In his debut novel, publicist Valery Panyushkin describes a social experiment: the leader of a political art group kidnaps the fired editor-in-chief of an influential Moscow glossy magazine for a rather unexpected job.
In his debut novel, publicist Valery Panyushkin describes a social experiment: the leader of a political art group kidnaps the dismissed editor-in-chief of an influential Moscow glossy magazine for a rather unexpected job — he must educate a not very literate and very rude policeman, with the help of literature, dance, fencing and fine arts to make him a man. But are knowledge and good manners enough for a campaigner living by inertia to repent of abuses and begin to live according to his conscience? And what makes a person a person? The seriousness of the idea is combined in Panyushkin with the sparkling adventure. It has everything that an adventure novel should have: chases, unexpected revelations, sudden passion and light humor.
Eksmo, 320 p.