Vaginitis – bacterial or fungal? Types of intimate infections

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Vaginitis is a condition that most commonly takes the form of bacterial vaginosis or vaginosis (vaginal candidiasis) caused by yeasts. The unpleasant symptoms of both infections are quite similar. Therefore, it is important to properly diagnose the infection, as the correct choice of drugs depends on it.

Vaginal inflammation – symptoms

Vaginitis is difficult to overlook due to unpleasant symptoms such as itching, burning and vaginal discharge. The exception is quite common cases of bacterial vaginitis, which can be asymptomatic. However, if symptoms do occur, the surest way to diagnose the pathogen responsible for the infection is through tests ordered by a physician.

Although bacterial and fungal vaginitis are the most common, inflammation may also indicate infection with trichomoniasis or chlamydia. If a woman develops trichomoniasis, apart from the typical symptoms of vaginitis, there may be pain in the lower abdomen, as well as burning around the urethra. With chlamydia, you also have painful urination, and bleeding between periods is frequent.

To check if the infection is fungal, do a Candida Albicans Intimate Advice Shipping Test.

Take care of your intimate health by stabilizing the vaginal microflora. Buy N ° 1 QueenBiotic – a probiotic preparation for women, which you can find at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Atrophic vaginitis

Atrophy of the vagina (vaginal atrophy) may also occur in women going through the menopause and may be associated with additional symptoms. It is one of the popular ones vaginal dryness. Sometimes there is irritation, as well as spotting or bleeding after intercourse. Although vaginal atrophy most often affects women in the perimenopausal period, it can also occur at an earlier age as a result of endocrine disorders.

Vaginitis – discharge

Characteristic a sign of vaginitis there are vaginal discharge that differs from the mucus that appears at different phases of the cycle. The type of infection can be distinguished by vaginal discharge:

  1. bacterial inflammation – there is a noticeable stale, fishy smell coming from the vagina, accompanied by gray-white and thin vaginal discharge.
  2. fungal inflammation – vaginal discharge can be thick with yellowish or white cottage cheese-like lumps, but there is also some watery discharge.
  3. trichomoniasis – foamy vaginal discharge with a very unpleasant smell is a typical symptom of this disease; the color of the discharge is usually greenish yellow.
  4. chlamydiosis – in this case, uncharacteristic yellow vaginal discharge may appear.

It may not be easy to self-assess vaginal discharge and whether it indicates a medical condition. This is why it is best to see a gynecologist when in doubt.

Proper intimate hygiene is also very important. Try Vianek soothing intimate hygiene gel or VAGOFIX women’s rinse to soothe and prevent irritation. An alternative to liquids is the herbal Feminam intimate hygiene oil with plant extracts. We also recommend Herbapol products based on natural herbal extracts:

  1. Intimate hygiene gel with oak bark extract,
  2. Calendula intimate hygiene gel.

Bacterial vaginosis – treatment

A vaginal pH of more than 4,5 may indicate a bacterial vaginosis. In many cases, the disease, also known as bacterial vaginosismay be asymptomatic. This happens especially in the initial stages of inflammation. Treatment for this condition is important as there is a risk of sexual transmission. There is also a risk of complications. Drugs for bacterial vaginosis are active substances with antibacterial properties (metronidazole) and antibiotics (clindamycin) in tablets or in the form of a gel or vaginal cream.

You can order over the counter Dermoxen BACTOR antibacterial vaginal globules.

Buy now Home test for intimate infections – pH TEST, thanks to which you can determine the type of vaginitis that affects you. You will find the test at an attractive price on Medonet Market.

Fungal vaginosis – treatment

Vaginal infection caused by fungus is also known as vaginal candidiasis. The most common infection is yeast, which is why it is also commonly called vaginitis and vulvitis. Unlike a bacterial infection, the pH of vaginal mycosis is between 3,6 and 4,5. Antifungal drugs are used to treat fungal vaginosis. The doctor may prescribe oral vaginal preparations (globules, tablets, creams).

To confirm or rule out vaginitis, do Intimate infections – a panel test that you can do yourself at home, and you will go to the doctor with the result. Thanks to this, you will start the right treatment faster.

To alleviate the symptoms of intimate infections, it is worth using Karnosil Intim-gel – a vaginal gel, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

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