Vaginitis Yeast – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

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Vaginitis and vulvitis caused by yeasts (vaginal and vulvar candidiasis) is the most common disease in women.

Vaginitis is the most common reason for visiting a gynecologist in women of childbearing age.

Vaginitis is a condition that most women have had in their lives, and more than 10% of them have had it and / or will have it multiple times.

What causes yeast vaginitis vulvitis?

The vast majority (about 90%) of fungal infections are caused by Candida albicans (C. albicans) yeasts, of which nearly 200 strains colonizing the sexual organ have been identified. female between 1 and 15 years of age. Only the transformation of the non-invasive form of the fungus into the invasive form is responsible for the appearance of clinical symptoms of vaginitis. One of the factors contributing to the transformation of yeast into a “biologically active” form is the change in the conditions of the vaginal ecosystem, and more precisely, the imbalance in the normal biocenosis in the vagina.

Changes in the vaginal biocenosis – causes

In women, physiological changes in the vaginal biocenosis occur, resulting from fluctuations in the levels of sex hormones, such as during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, during the use of hormone therapy (contraception or hormone replacement therapy). However, among the pathological factors disturbing the harmony of the biocenosis, one should mention, among others, decompensated diabetes, disorders of the immune system, bacterial vaginosis. Although it is not a sexually transmitted disease, sexually active women are significantly more likely to develop yeast infection. An important role in this case is also played by an improper diet, containing too much sugar (sweets, juices), but also irrational use of antibiotics and hygienic habits, such as frequent irrigation, excessive care for the hygiene of intimate areas or synthetic air-tight underwear. All of this contributes to vaginitis.

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Vaginitis – in whom does it occur most often?

Not without significance is the fact that vulvovaginal candidiasis occurs in the vast majority of women in the reproductive period, and extremely rarely in girls before puberty or in postmenopausal women. Female sex hormones, especially estrogens, are responsible for this state of affairs.

Recent reports indicate that fungal infections of the vagina and vulva caused by other yeast species than candida albicans Most often it is Candida glabrata.

Vaginitis – symptoms caused by yeast

Vaginitis is one of the most troublesome diseases. Symptoms of vaginitis and vulvitis that force you to seek help from a specialist include itching, burning, irritation and pain in the intimate area, vaginal discharge, painful urination, burning around the anus, and superficial pain during intercourse. In addition, there are symptoms in the form of redness of the intimate areas (vulva and vestibule), mucosa cracks and swelling. With vaginitis, there is also a watery, odorless discharge, sometimes with a cheesy consistency. The above symptoms can significantly worsen a woman’s quality of life. They can also negatively affect her well-being and relationships with other people, especially with her sexual partner.

Vaginitis – diagnosis

The symptoms of vaginitis, although troublesome, are not characteristic of the diagnosis of vaginitis and vulvitis. Additional tests are necessary for reliable identification of the pathogen. The pH of the vaginal discharge is measured, which in this case is in the normal range between 3,8 and 4,4. The microscopic examination is based, among others, on on the search for pseudotypes in the material collected from the anterior vault and vaginal walls (direct preparations and with the use of appropriate reagents).

Do you want to determine the pH in your vagina yourself? On Medonet Market, buy Home test for intimate infections – pH TEST.

When the test result is inconclusive, there are clinical symptoms or it is necessary to know the pathogen in detail (e.g. in the case of the patient’s next recurrence of infection after treatment). A vaginal culture test should then be performed. It is important to remember that blood, semen, and drugs used vaginally contaminate the material obtained. Therefore, it is best to refrain from sexual contact and the use of vaginal medications before taking a vaginal smear. Another aspect to be aware of is the possibility of both bacterial and fungal infections existing or overlapping. Therefore, microbiological tests and a detailed interview with the patient are all the more important.

Vaginitis – treatment and prevention

It should be remembered that some women are asymptomatic carriers C. albicans. Therefore, the mere microbiological diagnosis of the presence of low-titer yeast, in the absence of clinical symptoms typical for vaginosis, is not an indication for treatment initiation in these patients. In the presence of symptoms and pathogen identification, the appropriate antifungal treatment regimen still depends on the history, disease symptoms, recurrent infections, pregnancy and is determined by the doctor together with the patient.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both options, and any doubts should be discussed with your doctor in order to tailor treatment to you. One must not forget about preventive measures, which undoubtedly include proper intimate hygiene. Try the soothing intimate hygiene gel Vianek, which properly cares for and protects the intimate area from irritation. You can also choose Feminam herbal intimate hygiene oil

It may happen that excessive care for the cleanliness of the intimate area causes an undesirable effect. Appropriate underwear also plays an important role, as well as a standardized diet. In the case of people with diabetes, proper glycemic control is essential. The most important role in introducing prophylactic and therapeutic measures, in the event of candidiasis (whether for the first or subsequent time), is played by a conversation with a gynecologist.

Intimate infections are often associated with an unpleasant odor in this part of the body, therefore it is worth using Dermoxen Anti-Odor as an auxiliary in treatment – a liquid for intimate hygiene against intense odor, which not only prevents the multiplication of microorganisms, but also has a refreshing effect.

Should the sexual partner be treated, and what?

Although vaginitis is more common in sexually active women, it is not a sexually transmitted disease. Both virgins and women who do not have sexual intercourse suffer from it. The available studies do not indicate the need to treat the sexual partner of a woman suffering from vulvovaginal candidiasis, if the partner does not have any symptoms of the disease.

Vaginitis yeast is one of the most common and troublesome gynecological diseases. Diagnostic methods are available to identify the responsible pathogen. When the causative agent is known, targeted therapy can be introduced, which gives a greater chance of therapeutic efficacy. Unfortunately, some women will experience the infection again despite treatment. It is possible that it will happen in a very short time, even within a month. Treatment management requires a lot of patience and persistence, both on the part of the patient and the doctor. Non-pharmacological activities related to lifestyle, diet and intimate hygiene also play an important role here. In this disease, which is apparently easy to diagnose and treat, the action must be complex.

In the treatment of intimate infections, Karnosil Intim-gel will certainly help – a vaginal gel that helps to maintain an appropriate pH in the vagina and has soothing properties. We also recommend a gentle intimate cleanser with Anthyllis blueberry and marigold extracts, which soothes irritations and has antibacterial properties.

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