain position of the lower extremities, when the legs are abducted and the knees are brought together. In this case, a gap of up to 5 cm between the inner ankles is characteristic. Such deformation is also a physiological norm for a child.

The shape of the legs is considered correct when the conditionally drawn lines directly from the head of the femur to the very first gap between the toes necessarily turn out to be straight, while passing only through the middle of the knee. They say about deformation if it is impossible to draw a straight line between such three points. The distance between the straightened ankles and the reduced legs of the baby should be no more than 2 cm. For other indicators, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It should be noted that not only valgus deformity occurs, but also varus deformity of children’s knee joints. In contrast to the varus valgus type of curvature, it is distinguished by the X-shaped shape of the legs. The shins of the child in the area of ​​​​the knees are always shifted inward. In most cases, parents notice such a dangerous defect when the child begins to walk on his own.

The reason for the appearance of this serious pathology is a significant load on the legs. Often it is associated with too rapid growth of bones in children, at a time when the ligamentous and muscular apparatus of the little man does not yet have sufficient strength. In some cases, valgus flatfoot also joins the deformation of the knee joints over time. In many children, it is expressed in a strong deviation of the heel outward.

To prevent the disease from progressing, it is recommended to take timely measures. Then it will be possible to completely avoid certain violations in the child’s gait, increased fatigue, serious curvature in the spine and severe pain in the legs.

How to cure valgus deformity of the knee joint?

The treatment of this pathology of the child will require maximum perseverance and patience from the parents. It is not recommended to stand the baby for a long time with legs wide apart, and you also need to refrain from standing games and long walks.

An important component of the treatment of valgus formation of the knee joints is the mandatory use of special modern orthopedic shoes. As a rule, certain models of shoes are prescribed by the attending orthopedist. Such sandals and boots are quite affordable and often they are on sale in ordinary stores for children’s supplies.

In addition, some experts will advise you to purchase special orthopedic insoles that meet the immediate characteristics of a particular child. It is also often prescribed to use special night tires. When valgus deformity of the knee joints is diagnosed at an advanced stage, modern surgical intervention may be required in some cases.

In addition, massage plays a huge role in treatment. As a rule, it should be carried out in long 20-day courses. The break between courses should not exceed two months. It should be mentioned that painful effects are not recommended, the child should always enjoy the massage.

In addition, particularly effective paraffin wraps are required. They are usually performed on preheated feet before a special massage session. The most intense impact during the massage is permissible only on the knee joint and in the area of ​​the entire back surface of the lower leg.

Immediately after the completion of such treatment procedures, experts recommend conducting a mandatory set of special exercises, including flexion and extension of the legs in the ankle joints, as well as intensive rotation of the feet. Along with this, it is useful with the child from time to time to play grabbing the ball directly with the legs, raising the ball.

Another recommended exercise is lifting the baby’s body from the Turkish Sitting position. Do not forget to carry out such elementary procedures as walking on toes and the outside of the feet, sipping, squatting with knees apart

Timely treatment allows making a favorable prognosis even in advanced stages of valgus deformities of the knee joints in children of different ages. As a rule, in most cases, with regular procedures, the child is completely cured of this pathology by the age of four.

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