Vaginismus in women
Vaginismus is a very rare pathology that turns the sex life of a woman and her partner into a real hell. We will tell you what causes vaginismus, which doctor to contact for its treatment and why you need to be able to control your intimate muscles

What is vaginismus

Vaginismus in women is a pathology that manifests itself in the form of convulsive contraction of the muscles of the vagina and pelvis during intercourse or before it begins. In this case, a sharp spasm can occur at any time during sexual intercourse – even at the mere thought of sex. Also, muscle contractions can occur during a gynecological examination.

Women suffering from vaginismus describe its attack as a severe cramp that reduces the hips, and strong sharp contractions of the muscles of the perineum and abdominal wall. This condition is especially dangerous during intercourse, because the erect member of the sexual partner may be infringed, and then urgent medical care will be required, because the partners will not be able to separate on their own.

Causes of vaginismus in women

Vaginismus is not a gynecological but a psychosexual disorder. Most often, it is based on a traumatic factor that happened to a woman in childhood or adolescence. However, sometimes vaginismus can be the result of serious problems with women’s health – pelvic inflammatory disease, oncology, or anomalies in the structure of the genital tract. The main causes of vaginismus in women are:

  • stress associated with painful or violent deprivation of virginity;
  • unpleasant, rough, painful, violent experience of sexual relations;
  • emotional overstrain of a woman;
  • fear of sexual intercourse;
  • psychological attitudes about sex as something shameful, unpleasant;
  • infectious, inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis, tumors, anomalies of the structure, due to which sexual contact becomes painful and difficult;
  • hidden homosexuality;
  • mental disorders.

Symptoms of vaginismus in women

The main symptoms of vaginismus in a woman are involuntary, uncontrolled, very strong contraction, contraction of the muscles of the vagina, pelvic muscles during intercourse, when thinking about intercourse, before or during a gynecological examination. In some cases, a woman cannot even insert a tampon due to contractions. If, nevertheless, the partner managed to start sexual intercourse, the woman will feel pain and discomfort, and in the future will shy away from sex.

In total, there are three degrees of pathology: in the first degree, muscle contraction occurs directly during the introduction of the penis or gynecological instrument into the vagina during the examination. In the second degree of vaginismus, painful spasms occur only when an object is touched to the external genitalia of a woman. With the third, extreme, degree of vaginismus, muscle contraction occurs at the mere thought of sex or an upcoming examination by a doctor.

Treatment of vaginismus in women

Treatment of vaginismus in a woman is a long process, including classes with a sex therapist and a psychotherapist. A huge role is also given to the woman’s sexual partner, who must help her woman relax and not be afraid of anything.


Initially, with the problem of vaginismus, a woman turns to a gynecologist who collects an anamnesis of the disease – when and how does pain and discomfort appear during intercourse, under what conditions and at what age did a woman begin sexual activity, did she undergo any gynecological operations or painful procedures . An examination (including ultrasound) is also carried out for the presence of infectious or inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis, the presence of tumors or anomalies in the structure of the genital tract. After that, the woman is sent for a consultation with a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychologist or sex therapist.

The problem of diagnosing vaginismus is that it is difficult for many women to admit that they are not able to fulfill their marital duty, that sex is a real headache for them. Therefore, many remain out of marriage, without children, with broken destinies.
Marat NurtdinovDoctor of Medical Sciences, psychologist, psychoanalyst


The main methods of treating vaginismus in a woman are a course of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and work with a sex therapist. Also, a woman should train her intimate muscles with Kegel exercises – alternating exercises for tension and relaxation of the muscles of the perineum. Also, a specialist can prescribe a course of massage and physiotherapy.

“Most modern types of psychotherapy are able to cope with vaginismus, but only psychoanalysis is depth psychology and reveals the roots of the problem,” the specialist emphasizes.

Prevention of vaginismus in women at home

As such, the prevention of vaginismus in women does not exist. To relax and control your body before or during intercourse, it is very useful for a woman to train her intimate muscles by doing Kegel exercises. Many patients note that after such training, they manage to stop the incipient muscle spasm.

It is also necessary to undergo preventive examinations with a doctor, timely treat infections, inflammations and other pathologies that can lead to pain and discomfort during sex.

The main prevention of vaginismus is the mental health of a woman, her openness. The problem is that often a woman does not have friends with whom she could discuss such a sensitive topic, as a result, terrible problems arise in the family, depression, panic attacks, phobias and other troubles, the psychoanalyst explains.

Popular questions and answers

Answers to popular questions about vaginismus in women MD, member of the European Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, psychoanalyst Marat Nurtdinov.

How common is vaginismus in women?

Vaginismus is not such a rare situation, about 50% of women experience vaginismus, that is, pain when inserting the penis, during intercourse, and even at the thought of this action.

Why is a woman often embarrassed to contact a specialist with a similar problem?

Hypocritical morality is one of the main reasons why women are uncomfortable, embarrassed, ashamed to discuss such problems even in the presence of a psychoanalyst. It is not uncommon for women to come to me for years of psychoanalysis before admitting to this serious problem. But, as you know, the recognition of the problem is the first and most important step in its treatment.

What role does a woman’s sexual partner play in the treatment of vaginismus?

Unfortunately, in most cases it is the sexual partner, and often the husband, that is the cause of vaginismus. His insensitivity, selfishness, narcissism, pride lead to the fact that a woman suffers. Family therapy in this situation is very effective. Also, many women after 40 experience vaginal dryness, and there is not enough natural lubrication for sexual intercourse, however, as in other parts of the body, such as joints, eyes (many people after 40 suffer from dry eye syndrome), and in this situation the sacred duty of the husband to use intimate hygiene products, that is, gels for sex, which are abundantly available in pharmacy chains. It is strange to watch in pharmacies how women bashfully buy these ointments, but this is the duty of a husband!

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