Why did you choose to support the Allo Parents Bébé helpline?
Every day, a child dies of abuse in France. It is unacceptable ! People don’t revolt enough, for my taste. Fortunately, associations such as Enfance et Partage are doing everything they can to get families out of distress. Some parents feel left out. Why ? Because a baby who cries constantly, it can quickly become unbearable. The worst part is that they feel judged by those around them because they can no longer bear the cries of their own child. Allo Parents Bébé is there to support them and make them feel guilty. I think it’s great to be able to find help over the phone today.
What do you think is the biggest difficulty for a new mother today?
Without hesitation: reconcile family and professional life! When I see, in certain countries like Sweden, that women arrive at the office and drop their children off at the company crèche, I tell myself that we are really lagging behind in France. With us, a mother’s day looks like a real obstacle course: we get up, we jump in the car with the children in pajamas, we drop the little one at the nursery, the big one at school, we go to the job… Nothing is done to encourage mothers to invest in their careers.
What is the worst memory of your return from motherhood?
It goes back a long way, my children are now 14 and 16 years old! But I think I remember that everything went very well. I had luck, my two little ones slept at night, didn’t cry a lot… golden babies! I experienced motherhood as something very simple and natural. Besides, I would have gladly done one or two more!
If you were on the phone from Allo Parents Bébé, what advice would you like to give to young mothers?
“Are you distraught? It’s normal, your baby is crying all the time and you haven’t slept for a week! ” Above all, we must not pass judgment, but listen, make them speak. If I had to give them any advice, it would be to take a deep breath or go and scream a loud bang, outside… Being parents is difficult and sometimes painful. We must put aside the guilt and not panic.