What to cook for dinner on February 14 – this question is asked by many of us. And you don’t have to go far for answers. Foodandmood has compiled a selection of five main course, dessert and beverage options perfect for the most romantic dinner of the year.
Main dishes
1. Cheese fondue – you don’t need a fondue pot to make it with this recipe. The dish is not difficult to prepare, it looks presentable – what you need for a special dinner.
2. Kish is the pride of the French. Someone, and they already know a lot about love! This open pie is great if the couple needs to have dinner after a day’s work. Kish is a hearty and delicious dish.
3. Citrus salad – an easy dish for real gourmets, elegant and vitamin-rich, the case when you don’t need to choose between “tasty” and “healthy”.
4. Squid rings. An easy-to-prepare dish will allow you to devote time to yourself. In addition, squid, like all seafood, saturates the body with phosphorus, iodine and proteins, activating our sexual activity.
5. Venezuelan meat. This recipe was shared by the showman Amador Lopez, it perfectly balances nutritional value, exoticism and ease of preparation.
1. Gingerbread hearts: there are not many valentines on this day.
2. Dried fruit sweets. The most feminine aphrodisiac – chocolate and nuts that support masculine energy – the perfect combination for a romantic date.
3. Turkish muhalebi pudding tastes good, low in calories and refreshing.
4. Fried ice cream – an amazing treat to stir up passion: ice and fire on a dessert plate.
5. The most chocolate dessert in the world – Brownie – could become a symbol on February 14, because Love and Chocolate are always there.
1. Baileys, which is easy to make at home – no less tasty – is a good way to show off your culinary talents.
2. Mulled wine prepared according to this recipe will warm both body and soul.
3. Hot chocolate is a good option when both of you prefer soft drinks. Chocolate is an aphrodisiac, and when warm, its properties will only increase.
4. A tequila cocktail is perfect for a hot date. And since drinking this drink is already a whole ritual in itself, you will not have to worry about topics for conversation.
5. It happens that Valentine’s Day is celebrated not as a couple, but in a large company. In this case, it is worth cooking Drunken Bears. They will definitely become a hit of the evening!
We will remind, earlier we told how to arrange Valentine’s Day taking into account the zodiac sign of a loved one, and also advised how to spend this romantic day.