Millions of women are confronted with its manifestations, and there is very little information about the methods of its treatment. And although this disease does not pose an immediate danger to life, it does not at all mean that you can treat it lightly. It’s about vaginosis.
About 50% of sexually mature women suffer from bacterial vaginosis in one form or another. Millions of women are faced with its manifestations. It must be admitted that the symptoms really look very unsightly – the disease often manifests itself in the form of abundant discharge of white or gray color from the genitals, often accompanied by an unpleasant odor (to many, it resembles the smell of rotten fish). The discharge intensifies before menstruation or, which is especially unpleasant, after intercourse.
Vaginosis is not an immediate threat to life. But this does not mean that it can be taken lightly. In addition to the fact that it can lead to the most unpleasant consequences during pregnancy and childbirth (often it is he who causes premature birth, the birth of children with insufficient weight and pathologies, complications in the mother and child after childbirth), bacterial vaginosis significantly increases the risk of more dangerous diseases – from herpes to AIDS. In fact, it deals such a blow to the immune system, and the body becomes an easy victim of any infection. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to treat it, even if the symptoms do not appear at all or appear very weakly.
Many, oddly enough, instead of going to a doctor, prefer to independently remove discharge from the mucous membrane with a cotton swab and hope that this will not happen again. Further more! Over time, the disease progresses, the discharge becomes yellow-green, thick, stringy, sticky, sometimes foaming. And the most stubborn (or the most bashful? Or the least serious about their health?) Young ladies can wait for the appearance of new symptoms: itching, urinary disorders, pain during intercourse. Although, of course, this does not happen very often. But even in the very initial manifestations of vaginosis, pleasant, you see, is not enough.
Read on: How to be treated?
The drug Clindacin suppositories acts directly at the injection site.
No need to take risks
First you need to understand and believe that there is nothing unusual or shameful in this. After all, the main cause of the onset of the disease is a violation of the microflora of the vagina. There are many reasons for this – from changes in hormonal balance (for example, during pregnancy) to the use of antibiotics. As a result, bacterial vaginosis is observed in almost every second (!) Woman of childbearing age.
So this is a serious problem, but completely solvable, doctors have long learned to deal with vaginosis. For example, a doctor may offer a patient treatment with “systemic drugs” – in other words, a course of pills. Alas, when using them, side effects are often observed (dyspeptic disorders, the development of allergic reactions, a negative effect on the liver and kidneys), and the treatment itself is tiring and takes a long time – up to two weeks.
There is also another way. The drug Clindacin suppositories is very effective, but it differs favorably in that it does not have a systemic effect on the body, since it acts directly at the injection site. The release form of the drug – vaginal suppositories – is the most convenient to use and can be purchased without a prescription. The drug should be used only once a day, and the course of treatment itself lasts only from three to seven days.
Which of the above can be concluded? Do not be afraid! In general, fear turning into panic is a bad helper. And it is not so important whether we are talking about the fear of the disease itself and the difficulties of treatment (mostly far-fetched, as we have already found out) or the bashful fear of publicity. If you treat it on time and competently, vaginosis is no more dangerous than a common cold, but you, presumably, are not ashamed of the manifestations of a cold and do not panic at the first symptoms of it?
Do not be afraid of the world, do not be afraid of yourself, love your body – and then your body will reciprocate you. And remember – excessive modesty paints a person, but only in a gray color!
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