Vaginal dryness – prevention and prevention. Doctors argue that vaginal dryness is nothing to be ashamed of

Vaginal dryness, like many other conditions that cause discomfort, is considered an unspoken condition by many women. Many women believe that it has to be this way and there is nothing to be done about the discomfort. Meanwhile, the opposite is true.

  1. “I thought it had to be this way and that it was related to my physiology, aging” – the patients respond when the gynecologist asks about vaginal dryness
  2. The ailment has many causes, but not women are not condemned to it – argues prof. dr hab. Mariusz Zimmer, President of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians.
  3. The mucus is a natural barrier that protects against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the vagina. A dry vagina is therefore more likely to get infections
  4. You can find more similar stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Prof. dr hab. Mariusz Zimmer, President of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians.

Many women fail to mention that they experience vaginal dryness when they see their gynecologist for examination. It happens that they do not even want to report it to gynecologists. And this is where the great role of us, gynecologists, is that during the visit, even during the initial conversation with the patient, the questions from our medical side appear: “Is everything okay? Are you suffering from vaginal dryness? Do you not feel a widening of your vagina? ”. After such a question, it suddenly turns out that ladies who have not talked about it so far are starting to reveal problems related to vaginal dryness.

Often then another question is asked: “Why didn’t you tell about it?” And most often the patient replies as follows: “I thought it had to be this way and that it was related to my physiology, aging.” The fact is that vaginal dryness is most often associated with a woman’s age, but there are also many other causes, such as contraception, pregnancy, breastfeeding and cancer treatments. However, this does not mean that it must be so.

Vaginal mucosa – natural protection against infections

Vaginal dryness is associated with loss of vaginal mucosa. This membrane secretes a large amount of mucus at the reproductive age and helps to ensure adequate acidification of the vaginal environment. This acidification protects the woman against the development of pathological bacterial flora in the vagina.

The bacterium, the lactobacilli, is responsible for the acidification itself, which synthesizes lactic acid in the process of metabolism. Along with the mucus produced by the cells of the vaginal epithelium, it constitutes a natural barrier that protects against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the vagina, which can get there from the skin or from the anus. Infection can occur, among others, as a result of improper toilets of intimate areas, wearing tight underwear or bathing in a bathtub.

There is no mucus in vaginal dryness. Therefore, there is no such protective barrier and ideal conditions are created for the development of pathogenic bacteria. The consequence of this is recurrent inflammation of the vagina.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Vaginal dryness MUST be prevented

Vaginal dryness may not be a problem for the patient in her daily life; a woman may not even realize that her vagina is not properly moisturized. However, mucus deficiency is always a predisposing factor to recurring vaginal infections. Vaginal infection, on the other hand, is a precursor to infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, and even the abdominal cavity.

Out of simple discomfort, then, a serious illness can develop, requiring urgent medical intervention. For this reason, vaginal dryness must be prevented and treated when it occurs. And it is better to eliminate the risk in advance, because vaginal dryness is the gateway to other diseases that are difficult to treat later.

  1. It is an embarrassing ailment. Many patients do not admit it to the doctor

In the case of vaginal dryness or irritation of the mucous membranes of the intimate areas, we recommend a vegan lubricant for women, which is suitable for everyday use.

Hormones and hyaluronic acid in prophylaxis and treatment support

Vaginal dryness can be treated with causal drugs that replenish the hormone levels in the female body. A hormone in the hands of a doctor is a powerhouse, but its use can cause a number of complications and side effects – primarily in the form of cancer. For this reason, hormonal treatment – although undoubtedly effective – requires a sophisticated adjustment of the drug and systematic control examinations of the uterus and breasts. These are two organs whose health condition must be monitored on an ongoing basis using hormones.

The second method of dealing with vaginal dryness – more symptomatic and slightly causal – is by vaginally using low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Not necessarily every day, but at short intervals – initially every 2-3 days, then once a week. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid contained in the globule will moisturize and support the regeneration of the mucosa, which will result in increased mucus secretion. This prevents discomfort and protects against the risk of developing diseases resulting from vaginal dryness.

Small molecule hyaluronic acid – moisturizes and regenerates

The use of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is safe. It is the best-tolerated form of hyaluronic acid, with proven effectiveness in supporting tissue regeneration and healing of wounds and micro-injuries, which often occur with vaginal dryness. Due to strong hydration, it also makes the vaginal mucosa more flexible compared to other ingredients.

We recommend DermoXEN HYDRA moisturizing vaginal globules with hyaluronic acid in the composition. You can find them on Medonet Market.

You should pay close attention to the quality of the product containing hyaluronic acid – these should be preparations containing pure low molecular weight hyaluronic acid without the addition of parabens, preservatives and other ingredients, because even those of natural origin can lead to irritation or allergies.

Read also:

  1. “I will not go any more, because I will hear that I am letting go”. What do Polish women hear from gynecologists?
  2. What can we “improve” today in the gynecologist’s office?
  3. At the gynecologist she heard: «What do you need your baby for? You can’t do it »

The article comes from the campaign “It’s not talked about – embarrassing diseases” prepared by Warsaw Press, and the media partner of which is MedTvoiLokony. All materials can be found on

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