Valerian – action, application. Valerian in drops and tablets

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Valerian is the name of preparations obtained from medicinal valerian roots. In addition to a strong sedative effect, valerian improves concentration and improves the ability to think. As a supplement, it most often comes in the form of tablets or drops. Multiple studies on the effects of valerian have confirmed its beneficial effect on the general state of human health, and the best results are achieved by long-term treatment.

Action of valerian

Valerian in herbal medicine has been used for a long time. Already in antiquity, it was recommended as a diuretic and in lung diseases. Since the Middle Ages, valerian has been used to treat epilepsy and diseases of the nervous system. Despite the unpleasant smell, it is successfully used medicinally in almost all European countries. Valerian has a soothing and slightly hypnotic effect thanks to the active substances of the root and rhizome. Valerian is successfully used in migraine headaches, neuroses, cardiovascular and digestive problems. In comparison to other medicinal preparations, valerian generates relatively few undesirable effects. The preparation, taken in a dose many times higher than the recommended one, may cause cold hands and feet syndrome, excessive fatigue and digestive system ailments. It is an excellent alternative to drugs used in psychiatry, which are often highly addictive. The active substances contained in valerian reduce the activity of the nervous system, thanks to which there is a marked reduction in anxiety and an increase in the feeling of relaxation. Valerian is an excellent remedy for fighting insomnia as it helps you fall asleep. Try Pukka Night Time Berry – night tea with ingredients such as just valerian.

The root and rhizome of valerian have been used for centuries in alternative medicine as a means of fighting diseases of the digestive and urinary systems. Valerian has a carminative and antispasmodic effect, it also increases the production of gastric juices. It is often recommended for women struggling with painful menstruation as well as for those suffering from premenstrual syndrome.

If you are looking for a dietary supplement with valerian, try Harmonix 500 ml – 100%. a natural product for better digestion, insomnia, stress and anxiety. You can order it at an affordable price on

Recently, valerian has also been used externally – the preparation applied on the scalp successfully fights dandruff, seborrhea and skin diseases. The healing properties of valerian depend on the method of production of the preparation. Valerian dissolves better in alcohol than in water, hence alcoholic extracts have a stronger effect than aqueous ones.

It should not be used for more than 2-3 weeks continuously. Too long use (or too high doses) can cause headaches and palpitations.

Valerian in the form of tablets

Valerian is a dietary supplement that is available in the form of, inter alia, tablets. The preparation combats the feeling of nervous tension and improves mood, as well as improves the quality of sleep. The dosage of valerian in the form of tablets is strictly dependent on the doctor’s indications or information contained in the leaflet. As a rule, one tablet of valerian a day is enough. Before taking the tablets, as standard, read the package leaflet, or consult your doctor or pharmacist. Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug is a contraindication to the use of valerian tablets.

Valerian tablets are available in HEALTHY SLEEP – a herbal set, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market. The set also includes herbal tea and sleep syrup.

Valerian in drops

Valerian in drops is an excellent solution for people who for some reason want to avoid taking preparations in the form of tablets. Valerian drops include valerian root tincture. Contraindication to the use of valerate drops is epilepsy, alcoholism and age under 12 years.

Valerian oil can be found in Relevium Relaxing Bath & Shower Oil. You can apply it to a bathtub with water to relax and regenerate.

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