Vaginal itching

Itching in the vagina is a discomfort that can occur in women of all ages and one of the most common reasons for a visit to a gynecologist. Most often, this symptom is accompanied by discharges of various consistency, irritation, redness and dryness. These manifestations can be triggered by a variety of factors, and some of them are not even pathological.

It is important for patients to realize that itching in the intimate area itself is not a disease, but only a symptom that indicates a violation of the physiological processes in the woman’s reproductive system. This factor cannot be ignored, because it is a very alarming sign, often indicating a particular pathology. In the event that a full diagnosis is not carried out in a timely manner and the patient does not receive adequate treatment, it is very likely that complications will develop or the pathological process will become chronic. In addition, this symptom in itself is a source of serious discomfort for a woman, as it disrupts her usual life and worsens her general well-being.

Symptom etiology

Doctors divide all causes of discomfort in the vagina into three groups: somatic diseases; external factors that have a negative impact on the body; actually gynecological pathologies. Let’s consider each of these groups in more detail.

Somatic diseases

Among somatic diseases, first of all, it is necessary to single out the inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system. In this case, patients feel itching not only in the vagina, but also in the area of ​​​​the opening of the urinary canal.

In addition, discomfort in the intimate area can cause diabetes and other diseases of the endocrine system. In this case, itching is also felt in other parts of the body. In addition, due to hormonal disorders, the walls of the vagina lose their elasticity due to a lack of estrogens. This can cause very serious discomfort.

Burning in the vagina can also be felt with pathologies of the rectum. Often in this case, there is also pain and discomfort in the anus. Also, a symptom can occur with some helminthic invasions.

Itching in the vagina can manifest itself in the presence of benign and malignant tumors in the body. And it is not at all necessary that we are talking about the organs of the genitourinary system.

Fistulas in the walls of the organs of the genitourinary system can also provoke problems in the intimate area. There are similar fistulas in the field of surgical interventions or as a result of difficult childbirth. They can cause urine to enter the vagina during urination and irritate its mucosa.

Finally, discomfort in the intimate area can be a manifestation of a variety of mental disorders. In this case, it is self-hypnosis, and therefore is not accompanied by the presence of secretions, dryness and other symptoms. Discomfort can cause stress, emotional overstrain, a sense of fear.

External Factors

Discomfort in the intimate area can be triggered by external factors. In this case, it is often enough to eliminate the irritant itself to eliminate the unpleasant symptom.

So, often the cause of discomfort is an allergic reaction to hygiene products – gel for intimate hygiene, pads, lubricants, etc. Also, individual intolerance can be caused by contraceptives (pills, suppositories) and even latex, from which condoms are made. Moreover, sometimes itching in the intimate area can even be caused by a food allergy: to spices, mushrooms or smoked meats.

Discomfort can be the result of hygienic procedures of the genital organs – both insufficient and too thorough. If in the first case no additional clarifications are required, then the overly diligent care of the intimate area should be discussed in more detail. So, gynecologists warn that “obsession” with cleanliness is also fraught with unpleasant consequences. In particular, the use of soap with an alkaline reaction, frequent douching can cause a violation of the vaginal microflora, which is manifested by dryness and itching.

Long-term use of antibiotics is another reason for possible discomfort in the intimate area. Antibiotics, together with pathogenic microflora, inhibit the growth of lactobacilli, which help maintain an acidic environment in the vagina and prevent the growth of pathogens.

Uncomfortable underwear and clothes are also a factor that can cause problems in the intimate area. Thongs, as well as very tight trousers, can cause irritation and damage the delicate mucous membrane of the genital organs. Also, the cause of discomfort can be mechanical microtrauma resulting from rough sexual intercourse.

Gynecological pathologies

Burning sensation, tingling and itching are symptoms of almost any inflammatory process in the intimate area. Diseases can be caused by opportunistic pathogens. As a rule, they are present in the microflora of the vagina without causing discomfort, however, with provoking factors, their active reproduction begins, as a result of which an inflammatory process develops. Such diseases include, for example, candidiasis of the vaginal mucosa. Also, this disease is called thrush or yeast colpitis, which is caused by the yeast fungus Candida albicans. Candidiasis is manifested by severe burning, itching, as well as thick curdled discharge. Itching can also be caused by bacterial vaginitis, colpitis or vulvovaginitis, provoked by E. coli or coccal infections.

It is extremely rare, but itching in the vagina in women can be caused by the incompatibility of the microflora of her partners, in other words, an allergy to sperm. The irritating component can be either the semen protein itself or a variety of foods and medications that an intimate partner takes.

Finally, it is worth mentioning sexual infections. Sexually transmitted diseases may not manifest themselves for a long time, however, when the body’s resistance is weakened, they signal themselves with discomfort, burning and itching in the intimate area. These are sexually transmitted diseases, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes. As a complication of sexually transmitted diseases, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix (cervicitis), endometritis and urethritis can occur. All these processes are also accompanied by itching in the vagina.

Itching in the vagina during pregnancy

Often, itching in the intimate area can occur during pregnancy. It can be caused both by causes similar to those that provoke discomfort in the normal state, and by specific factors associated with the physiological state.

So, discomfort in the vagina during pregnancy can be caused by an allergic reaction to food, household chemicals, cosmetics or medications. In addition, neurotic disorders that are provoked by fear of childbirth or hormonal changes can become the cause. It is impossible to exclude the possibility of genital infections, as well as bacterial vaginosis. Discomfort can also be provoked by extragenital pathologies – for example, endocrine disorders.

Pregnant women are very sensitive to the climatic factor. So, itching in the vagina in pregnant women can begin due to too hot weather, which provokes an increase in sweating in the genital area, as well as at low air temperatures in winter, forcing you to wear a lot of warm clothes.

In addition, during pregnancy, the amount of physiological vaginal discharge increases, as a result, women need additional hygiene procedures.

Gynecologists note that sometimes pregnancy itself is the cause of itching in the vagina. This condition is not a pathology. The level of hormones in expectant mothers changes, which affects the elasticity of the skin. When the abdomen and chest enlarge, stretch marks appear on the skin, which can trigger the symptom of itching.

Itching in the intimate area in pregnant women can also be a manifestation of toxicosis in the later stages. Due to an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood, changes occur in the functioning of the liver and biliary system. Excessive production of bile acids leads to the fact that women may experience itchy skin, including itching in the vaginal area.

Often the cause of itching in the intimate area in pregnant women becomes vaginal candidiasis. This is an inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane, which is caused by excessive reproduction of fungal microflora and a decrease in the number of lactobacilli. According to gynecologists, the fungal flora during the examination is found in every third pregnant woman. However, it is not harmless and can cause intrauterine infection of the fetus and significantly complicate the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Discomfort in the intimate area in older women

Often, patients of older pre- and postmenopausal age complain of discomfort in the intimate area, due to the activation of specific gynecological pathologies during this period.

So, age-related changes can lead to kraurosis of the vulva. This is a chronic process of an atrophic nature, affecting the mucous membrane and skin of the vulva. It is manifested by dryness and itching in the vaginal area, sclerotic changes in the external genital organs.

With age, women sometimes develop atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, manifested by dryness, tingling and burning sensation. This is due to the fact that in women during menopause, the glands begin to secrete lubricant in a much smaller amount, as a result of which the vaginal mucosa becomes more sensitive, its tissues become thinner.

During menopause, benign or malignant tumors of the uterus, cervix and vagina are diagnosed. These can be polyps, fibroids, cysts or oncological pathologies. All of them, among other symptoms, can signal themselves and feel itching in the intimate area.

Symptoms in children

Contrary to popular belief, itching in the intimate area can occur not only in adult women, but also in children, including very young ones.

In girls, discomfort in the vagina and vulva most often indicates vulvovaginitis. The inflammatory process can occur in the vulva and rise into the vagina, or it can initially develop in the vagina and move to the tissues of the vulva. In this case, you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

In addition, itching of the vagina in girls can be caused by a violation of the rules of personal hygiene. It is also impossible to exclude the presence of foreign bodies in the vagina, helminthic invasion or urinary tract infection. It should be noted that allergic diseases and childhood infections rarely provoke itching in the intimate area in children.

How does itching in the vagina

The main manifestation of itching in the vagina is a feeling of discomfort, which is accompanied by an obsessive desire to comb the problem area. In this case, the symptom may be accompanied by other clinical manifestations. It can be:

  1. Dryness, feeling of tightness.
  2. Sensation of a “foreign body” in the vagina.
  3. Separations of a different nature. This symptom is most often manifested in sexually transmitted diseases, as well as in fungal infections.
  4. An unpleasant odor, usually associated with specific secretions. After carrying out hygiene procedures, it disappears for a while, but then it resumes again.
  5. The presence of rashes on the genitals. Sometimes when you touch the affected areas, the feeling of itching becomes more intense.
  6. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  7. Smearing bloody discharge.

Sometimes itching is manifested by relatively mild discomfort, but often it is intense and painful. At the same time, the condition improves somewhat when washing the genitals with cold water, but after a while the discomfort returns. Discomfort can be exacerbated when wearing panty liners, as the ventilation process is disrupted.

It is also worth noting that itching in the intimate area can be either permanent, or it can manifest itself or intensify at certain intervals. So, the discomfort of a psychogenic nature or provoked by age-related changes is maximized before bedtime and at night. Itching caused by urogenital infections is permanent.

Often itching of the vagina can increase before menstruation. Such discomfort is considered a normal physiological process, which is noted even by healthy women.

How to act when a symptom occurs

Of course, you can not self-medicate. With the appearance of itching and burning in the intimate area, you should make an appointment with a gynecologist. A timely examination will help to identify the cause of discomfort and make further treatment of the pathology as effective as possible.

Before you get to see a doctor, you should take a number of precautions. In the event that you continue to lead an intimate life, you must use condoms. Many diseases that cause discomfort in the vaginal area are contagious and sexually transmitted.

In the event that a few days before the onset of the symptom you started using a new intimate hygiene product, a new type of pads, etc., then itching may be due to the development of an allergic reaction. Until the moment when the cause of discomfort is finally established, it is better to cancel all contact with a possible allergen.

Pay special attention to the hygiene of the intimate area. Temporarily refrain from using synthetic underwear, use panty liners only when necessary. During critical days, switch to pads instead of tampons.

Avoid thongs and other uncomfortable underwear. Also temporarily forget about tight trousers – they can provoke an increase in discomfort. At least three times a day, spend the toilet of the intimate area, using a decoction of chamomile.

Please note that all these measures alone are not a way to treat vaginal udder. They only help to reduce the intensity of discomfort and not aggravate the condition. They will not replace a visit to the gynecologist. It is impossible to delay visiting a doctor, because otherwise the treatment can become much longer, more complicated and more expensive.

What examinations will be carried out

As noted above, there are a lot of reasons that can provoke itching, burning and other discomfort in the vaginal area. They are extremely diverse and require a different approach to treatment. Only a specialist can accurately determine the nature of discomfort after conducting the necessary examination.

The doctor will interview the patient, examine and colposcopy, and also determine which tests should be taken. Most often, we are talking about a smear to determine the flora by PCR, bacteriological culture, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, analysis for intestinal dysbacteriosis, the presence of parasites, etc. Which of these tests should be taken in each case, the doctor will decide directly during the appointment.

What treatment will be given

As a rule, a gynecologist deals with the treatment of itching in the intimate area. If necessary, depending on the nature of the pathology, he can involve other specialists: a neurologist, an allergist, a dermatologist or a general practitioner. At the same time, each of the specialists will take into account a huge number of individual factors, so for different patients the treatment of the same disease cannot be the same.

Which therapy will be used in each case depends on what caused the discomfort. So, in the event that it is an infection, local or systemic antibiotic therapy can be used. If the disease is fungal in nature, antifungal drugs will be prescribed. With itching of an allergic nature, antihistamines and sedatives are prescribed. In case of hormonal disorders, hormonal therapy is used and without fail the patient is referred for a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist. If the doctor found out that the discomfort was provoked by psychological factors, the patient is referred to a psychotherapist and prescribed sedatives, as well as local remedies with antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Symptom prevention

You can avoid discomfort in the intimate area if you follow a number of simple rules. So, examinations in the gynecologist’s office must be done at least once, and preferably twice a year.

In addition, it is recommended to maintain a normal pH balance. It should be remembered that any unwanted changes in the vagina necessarily occur with a violation of the acid-base balance. In a normal situation, the pH level varies from 3,6 to 4,4, in other words, the environment is acidic. Its constancy is supported by lactic acid-producing lactobacilli. It is the acidic environment that prevents the pathogenic flora from multiplying, thereby preventing the development of inflammation. With a change in acidity, an increased reproduction of pathogenic microflora begins, which displaces lactobacilli and creates ideal conditions for the development of infection.

Gynecologists recommend wearing regular cotton underwear that is not too tight. Also, do not overdry the mucous membrane and skin near the genitals.

Care must be taken with scented intimate hygiene products, including scented pads. They can provoke an allergic reaction.

Sources of
  1. Itching of the vulva. – A. M. Zhukembaeva, G. Baubekova, M. Abdukhanov, A. Ayekesheva, P. Koilybaeva – 2013
  2. Gynecology: textbook / B. I. Baisova and others; ed. G. M. Savelyeva, V. G. Breusenko. – 4th ed., revised. and additional – 2011. – 432 p.

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