Vaginitis – causes, treatment [WE EXPLAIN]

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Vaginitis is a very common condition diagnosed in women of virtually all ages. Ailments occur when the bacterial flora is disturbed. The correct vaginal reaction should be acidic and should protect the reproductive organs against bacterial and fungal infections. How is vaginitis diagnosed?

Where does vaginitis come from?

In the area of ​​the vagina and cervix, the natural bacterial flora is observed, the balance of which is crucial for the health and proper functioning of intimate organs. When it is preserved, it protects against the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Vaginitis is most often the result of an imbalance of this bacterial flora.

The reasons for the appearance ailments related to vaginitis there may be several. The source of the infection is either the vaginal flora (abnormal number of individual species) or external factors (sexually transmitted, but also extrasexual). Vaginitis is largely caused by sexual intercourse and frequent change of sexual partners. Improper hygiene of intimate areas and diet also have a significant impact on the development of inflammation.

How to recognize vaginitis? Can I deal with the disease myself or do I need to visit a gynecologist? What are the effects of untreated vaginitis?

Vaginitis – causes

Vaginitis is often the result of poor intimate hygiene. It is recommended to use natural cosmetics, free of artificial colors and fragrances, for the care. In case of recurrent inflammation of the vagina it is worth wearing good quality underwear that allows natural ventilation and air circulation, for example pure cotton underwear. Vaginitis can occur after menstruation, but also after a miscarriage. Inflammation of intimate places is favored by the use of toilets or public swimming pools.

Other causes that can trigger vaginitis include:

  1. gynecological treatments;
  2. several sexual partners;
  3. too frequent irrigations that disturb the balance of the vaginal flora;
  4. mistakes in personal hygiene of intimate places;
  5. vaginitis appears more often in women who use tampons;
  6. the ailment is diagnosed more often in women with menstrual disorders;
  7. improper diet, so rich in sugars and highly processed products.

If he is irrigating the vagina, don’t do it too often and use appropriate devices. We recommend the Femina Irrigator for vaginal hygiene, which you can find at at an affordable price.

Common symptoms of vaginitis

What symptoms do they suggest the onset of vaginitis? The course of the disease itself and the specificity of individual symptoms depend on the type of inflammation, but most often vaginitis and vulvitis give symptoms such as:

  1. vaginal itching – when there is a burning sensation and persistent itching, these complaints may become more intense, e.g. when taking a bath;
  2. redness and swelling of the labia and vaginal mucosa;
  3. vaginal discharge – vaginal discharge takes a different texture, color and smell, clumps may appear in the mucus.

Women who develop vaginitis may experience pain during intercourse and complain of vaginal dryness. Occasionally, vaginal discharge is discolored with blood, and there may be spotting or bleeding after intercourse.

For intimate infections, you can order Dermoxen BACTOR antibacterial vaginal globules, which can cope with both bacterial and fungal infections.

See also: Bad vaginal odor – what could it mean?

Types of vaginitis

There are several groups of vaginitis:

  1. Vaginitis yeast infection (vaginal candidiasis). Yeast infections occur as a result of fungal infection. Then there is a thick, white or yellow discharge with a rather unpleasant smell, the woman feels itching and burning in the intimate area. The genitals may be red.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis (OFF – aerobic vaginitis). Vaginal inflammation is caused by aerobic bacteria, which causes tissue swelling and redness, as well as soreness or burning sensation and increased warmth. Itching and dyspareunia are also rare. The vaginal discharge has a putrid smell, is yellowish and sometimes sticky. In the case of an infection caused by anaerobic bacteria, inflammation does not occur – then we are talking about bacterial vaginosis (BV – bacterial vaginosis) accompanied by a gray-white discharge with a fishy smell.
  3. Trichomoniasis vaginitis caused by the vaginal trichomoniasis. At first, the inflammation of the vagina caused by trichomoniasis is asymptomatic, later on, gray discharge appears, also with an unpleasant smell. Additionally, with this ailment, the cervix is ​​irritated.
  4. Atrophic vaginitis also known as senile or atrophic vaginosis. This type of inflammation is not the result of infection, but of hormonal disruptions, especially those occurring in the perimenopausal period. Atrophic vaginitis is most often manifested by vaginal dryness, in addition, there may be itching, irritation, vaginal discharge or pain during intercourse.

Vaginitis – treatment

Vaginitis is treated depending on the cause of the infection. In the case of a bacterial infection, the gynecologist will use antibiotic therapy, as well as topical medications, for example in ointments to reduce itching. When vaginitis is caused by fungi, treatment is based on vaginal tablets, globules, gels, creams and specialized tampons. Chemotherapeutic agents are used to treat inflammation caused by trichomoniasis, and hormone therapy is instituted in the case of atrophic vaginitis.

Regarding home remedies for vaginitis, they can be important as symptom-alleviating or restoring measures. Such a function can be fulfilled by globules or herbal remedies available in pharmacies (e.g. herbal sitz baths). In order to cure inflammation, however, consult a doctor who will select a therapy appropriate to the cause of the ailment.

See more: Intimate infection – how to deal with it at home?


If left untreated, vaginitis increases the risk of contracting STDs as the mucosa becomes weakened and susceptible to damage. Failure to respond to symptoms suggesting inflammation of the vagina and vulva can also lead to the development of ascending infection, which will affect the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Untreated inflammation of the vagina in pregnant women is especially dangerous, as it can lead to complications of pregnancy.

Prophylaxis against vaginitis

The way to minimize the risk of developing vaginitis is to follow the rules of prophylaxis. They are also important as an adjunct to treatment once vaginitis has developed. Methods supporting intimate health that are worth remembering include:

  1. prophylaxis related to proper intimate hygiene (mild cleansing agents, drying the genitals with a separate towel, frequent replacement of the inserts, airy underwear, rubbing from front to back);
  2. reaching for probiotics (e.g. kefirs, yoghurts), as well as vaginal probiotics;
  3. proper diet, especially sugar-free dietincluding fruit and vegetables, and drinking adequate amounts of water;
  4. hygiene in the event of intercourse (shower before and after, using the toilet after intercourse);
  5. avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol;
  6. reducing stress.

When using erotic gadgets, remember to clean them properly. In addition to washing toys with soap and water, you can also reach for special products, e.g. MED Clean Spray Pjur erotic cleaning fluid, which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Read also:

  1. Over-the-counter medications for vaginal mycosis – creams, globules, probiotics
  2. Brown discharge during the menstrual cycle – causes
  3. Pre-neoplastic conditions and malignant tumors of the vulva

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