- In video: Vaginal yeast infection: what to do?
- Pruritus or itching, and burning of the intimate area: the causes
- Risks for a pregnant woman
- Allergy Risks
- How does pathology develop?
- How is pathology diagnosed?
- What is the treatment for itching in the perineum?
- How to prevent the development of itching in the intimate area?
- Burning and itching of the vulva or vagina: what to do?
For the past few days, you have been seized with funny itching in the vulva, even in the vagina. It stings, it itches, in short, it’s very uncomfortable.
This itching may be present at the entrance to the vagina, on the labia majora, labia minora or even inside the vagina itself. We usually talk about vulvar pruritus, a generic term used to group together the different types of itching.
Itching in the vagina can appear in any woman due to a number of diseases of varying severity or simply insufficient attention to hygiene in the intimate area. Clinically, this deviation is manifested by inflammation of the vagina and vulva, and often by concomitant secretions.
In video: Vaginal yeast infection: what to do?
Pruritus or itching, and burning of the intimate area: the causes
The vulvar itching are a common female symptom, which occurs in various conditions such as:
- a irritation, which may itself be due to the use of a too acidic soap, bubble baths or bath salts, washing powder or even certain medications applied locally;
- a dermatological pathology such as eczema, psoriasis, sclero-atrophic or other lichen;
- a vaginal thrush, due to the presence of a fungus, in particular Candida albicans, most frequently ;
- a allergies, for example to washing powder or to a textile material;
- bacterial infection;
- a sexually transmitted infection ;
- infection due to morpion (pubic lice);
- a viral infection, such as herpes;
- or, much more rarely, cancer of the vulva.
As you will have understood, the itching of the vulva and vagina can mainly be due to an allergic reaction, to an infection by a fungus, a bacteria or a virus, or to a disturbance of the vaginal flora.
Indeed, the vagina, like the intestines, contains a whole bunch of “good” bacteria which constitute a real flora, to protect us from infections. If it is out of order, for example due to thetaking antibiotics, An excessive hygiene (the famous douching so much maligned), or from a reaction to a cleansing product, the vaginal flora can be invaded by a pathogenic microorganism, which will cause an infection, and in addition itching.
Other symptoms often accompany vulvar itching: redness, burning sensations, labia minora or labia majora swollen, thick, grainy, smelly vaginal discharge…
- bout a hundred varieties, in the first stages it develops most often without symptoms and can only be detected by a PCR test. Developing, the virus is expressed in the appearance of skin neoplasms and damage to the mucous tissues of the perineum.
Pathologies that manifest as a woman grows up
Various kinds of hormonal changes can be accompanied by thinning of the mucous tissues, dryness in the perineum. Against the background of these deviations from the norm, other diseases of the female organs develop.
Risks for a pregnant woman
During pregnancy, discomfort in the groin often occurs due to hormonal changes. Possible exacerbation of vulvovaginal candidiasis, which also causes discomfort.
Allergy Risks
Discomfort in the genital area, swelling, redness and rash are often caused by an individual allergic reaction of the body.
In the case of STDs, both partners need to be treated. Doctors usually prescribe antifungal medications and antibiotics.
How does pathology develop?
Itching in the perineum is caused by inflammation and irritation of the vaginal walls, or rather, the reactions of nerve endings to these phenomena.
In addition to physical factors, discomfort can be triggered by problems of the female psycho-emotional state: prolonged psychological overstrain, neurotic disorder.

Itching in the intimate area, in addition to an intense restless desire to scratch, is associated with the following manifestations in the female body:
- bloody and bloodless discharge;
- rashes, swelling, excessive blood supply to the vessels in the tissues of the intimate zone;
- the occurrence of a bad smell;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- drying of the mucous tissues of the vagina;
- feeling of a foreign object in the perineum.
The severity of the itching may get worse and worse. Sometimes the pathology does not bother during the day, but manifests itself in the evening before going to bed.
Unpleasant symptoms are aggravated by the systematic wearing of tight, synthetic clothing and daily sanitary pads.
At the first sign of itching in the perineum, undergo an examination by a gynecologist, as well as additional examinations if prescribed by a therapist. Proper diagnosis will help reduce unpleasant symptoms and deal with the root cause in the future.
How is pathology diagnosed?
As part of the first appointment, a gynecologist determines the main and concomitant symptoms, signs of diseases of the endocrine system.
To find the root cause of itching in the groin and prescribe the correct course of therapy, the specialist prescribes the following examinations:

- Extended or conventional colposcopy. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Additionally, examinations with a hysteroscope and a laparoscope are sometimes prescribed.
- Taking a smear to assess the microflora of the vagina and the presence of pathogens in it.
- Microbiological analysis aimed at determining the microbe that provoked inflammation and determining its resistance to drugs.
- Serological testing aimed at identifying STDs and identifying the pathogen with high accuracy.
- Other laboratory tests: urine, estrogen, blood, depending on the patient’s history.
What is the treatment for itching in the perineum?
Conservative Methods:
- Antimicrobials of group B, antibiotics, drugs for fungi and protozoal infections are prescribed to reduce disturbing symptoms. Other types of STDs cause the simultaneous use of two or more drugs.
- Estrogen replacement therapy prescribed for colpitis and other pathologies characterized by a deficiency of female hormones. The preparations are released in the form of suppositories, tablets and ointments.
- Therapeutic methods to combat inflammation and tissue atrophy: douching, special creams, suppositories. The number and regularity of application varies depending on the overall clinical picture.
- Restoration of the vaginal microflora through local exposure to lactic acid bacteria that counteract the development of pathogens. It is indicated for vaginosis, atrophy of the mucous membranes of the vagina and after a course of taking antifungal agents.
- Taking antidepressants in cases where vaginal itching is due to the woman’s psycho-emotional depression.
- To relieve itching for pregnant patients and allergy sufferers, a hygiene preparation in the form of a cream helps.
The operation is performed only with a strong degree of severity of the pathology. Growths on the skin and mucous membranes are removed by minimally invasive, bloodless methods of laser treatment and cryodestruction.
Correctly prescribe therapy can only be a specialist in the field of gynecology. Without direct instructions from a doctor, one or another treatment should not be used in order to avoid a deterioration in health.
How to prevent the development of itching in the intimate area?
The risk of inflammation and irritation is significantly reduced in women who have the following healthy habits:
- Pay due attention to hygiene procedures in the intimate area: wash the genitals daily with clean warm water, use a special gel cleanser 2-3 times a week.
- Do not wear tight synthetic underwear for a long time, give preference to natural materials and a loose fit.
- Don’t use panty liners on a regular basis. Remember that they need to be changed in time.
- Protect yourself with barrier methods during sexual intercourse.
- Review your sexual partner’s STD-free medical certificate.
- Do not neglect preventive visits to the gynecological office from once every six months, even if you are not bothered by any symptoms.
- Moisturize your skin after shaving with a special gel.
- Finding irritation and redness, hurry to identify and eliminate the allergen.
- Douching sparingly, do not overdo it.
- Prevent weakening of the immune system: take vitamins regularly, adhere to healthy habits and daily routine, remember the importance of physical activity for human health.
Burning and itching of the vulva or vagina: what to do?
If you notice any symptoms that suggest yeast infection, vulvitis, vaginosis or any other irritation of the vulva or vagina, you may be tempted to resort to self-medication, via remedies from grandmothers not always highly recommended.
If you are familiar with these symptoms and have been treated for them before, you may reuse the cream or egg prescribed by your doctor, provided that the dosage is respected.
If, however, the symptoms are different, or it is the first time that you have suffered from such a vulvar pruritus, it is better consult a general practitioner or gynecologist, especially if symptoms persist beyond three days. He will identify the exact cause of the itching and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Note that some antifungal and antibacterial creams and eggs are available over the counter, without a prescription, in pharmacies. It may be a troubleshooting option to relieve vaginal pruritus, but using it too often is not recommended as this may make these treatments ineffective. If the itching persists or returns regularly, it is advisable totalk to your doctor. For example, he may prescribe treatment for strengthen the vaginal flora, using probiotics, to help the vagina and vulva fight against pathogens.
In the meantime, it is advisable to apply hygiene rules to help your body get rid of these unpleasant vulvovaginal itches on its own:
- wear cotton underwear and change them every day;
- wash with clear water and / or using a soap suitable for the intimate female area (avoid shower gels, scented soaps, etc.);
- avoid wearing clothes that are too tight (such as skinny jeans);
- avoid scratching so as not to spread the responsible germ;
- have safe sex so as not to risk infecting your partner;
- use their own towel.
Note that these recommendations are also recommended Prevention to avoid getting an infection of the vulva or vagina, especially if you are prone to it.
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