Valentine’s Day Why it’s not a good idea to go on a first date on February 14

Valentine’s Day Why it’s not a good idea to go on a first date on February 14

Most singles justify their decision by stating that they do not want to appear “desperate” and that they would feel “uncomfortable”

Valentine’s Day Why it’s not a good idea to go on a first date on February 14

In times of “dating apps”, the rules of the game in the dating world have changed. More and more singles are using these types of tools to meet a potential partner. However, things change when a key date on the calendar arrives: Valentine’s Day.

About half of the users, specifically 49%, actively avoid making appointments through the app precisely on the so-called «Valentine’s Day». These figures, taken from a survey among users of the dating app Badoo in Spain, justify this “ghosting” with a number of reasons. “I don’t want to seem desperate in search of love” is the main justification for 20% of singles. On the other hand, 16% of users would refuse to have an appointment on 14 February to avoid anything that might remind you of «romanticismo»And their sentimental situation. 22% simply consider that they would feel uncomfortable having a date to meet someone precisely that day. “I don’t feel good being single, so I prefer to avoid that situation that day,” some singles explain.

“Valentine’s used to consist of declarations of love and sending anonymous letters to our crush. But, over time, this day has become a exclusive day for couples celebrating their relationships. This has led many singles to feel pressure to plan their dates, “says Pablo Delgado, Brand Marketing Director for Spain and Latin America at Badoo.

El refusal to go on a first date on February 14 It’s such that, as the app’s survey shows, singles would rather see each other in other situations than that. Specifically, 23% would even choose to be left standing, accidentally “like” a photo on social networks of a potential partner (22%) or forget the name of their date (21%). From the «dating app» they advise to have a date when they feel most comfortable, without paying special attention to the date. “The most important thing is that you enjoy the process, no matter how long it takes.”

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